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Jedi War


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(((Ok ppl who in this thread is actually AT endor yet?)))


Apo got to the Academy but found it deserted. but then he relized"Why weren't Dark jedi all over us at the base?Why was this so easy?whats going on?"Then apo remembered the data he had"Oh no....they knew we were comeing this wasnt going to be that easy...Its all a plan..."Apo just searched the academy and found a data pad where he locked Ev'rem. Apo scaned it and read:"You pathetic Jedi will lose you academy.And we will fight you for winner takes all...On tantoieen"Apo just read and was surprised."Jedi vs. Sith...one ultimate battle to begin the war for it all...I have to inform everyone!"Apo began sending transmitions to every Jedi to return to the academy.

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((The battle of Fisher and Shade vs. Kimor was at the Hoth Academy hangar bay. After the space battle, Kilmor went to Courascant. Should I go to Yavin 4, Hoth, or Endor?))


Kilmor had just finished consulting with Yoda, and he was walking towards his ship, when he got a message on his comlink. He pulled out his comlink and a mini-figure of Apo popped up. He was in mid-sentence. "...Tatooine. Repeat, all Jedi report back to the Academy immediately! It's a matter of life and death." Then Apo's body turned to static and disappeared.

Kilmor got inot his ship thinking. What was wrong? What about Tatooine? Kilmor felt he was needed at the academy. He turned and blasted off.

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Shade had finally arrived back home. The house was only a ruin now, and to his surprise, he could still see the blaster marks in the walls. Here, he could regain his strength, and after that, he would kill. He would kill Zatch, and then the jedis, the ones that had lied to him...

Shade looked up and stared into the two suns of Tatooine.

He was home....

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Shade felt a presence in the force. It had been ages since he last felt the force... The power that was streaming through his body was intesifying, he was already more powerful than most jedi's.... He felt the jedi's gathering, only some kilomoters from his old home. He used the force to see them. How pathetic they were, all lining up. They didn't know the dark side...

Shade made a decision, he would join the battle. But not in a normal way. He would challenge one jedi at a time...

Shade concentrated his energy on one of the jedis, and sent a wave of anger towards him.

The jedi took the challenge, and moved away from the crowd, towards Shade.

Shade smiled, he started to move against the jedi. This was Shade, this was what he was made for. To be a Sith...

When the jedi was around a hundred meters from Shade, the jedi ignited his saber. Shade ignited one of his, letting the other one rest at his side.

They both broke into a run, with their sabers pointed at the other persons chests.


(((((((Me like.......)))))))))

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Kilmor was extremely surprised when he saw his opponent. So this was his first chance to face off with Shade again, considering that Shade had run during the battle at the hangar.


Kilmor pointed his lightsaber at Shade's chest and ran, like he was a jousting knight. Then they met, and the momentum of Sahde's attack sent Klmor flipping over his head. His lightsaber flew from his hand.


Looking embarrased and brushing himself off, Kilmor grabbed his lightsaber and charged again, thinking to himself, not a good way to start a battle...

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Shade quickly blocked Kilmors atacked, and then sent a shock off lightning, wich was absorbed by Kilmors saber.

Shade was surprised of how rusty he was, Kilmor was better than him. He had been away to long.... Shade atacked again.

He loved to fight, and to fight against a welltrained Jedi Knight, that was even better.

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Shade managed to get a good hit, knocking Kilmor saber out of his hand. Shade lunged at the saber, and managed to get it before Kilmor.

"So, you can choose to run, or to die....."

Suddenly, ten hooded jedis appeared out off thin air, sorrounding Kilmor and Shade.

One off them stepped forward, it was Zatch

"Good Shade... I see that you have obeyed the call....Now, strike him down!"

Shade stared at Zatch, then back at Kilmor, lying confused on the ground.

"No, you die before any other jedi."

Shade threw back the saber at Kilmor, ignited his second saber and atacked Zatch.

The battle was on again....

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Kilmor paused, glancing at Zatch and then Shade. In less than 5 seconds, he decided Zatch was more evil, afterall Shade had spared him. Kilmor attacked...


His lightsaber was a blur. In seconds three Dark Jedi were lying dead on the ground. Kilmor slammed into one, sending him into a cement wall and knocking him out. Then he turned to help Shade defeat Zatch. He blocked different blows that Shade failed to get to fast enough. Then the rest of the DArk Jedi came up from behind him and slammed him against the wall. They Gripped him until he dropped his lightsaber and fell to the ground, but he wasn't unconscious yet. They pushed him against the wall and pointed their lightsabers to his neck.

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(((((What cement wall? were in a desert..lol))))))))))

Shade turned around to see Kilmor, waiting to be killed. Zatch looked at Shade, then at Kilmor

"Shade, I give you one chance. You can't win against me. I will spare you if you kill this jedi."

Shade walked up to Kilmor and lifted his sword.

This was it, if he killed Kilmor, he would truly be a Sith....


Suddenly, he turned around, striking into Zatch. The blow missed, but cut Zatch leg. Zatch, surprised, took out his saber and rammed it into Shade, and then vanished along with the other dark jedis.

Shade fell to the ground, gasping for air.

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((We're on Tatooine..))


Kilmor chokes and tries to move, but his chest burns. He uses the Force to pull the lightsaber towards him, and then he staggers upright, only to feel dizzy and fall back down. He crawls over to Shade and looks at him. He hesitiates, not sure what to say. Apo is talking about something to the line of Jedi.


"Did we defeat him? I can't tell."


Kilmor coughs again and wipes the sweat of his head. His hair is a mess of sweat and dirt.

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((((Yeah, lol, guessed there was a wall somewhere near))))))

Shade heard Kilmors question, but couldn't answer. He knew that Zatch wasn't dead, he would be back in a few weeks, hungry for revenge. Shade tried to stand up, but only coughed up blooded. He fell on his back, and looked up at the sky.

He tried to inprint every sound, every emotion.....

Shade smiled, he hadn't killed Zatch, and failed everybody. Maybe death was the best option.




And then, darkness




((((((No, hes not dead yet.))))))))

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