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the army called...


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i might enlist in the army reserve...they called while i was at work cause i sent in this thing... my parents are like freaking out, my dad yelled/asked me why they called. I was like 'umm i sent in that thing' lol when i got home i said 'today work was so boring' and my mom was like 'it won't be boring when they enlist you in the army right' lol they worry waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much about me! i've been thinking about joining for 2 months now, mostly because i get very bored with my current job, and i also get treated like crap even though i have NEVER argued with anybody...and i show up for work whenever i'm called. all that **** and i only get $6.16 an hour. alot of my money has been going into computer classes, and the one i wanted to take was cancelled til february. If I could work 3 jobs, a weekend a month at the reserve, have a full-time computer job, and have the same job i work at now, only working 3 weekends a month, that would be nice, cause i'd get quite a bit of money..

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Okay, where to start? :dozey:


I was in the Navy reserves myself, way way back in the late 80's. At the time, I was looking for my future...much like yourself. Add in the fact that a term of enlistment was family tradition and some vague feeling of responsibility toward my country, and I found my 'vive la resistance' self in uniform. Although a rebel at heart, keeping my mouth shut and following orders was something I was able to do in a reservist context.


However, today there are no reserves.


Rogue 15, if you enlist in the reserves today, you will be called up and sent overseas. You will find yourself in a war zone, a moving target in a green 'shoot me' outfit. Back in my day, the reserves were a halfway kind of enlistement for those of us who wanted to remain civilian while still fulfilling our civic obligation...but today we are at war. We don't have reserves, we have reinforcements.


Look. :DJoin if you want, especially if you feel strongly about current world problems and want to fight the war on terror. If I were your age nowadays, I would probably join because I do care how *things* turn out. But PLEASE PLEASE don't sign up because you're bored with your job...!


My $.02 worth. :max: Carry on.

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lol. it's not just being bored with my job...i just feel like i need to join, like it's some unescapable destiny, and good could come of it.


my mom asked me a few minutes ago why i was looking to join, she doesn't seem to have a problem that i am interested, she's just concerned about what basic training would do to me. I told her the army had computer jobs...she was like 'well, we'll see what you think after boot camp' hmm....


my dad, i dunno what he thinks about me getting enlisted. he seemed ticked off when he asked me why they called...I wonder if he'd take me to the recruitment center to take the test. lol

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My brother went to Ft. Knox, KY


He thought it was hard but very cool if you go in there with the right mind set for instance youll most likly go through "culture shock" you'll meet people from all over and alot of them might not even be American.


But all in all if you keep reminding your self that basic training is NOT how the army works once you get through basic you'll find the army to be like any other job if your an army regular its a 9am to 5 pm job, you wake up at 0600 do some P.T. go home sleep some more get up at 0800 and go to work, after that the day is yours.


In the reserves its a bit diffrent every weakend you go do your unit meeting and once a year you do training exercises, and with national guard you are there more frequently every weakend sometimes less but you do training exercises and M.O.S. training to be used in you state and if you live in NY york you might as well consider your self a full time solider because as we new yorkers know the national guard is being used as police in many areas this dosent mean youll be working as a solider all the time but it will take a good portion of your time this is not bad though not only will the government supplement your income but your civillian job will do the same.


it may be different for your state but thats what they do here in any case my brother recommends the millitary for anyone ...


In these times there is nothing that looks better to an employer that U.S. Army, marines, or what ever service you may chose to enter


[edit]Correction i got my brother to type all this, he just typed in 'my brother'[/edit]

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Oh, I forgot about the ASVAB. Not to worry, then...you're perfectly safe.


*(Waits for Rogue 15 to get it.)*


*(Runs away.)*




yeah i know what that is. it's the test u take and they show what u qualify for. one of my friends did that and he was about to join the marines, then he ended up failing his senior year at high school.

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

army is for chumps as clearly shown in the big army-navy game today.


Go Navy, Beat Army is right.


This is the VERY FIRST time that the space frog and I have had concurrent opinions. :dozey: Wow.


*(Sings drunkenly--)*


An-chors A-weigh, my boys

An-chors A-weigh!

Farewell to college joys,

We sail at break of day day day day...!

Through our last night on shore,

Drink to the foam!

Until we meet once more,

Here’s wishing you a happy voyage home!


Army is only for holding onto territory. Marines take it, and Navy gets them there. :D

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There's an interesting thing that happened to my uncle once. When he was 18, he decided to enlist in the navy because he thought it'd be cool to see the world and all that. But here's the interesting part. He went down to the local base and went to the Navy office to enlist, but the enlisting guy was on lunch break, so he asked somone what's going on, the person told him the enlisting man for the navy was out for lunch, and he asked him if he'd like to enlist in the Army. My uncle enlisted and did a quick domestic tour of duty and that was it.

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Well, if I had to kill someone (and yes, I do think that there are times when it is necessary to do so in self defense...or defense of another) I think it would be best to shoot them.




Clean in the head--destroy the organ perceiving the pain before it even happens, see? Much more humane than hacking someone to death with a big freaking knife...


Think about it. :dozey: I like swords as much as anyone, but using one one someone involves screaming, bleeding and all sorts of unpleasantness. Even cutting a head clean off is horribly macabre when you consider that the brain remains conscious for up to seventeen seconds after being severed.

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Maybe he just doesn't like guns because they can kill too quickly...? ;)


Quite honestly, if I had to pick a section of the armed forces to join, I'd pick the Airforce. If I was going to be blown up, I'd rather be flying while it happened. ;)


(Of course, that probably isn't how it would work at all, but hey, whoever said I was an expert :D)

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Rogue15 so you are going to join armed forces. I became lieutenant in reserve (Anti-tank Rocket Platoon commander). They say "Artillery is the God of war". It's true. But in Army they call Artillery officers "officers in white gloves" archly. Because they are working far away from the actual battles. I was lucky being in Anti-tank artillery "officers in dirty gloves" you will be the saver of infantry, and you certainly will not kill innocent people, since innocent people don't drive tank ;)

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Originally posted by Redwing

Maybe he just doesn't like guns because they can kill too quickly...? ;)

:D Exactly



But seriously I wouldn't kill anyone unless it was absolutely necessary to protect those close to me. But I don't see joining the armed forces as the same thing... It has to get REALLY personal for me to join them otherwise I can just watch other people join the army and go to some other country to fight some war.

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you should join the german bundeswehr..



we have to want to go to the army here in germany for 10 months ..


man that was boring fun.



the best day of the week was always friday .. fridays exactly at 1120 end of duty until monday 0700.

means i only had to go 6 hours by train then i was at home. means smoke what i get the whole weekend plus playing psx all the time.

then sundays take the last train possible back so that i was in my army-bed ca. 0300.. then duty from 0700 to 1630 and after that smoke what we could get and psxtime until 0200 .. and so on.


so i dont know what was harder, the weeks or the weekends.





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Originally posted by Redwing

Quite honestly, if I had to pick a section of the armed forces to join, I'd pick the Airforce. If I was going to be blown up, I'd rather be flying while it happened. ;)


More than likely you'd merely be gassed as you sat in your tent back at the base as one of the 20+ people that make that one pilot able to go out and fight.

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Ok, now that we've heard responses from the most civilian people in here, its time for some current military response, my self of course.


Bayonettes fit in that stabbing slashing category Lynk. Those bitches are sharp, good stabbin' fun. I had fun on the bayonet course, slashing and stabbing my way to the end.


90% of my job has been doing nothing at the moment, PMCS this, go over this. When they say training after Basic Training and AIT, its a joke.


Now if you take a computer job, that means you're gonna get shipped to Fort Gordon. Lemme know if you're gonna do that.


Depending on the state you are in, you could be sent to a current military base here and replace any troops that have been shipped over seas as a Reserve unit, once again depending on where you are, then again you could get shipped to Iraq at some point, you'd only be there about a year (you would then be sent home and replaced yourself if you did get sent). Or you could just be sitting on your ass through of most of your career, everything has to do with location and job.


and also, make sure anything the recruiter tells you is in writing.


I think I told ya most of this before, but im me if ya have any more questions.


and Basic Training isn't hard at all, no matter what some people say.

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The bayonets of today are more like combat knives that clip onto the end of the rifle, they remain secure, unless you unclip it of course. And fighting with the rifle then consists of buttstroke to the head, buttstroke to the groin, parries, slash (with the bayonet), and I forget what the last was called but its basically a forward thrust (stabbing action towards ooponent).


Good stuff.

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Originally posted by LukA_YJK

Rogue15 so you are going to join armed forces. I became lieutenant in reserve (Anti-tank Rocket Platoon commander). They say "Artillery is the God of war". It's true. But in Army they call Artillery officers "officers in white gloves" archly. Because they are working far away from the actual battles. I was lucky being in Anti-tank artillery "officers in dirty gloves" you will be the saver of infantry, and you certainly will not kill innocent people, since innocent people don't drive tank ;)


yeah i want to be in artillery.

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