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The Official RotS Spoiler Pictures Thread


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well if rumours are to be believed, he gets 'kidnapped' by dooku. anakin & obi-wan rescue him. anakin kills dooku and then they crash land on coruscant. after that palpatine makes anakin his personal bodyguard.

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Originally posted by Siv

well if rumours are to be believed, he gets 'kidnapped' by dooku. anakin & obi-wan rescue him. anakin kills dooku and then they crash land on coruscant. after that palpatine makes anakin his personal bodyguard.

thats what i heard
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Originally posted by Darth Straker

Perhaps he let's himself get kidnapped so that anakin can kill Dooku.



he doesn't let himself get kidnapped, he orders dooku to do it.

palaptine is in cahoots with dooku, as sidious. so the whole thing is a smokescreen.

so yes, its all a set-up so anakin kills dooku. also palpatine can then make anakin his personal bodyguard, so he can turn him to the darkside. plus it also shows the republic that palpatine isn't in league with dooku, even though he is.

its very clever.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I mouthed dropped in "awe" . I can't believe what the new Jedi Starfighters look like. I am so excited. The Emperor's Royal Guards and Blockade Runner pics made me want to scream for joy. I hope the Star Destroyers look as close to the original trilogy versions too.

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Does anyone have there Star Wars Insider #77 yet? I have heard some people got their issue. Strange the starwars.com has a ship date of July 22, 2004 and some people have it and it is July 17 or 18, 2004. I wonder if they shipped them to members early so they arrive before or on July 22, 2004.

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