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Dye!!!..... some eggs.


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Well I had plans of my own...I was gonna buy this game I'm not mentioning because I'm sure none of you will recognize (ah hell, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX, that's the name of it) but thanks to Easter I can't buy it because shops here are closed so my plans are....none, stay here and do nothing at all :( thanks Easter.

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What's church? OOOH church..no not for me/us


Family (little family from my moms bro) came over like always, little tykes search for the chocolate eggs in our oversized garden, and just had a nice dinner..and the geek I am fled to make this post yjust for you

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I'm not entirely sure what I plan to do. I'll probably have to go to church, being since I'm a Catholic and all, but then again, I could just stay home and play a few rounds of JA on Kurgan's server. I might even take my dogs for a walk. Either that, or continue playing Metal Gear Solid until I've got all the unlockable items.


well i get to work since my employer doesn't recognize the holiday of easter :-(


Life is a harsh mistress, sometimes. Even for myself..... :(

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I went to church, came home, ate some chicken wings and potatoe wedges, came down here to the basement, and now I'm sitting right here using my new webcam (the thing is pretty fun to mess with ^_^), and listening to The Darkness. My family is probobly going to have a nice dinner in about 4 or 5 hours, and then I'll probobly enjoy the last day of my Easter break playing the Soldner: Secret Wars Beta Multiplayer demo, chatting, and listening to more of The Darkness.


Good fun. :)

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It was funny, my mom bought these sugar-free chocolates, and instead of sugar, it had this substitute called "Lactode."


Anyway, it was funny, on the back of the bag it said: Warning: Extreme dosage of Lactode may cause laxative effects.




I stopped eating the chocolates. =|

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Originally posted by legameboy

It was funny, my mom bought these sugar-free chocolates, and instead of sugar, it had this substitute called "Lactode."


Anyway, it was funny, on the back of the bag it said: Warning: Extreme dosage of Lactode may cause laxative effects.




I stopped eating the chocolates. =|


... you know what lactode is right? :indif:


Lactose (or, is it lactode.... lactade? We learned about that in the 7th grade....) would be a subsitute for milk, not sugar........ So basically, you got candy that has no milk OR sugar. ;)


And my Easter sucked. My scholl handed out report cards on Thursday, and it ruined my weekened, I still need to have my mom sign it. Also, the restaurant I went to sucked, and I didn't eat any of the food because it taste dlike crap. So, instead, I had bacon. The best part of the day is when I'm going to sleep. :rolleyes:


EDIT - BTW, Lactose (lactode/lactade?) is what lactose intolerant people drink instead of milk.


Damn it, now I have to go find a dictonary to get the correct spelling. -_-

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Originally posted by legameboy

Yeah I mean... how'd we go from: Crucifixion, Ressurection...


...to: Chocolate Bunny, Colored Eggs ^_^


How do you do that one? Lol. Even kids are going, "Rabbits don't lay eggs, what is this?!" :rolleyes:


Eggs - When eggs are cracked, it represents the tomb opening. It also represents life.


Bunnies - Bunnies are VERY fertile. They reproduce quickly, which means life. :)

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