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Boba Rhett

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I was sitting upstairs workng with my dad's computer while he was watching Jay Leno when Jay says, "Next up, Jim Caviezal!" My dad then said, "Hey, I went to college with a guy named Jim Caviezal. I think he lives in Washington somewhere now." A neat coincidence I thought, so I went back to what I was doing. A minute later Jim walks on stage and I hear my dad say, "My gosh, he looks just like him too!"


That peaked my interest so to imdb.com I did go. That confirmed everything. As it turns out, my dad went to college with Jim Caviezal's dad, Jim Caviezal.


I think that's kinda neat. :D

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Damn, I'm only the Son to Jay Leno......... Yeh, you beat me. :(



Thats kinda neat though. ^_^

? What are you talking about? :rolleyes:


And another thing.... my dad worked with Mark Summers (That guy on Double Dare and that cool Food Show, but i forgot its name) for a couple of days.... and Mark even rode in his car with him :D

Beat that!


And, my sisters old best friend was the great great great great.... grand daughter of Ulysses S. Grant, the guy who saved the Union and was the 18th president of the USA Heres Some More Info



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Originally posted by Tie 23

? What are you talking about? :rolleyes:


And another thing.... my dad worked with Mark Summers (That guy on Double Dare and that cool Food Show, but i forgot its name) for a couple of days.... and Mark even rode in his car with him :D

Beat that!


And, my sisters old best friend was the great great great great.... grand daughter of Ulysses S. Grant, the guy who saved the Union and was the 18th president of the USA Heres Some More Info




Food Unwrapped, I love that show. Mark Summers is a great host.

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i went to high school with a guy who's now the host of a reality tv restaurant show here in Oztralia. I hate those type of shows. However, one of the major sydney newspapers recently contacted me(and many others in that graduating year) asking if we'd like to do an interview about that guy....


Eric Bana(Hulk, Troy, Black Hawk Down) also went to that high school. Being older than me he was a few years ahead so I'm not going to say I know him. Even before he became more well known in Hollywood he had been a well known comedian/actor here in Oz...



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

i went to high school with a guy who's now the host of a reality tv restaurant show here in Oztralia. I hate those type of shows. However, one of the major sydney newspapers recently contacted me(and many others in that graduating year) asking if we'd like to do an interview about that guy....


Eric Bana(Hulk, Troy, Black Hawk Down) also went to that high school. Being older than me he was a few years ahead so I'm not going to say I know him. Even before he became more well known in Hollywood he had been a well known comedian/actor here in Oz...




My surname is Tang. Tang Dynasty was the Golden Age of China. Bwahwahwa, I feel so honoured. :D

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Originally posted by Link_Solo

Why do I keep seeing "bantha fodder"?



well done, you win the 'most off-topic post' award :thumbsup:




anyway, thats your user title, it will change the more you post.. once you get to 1000 you can put what you want there.


back on topic...


thats cool rhett



my dad went to school with cliff richard...



which is not cool

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