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Star Wars/EU Fans : Did you notice this in JA(Location Spoiler) ??!!


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I was playing (SP) Vader's "Castle" for the umpteenth time, great level, plus some SW/EU goodies fans may have picked up :


*Being able to wander around in Vader's "Castle" firstly was FUN

*Seeing Vaders TIE in a state of repair,(hanging from the ceiling), with one of the wings being in a separate/adjacent room(IIRC)

*Vader's decapitated statue, just as an angry Luke Skywalker had left it.... not to mention Jaden's comment along the lines of "somebody didnt like vader..."

*The meditation chamber like the one seen in ESB.....


*What I noticed though, which struck me as peculiar after seeing it for the xth time, was the dismembered protocol droid in one of the rooms......It just reminded me of Anakin and his pride at building 3po in TPM, and also of the cool story from the comic book 'Tales' where Vader/Anakin happenned across 3po's parts(after theyd been blasted by a stormie) when on Cloud City.(ie during ESB)


*I wonder, if on one of those lonely, stormy castle nights, Vader/Anakin was feeling nostalgic and was feelin in the mood to build another droid friend.......


heres a pic.......







*goes off to sleep soundly, proud in his creation of a non "rant" post.....*

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

*Vader's decapitated statue, just as an angry Luke Skywalker had left it.... not to mention Jaden's comment along the lines of "somebody didnt like vader..."


There were some cool touches. Why would Luke decapitate the statue, I never got that in the game?

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CMon Crow, stop worrying about DG and pay attention to the game man ! (Actually Vjun does look excellent with DG on) :p


heres some screenies, showing the staue from near and afar








IIRC Luke destroyed the statue during his flirtation with the dark side in the Dark Empire comics.....



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There are a lot of protocol droids out there, and it could just be a protocol droid that looked like C-3PO. You would think that there was at least 1 droid that looked like him. Also i dont think Vader/Anakin would build another droid. He made 3PO to help his mother. He wouldn't have a reason to build another.

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Originally posted by Prime

Not to mention Vader was pure evil. Movie characters that are pure evil do not build protocol droids. It is a rule.


Howdy PRIME !

A guy who is pure evil wouldnt save his son from being murdered by his truly evil master...


ROTJ : (First level canon :p, just in case KURGAN pops in :p )

Luke : "I sense the good in you, the conflict...."




Anakin Skywalker (Vader Unmasked) : his *dying words*

"Luke....you were right about me, tell your sister, you were right...."


Whether or not Vader/Anakin would do such a thing is one of those messy debates you can get into at theforce.net..... :p

eg. when Vader stopped Fett from shooting at Chewie in the carbonite chamber(ESB) was this because he had recognised 3po..... hmmmm ? :confused:



I just think its cool Raven put the golden protocol droid in. Obviously, some of the devs are also fans in a deeper sense.....


Crow, i'm just foolin......but you ARE the Dynamic Crow :D




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originally posted by Astrotoy 7:

IIRC Luke destroyed the statue during his flirtation with the dark side in the Dark Empire comics.....


Oh, I thought the Disciples of Ragnos destroyed it. If they're sapping the Force away from everything, it's not too much of a stretch to think they also committed acts of vandalism. I've only read the Dark Empire II comic book, so I don't know that much about Luke's fight with the Dark side.


It's pretty cool that recent Star Wars games are incorporating EU "inside jokes." The mention of Corran Horn was a nice touch in JA. I'm renting Rebel Strike right now for the Gamecube, and there's a mission



where Luke rescues Imperial defector Tycho Celchu, a major character in the X-Wing series of novels.



It's a nice tribute to those who have read the EU books and at the same time not making it essential to know the background of EU characters or places for casual fans.

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Streen's name was also mentioned, I thought that was nifty.


That statue of vader was the shiznit.


btw: Vader/Anakin restored balance to the force, threw that old bum down the shaft, he wasn't pure evil, just confused, naive and power hungry.


"Absolute power corupts absolutely"

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Originally posted by ninja

there are more droids that look like 3po. in the new hope movie "part 4" in the begining you see one. i gotta watch the movies again but i could have sworn to see more.


yeah, protocol droids that look like 3po are very common in the SW universe. There is another protocol droid at the start of ANH as you mentioned(on Leia's Blockade Runner). Also, in TPM too theres a cool silver/chrome one at the start, called TC13(or 14?) with a female voice, which serves qui-gon and obi wan drinks....


In ESB, threepio sees one, which swears at him, right before he is fried by a stormie on cloud city.... In TPM there are also numerous parts of protocol droids like 3po in wattos shop.


I just like how the devs put that in there, as you are running around that level slicing cultists, you see it, stop and wonder for a sec, and then keep slicin.....



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Yeah, I caught that Astro. That plus all the references at the academy (there was even one to Corran!! Go Horn!!!) were the best part of the game. And the subtle EU references to stuff like the Massassi Temple (of the Blueleaf Cluster, methinks from the JA trilogy of books) and Ragnos himself was pretty sweet.

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Originally posted by Master_Keralys

Yeah, I caught that Astro. That plus all the references at the academy (there was even one to Corran!! Go Horn!!!) were the best part of the game. And the subtle EU references to stuff like the Massassi Temple (of the Blueleaf Cluster, methinks from the JA trilogy of books) and Ragnos himself was pretty sweet.


Yeah, that's what made the SP storyline component so cool....


But I gotta tell you all, I installed KOTOR at about 6pm - its 1pm and I havent stopped.......Ive never spent so much time in the SW universe being a character, rather than just flying or shooting.... Its about time Rpg made its way into the SW gaming universe.....


Whoa ! KOTOR ROX !



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