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Best mission in the Jedi Knight Series


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Just a question that has been wandering my mind.

What is your most memorable/best mission that you remember in the WHOLE jk series. Im talking From Dark Forces to Jedi academy, which is it?


Mine is the 1st level in DF2: JK :D


P.S.-I put this topic in this forum since JKA is the latest install ment of the JK series

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Overall all of the missions of JK were pretty good, but I wouldn't consider any of them as the best in the series. The best in that game though has to be both Nar Shaddaa missions.


The best mission of the series has to be the MotS temple missions. The whole thing was freaky but all aspects of the maps were pretty awesome. It was a big, scary maze.


JA definitely had great missions. Yalara, Taspir, and Vjun were the best of all and probably are right under the MotS Temple maps.

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Best in series ... that is hard ... I can only spot highlights ...


- Dark Forces: Mission IV - The Imperial Research Faility

(also love the Arc Hammer mission)


- Jedi Knight: Probably the Valley Tower Ascent, though the Falling Ship is quite cool. So is Return to Sulon, and the Jedi's lightsaber, and ... well, it is just a pretty cool game.


- MotS: for the same reason I like the falling ship, I hate te 'destruct and escape' level. My faves are definitely the Sith Temple. Though MotS has lots of fun areas, too.


- JKII : I love the early levels - the hardest Dark Forces homage I could imagine. And, there's just something about the Yavin Training level that was - and is - a catharsis to me. From there on through the tension and excitement just builds - I like lots of Nar Shadda, lots of Bespin, bunches of Cairn, definitely Doomgiver, and absolutely love the final Yavin sections. I find that game builds to a true plot conclusion is one of the best ways I've played.


- JA: IMO, the most 'Star War-sy' of the bunch. The levels look like my view of many of the books, the enemies are awesome (esp. past T1), and the plot is decent - no revenge here, just a Jedi's duty to serve the cause of good (or evil ;) ). My fave ... that's still tough ... I'm only on my 3rd playthrough ...



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JK: The ending levels, AKA the ones where you fight the Dark Jedis, as they challenged you by leaving behind the level exploring & concentrating on duelling.


JK2: The Jedi Academy mission. Pairing up with Academy's students was fun, as was the fact you could push the Stormtroopers missiles back easily, causing general chaos.


JA: The Swoop Bike mission! (t2_trip). The moment it was over with I got online & dowloaded the JA Racing multiplayer game! The thrill was excellent, especially when you used your lightsaber to dislodge enemies!

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Originally posted by txa1265

- Jedi Knight: Probably the Valley Tower Ascent, though the Falling Ship is quite cool. So is Return to Sulon, and the Jedi's lightsaber, and ... well, it is just a pretty cool game.


I agree. I also like the Imperial Palace missions. Infact, I love all of JK's missions. I really have to reply it some time.

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I love JK2 the best out of all of them. Jedi Outcast was good but no real memorable levels to me. Jedi Academy was fun, a bit more memorable than Outcast but still waaay too linear - unlike JK2. DF2's designers need to work on the next one in the series. The Single Player portion of that game was absolutely brilliant. I loved MOTS just as much as JK.


I have to agree that the MoTS temple levels at the end were the best!!! Basically all of JK2 and MoTS were memorable. It was great times.


I never played DF though.

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I dont want to compare them, as in their day the older games were amazing......


Dark Forces : Level 1 - stealing the death star plans. Sorta like being a part of SW history. It was cool to relive it in the DFmod demo !!


JKI -- any level you after you got the saber ! Plus level 1 was cool - amazing intro cut scene



MoTs - I cant remember too much about this one - Except it was great to play as Jade ! One cool thing I remember is when Mara breaks through a glass ceiling/skylite and drops in on a hutt, very dramatic, very much like Mara !



JO -- although it was sorta easy, I really likes artus detention, running around the spiral staircase slicing stormies. I have recently imported this map into JA, dualing it with a saber staff is twice the fun.... also, desanns star destroyer, cant remember the maps name exactly, doom comm or somethin......


JA -- Hoth, Tatooine & Vjun for SW and EU nostalgia, Swoops were FUN !!!


Nice post ! Good to get the good vibes for a change !!



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Originally posted by Emon

Er, what? JO and JA's levels were equally linear, and I think we can all agree that the puzzles in the later parts of JO were absolute crap.

One thing with JKII - so much of it was one line in a cutscene or one scripted action from making sense.


For instance:

- No weapons to start: add to the cutscene after 'so much for the Blue Milk run', have Kyle say 'I guess we should have brought more than just a blaster'

- Nobody on Nar Shadda: Kyle standing there saying 'where is everyone ... hmmm this isn't good, it looks like Reelo has a lockdown on this part of the city.

- Empty Bespin: Lando in the cell (or the ship) says 'we have also gotten good at evacuating the city'

- Doom_Comm puzzle: have two imperials in a mini air car going from place to place, and get blown up as they try to blast you.


And so on ...


As for linearity ... I think that much of JA is less linear than much of JK ... when I played JK and MotS this summer they were quite linear, but much better than most other FPS. I am still awe-struck at the breathtaking 'Etch-a-Sketch' linearity of MohAA and (easpecially) SoFII ...



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For MotS, there weren't so much levels as "moments" that were fun, like the Tusken disguise, some of Kyle's and Mara's lines, etc.


IMHO the Sith Temple levels from MotS were just great. Sure they didn't let you use other weapons besides fists and saber/force, but the atmosphere was just the right amount of scariness and "ancient evil" chic to make it feel just right.


I really did sense the Dark Side around the place. ; )


JK had a lot of great levels, but the Falling Ship is definately one of my faves. I also loved Baron's Hed (protect the civies! find Max the Rabbit! Watch the drunken Grans having a barroom brawl!). The duels against Jerec and Boc were great too (love those parts of the Valley, very large and cool looking, with nice force effects).

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For JK, Gorc and Pic were great, along with the falling ship, and the valley level with the river.


JK2, Nar Shaddaa, but the best moment was the "What's the biggest starship you've ever ridden on?". That is still funny.


JA, probably the swoop bike just because everything else is just linear enough to blur together for me.

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My favorite?


The level in JK 1 where you fight sariss


The level in JK 1 where you fight sariss. Yun saves your life by blocking sariss' lightsaber but gets killed in the progress. You then have to force pull yun's saber and fight sariss with it.

I have never been killed in the level, probably thought I had an obligation to Yun for saving my life, and fought extra hard


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In Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, my favourite level(s) were the Sith\Jedi duels, especially the Sariss one, because you probably get a new lightsaber. :D


In Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast, I loved the Doomgiver missions. I have no idea why, but they were one of the best.


In Jedi Academy, I liked the Coruscant(Sp?) level, where you're supposed to capture that thug making assasin droids, or whatnot.

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i liked the JO cairn level that was so awsome the stormtroopers have big guns then there r heeps of reborn oh and sucking people out into space fun fun :D

most memorable moment is the "i donno" cutscene in JO after u bet tavion and then u fly off in her ship then lando talks to u

"kyle what r doing in that hauler?"

"heading to the lenico belt"

"lenico belt? that place is in the middle of nowhere"

"jan maybe alive"

"jans alive?"

"i donno maybe. listen u gotta go to tell luke that the valley of the jedi is being invaded"

"whats the valley got to do with this?"

"just tell him"

"ok but i got no idea whats happening. may the force be with u kyle"

"we'll see"

i found that kinda funny

i also like when in JA when uve just finished ur training and rosh leans on kyle shoulder and kyle brushes him off:p

alot of things r funny in JA how they sort of ask questions where u know the answer if uve played the previous JKs

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