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What's the Deal? (xbox ruined by honor already?!)


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Okay, so I log into xbox live to play some FFA last night. Everything seems to be going fine until I notice people start killing themselves and no one will fight. Then I get kicked out. I log back into the game because I thought maybe it was a glitch and the same thing happens. Then I go to another server and get kicked out of that one.


I think to myself, did I do something wrong? I just started playing the game a week ago, so maybe I'm not up on Jedi Academy FFA ettiquette, but doesn't FFA mean "Free For All?" Isn't that a direct implication for people to fight? I don't think I was being a jerk. I was getting killed quite a bit and I wasn't taking many cheap shots. Or at least I didn't mean to if I did.


Then I think, well maybe they are all friends and just want to play with each other. But then, why not make a private game?


So what's the deal? Are these people just lame? Do they get off on ganging up on the noob? Am I not good enough to be in their presence? Come on people. It's a game. Get over yourselves and let's play.


You wanna hang out and chat with your buddies, do AIM.

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honorz into Xbox live lmao


i never imagined it could reach that place....



ok lemme explain


Saber down=Dont attack people

Dont kill people while their chattin

Bow before duel


and guess what,

99% of server are like that,you got 2 choice

keep looking for a good server where evry1 is playing,or


buy a new game

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grokking, you did nothing wrong. You are playing the game the way the designers and the rules say it should be played. Don't let those people brainwash you. You are normal, they are the deviants (i.e. they are deviating away from the default [normal] rules of the game).


Unfortunately, there are a lot of deviants out there. Keep looking for a place to play, and don't get discouraged.

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Originally posted by Side


honorz into Xbox live lmao


i never imagined it could reach that place....



ok lemme explain


Saber down=Dont attack people

Dont kill people while their chattin

Bow before duel


and guess what,

99% of server are like that,you got 2 choice

keep looking for a good server where evry1 is playing,or


buy a new game


That's insane. Newsflash: We aren't really at a Jedi Academy folks. We're all sitting around our living rooms playing a GAME. I did run into a few servers where people aren't hung up on this honor thing. And for the record, I don't attack people who are unarmed or are just standing around. There's no fun in that. But, to have these extreme honor rules (kicking people off, or alienating them for disobeying some unwritten code of conduct) is just silly and ultimately un-fun. It means you're taking a video game waaaaay too seriously. Again, a VIDEO GAME.

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

grokking, you did nothing wrong. You are playing the game the way the designers and the rules say it should be played. Don't let those people brainwash you. You are normal, they are the deviants (i.e. they are deviating away from the default [normal] rules of the game).


Unfortunately, there are a lot of deviants out there. Keep looking for a place to play, and don't get discouraged.


Thanks, glad I'm not the only one. I do think a moderate amount of sportsman-like conduct is warranted in any game, but these people are extremists. It's really laughable when you think about it.

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Yikes, after reading more about this stuff I'm sorry I even posted this. You guys are probably sick of hearing about it. I'm really new to all this stuff, and I had no idea there were all those admin mods. So, if I want to host my own game do I need to use someone elses server? I just have a router hooked up to my mac and xbox live going through one of the ports. Can I host a game that way and have my own rules?


Thanks for any info and insight and please excuse my ignorance.

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Originally posted by grokking

Okay, so I log into xbox live to play some FFA last night. Everything seems to be going fine until I notice people start killing themselves and no one will fight. Then I get kicked out. I log back into the game because I thought maybe it was a glitch and the same thing happens. Then I go to another server and get kicked out of that one.


I think to myself, did I do something wrong? I just started playing the game a week ago, so maybe I'm not up on Jedi Academy FFA ettiquette, but doesn't FFA mean "Free For All?" Isn't that a direct implication for people to fight? I don't think I was being a jerk. I was getting killed quite a bit and I wasn't taking many cheap shots. Or at least I didn't mean to if I did.


Then I think, well maybe they are all friends and just want to play with each other. But then, why not make a private game?


So what's the deal? Are these people just lame? Do they get off on ganging up on the noob? Am I not good enough to be in their presence? Come on people. It's a game. Get over yourselves and let's play.


You wanna hang out and chat with your buddies, do AIM.

Sometimes I have to laugh to keep from crying...
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I played this a bit on Live (when I had an Xbox, I since got rid of it) and I would be on a duel server, then all of a sudden I got kicked. And I know I wasn't breaking any "rules", because A. it was a duel server and B. I've been playing JO/JA for ages now. But I tried a few more times to get on the server and got kicked each time. So it was either a Live issue or people being monkeys. Either way, the only thing to do is to go to another server. Eventually you'll find one that isn't having either technical or mental problems.

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thats y dont dont play FFA anymore

heeps of people abuse it like when using red stance they see ur attack coming and turn off their saber and go "WTF saber down = peace noob" so i just ignore them again and then there r those times where u do it accidently and then everyone calls u a lamer and u get kicked:rolleyes:


if someone has their saber down i dont attack same for if they r typing (exception for siege) but people dont really play on FFA anymore they just chat


i suggest u play CTF SIEGE or DUEL people wont kick u unless u blow up ur own teams mines etc

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

You have got to be kidding me. This **** is on the xbox?


What's next? Absuive admin mods on an XBox server?


So do most people play on PC? Are all the admin abuse stories I hear referring to that platform? Can people have their own servers with rules and mods through xbox live?

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Originally posted by grokking

So do most people play on PC? Are all the admin abuse stories I hear referring to that platform? Can people have their own servers with rules and mods through xbox live?


Yeah, most play on PC, and as far as I know you can't have mods on Live.

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Originally posted by g//plaZma

Yeah, most play on PC, and as far as I know you can't have mods on Live.


So when I connect to a game or host one, I'm just using some generic xbox live server somewhere?


Well at least no one can amlame me. Yet. That doesn't sound too nice.

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And I thought that sharing servers with PC players from an Xbox was bad. Might as well use that, since the honor stuff are already spread throughout the whole galaxy.


''It felt as a million of newbies were suddenly kicked and banned from honor servers, and then suddenly went quiet...''



Aye the deach schtar isch at its goodness aye sch sch

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Well to clarify, I figured out what the problem was. I didn't have my headset on when I entered the game, so I didn't hear the rules when the host told them. This host isn't really an extreme honor freak, the basic rule is that if two people are already dueling, just don't pile on. Wait until they are done.


Yeah, it's not a true FFA, but I can see the merits in this as well. Although I do think they went overboard by all killing themselves over and over again in protest.

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Originally posted by Prime

Like what?


If you're fighting with someone and having a good duel it can be annoying when someone else who's fresh steps in and kills either you or the other person. It all depends on how you want to play the game. You can either show skill on the saber and have a good fight one on one, or just care about getting as many kills as possible regardless of how you do it. Not saying one is more right or wrong than the other. Both ways can be fun.

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