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Wtf Is This And Why Won't It Go Away


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I got something the other day that hijacked my browser and made certain words into links to ntsearch.com or something. It also wouldn't let me access certain sites (like LF). I did a bit of digging on google.com and came up with this:




I think someone mentioned it a few posts ago, actually. Anyway, download and run it - should get rid of the kind of stuff you specify above...

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Originally posted by joetheeskimo5

... get either Spybot or Adaware, but DON'T get both. They don't work well together, trust me.


Err... Huh?


I use both together all the time, as well as a couple of other spyware hunters/ preventers. It seems they compliment each other well... what one finds and kills seems to be the area the other is weak in, and vice versa.

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There is no way s&d and adaware are antagonists...BUT when one finds spyware it puts it in its quarentine folder in case you wish to backup. The other program detects the spyware in the quarentine and reports it, so if you want to backup you should look at what you're deleting

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Maybe this is your computer's way of telling you to stop looking at those dirty pictures on the internet.


I got a fiance for that stuff. Go get beat with a pipe or somethin:D

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