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eBay Pirate


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I smell a pirate.


"Professionally produced Audio CDs" soundtrack of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=11047&item=8100163826


.. and then there is the Maniac Mansion cdrom and the Indy 3 cdroms. I would like for him to prove to me that Lucasfilm released Maniac Mansion or Indy 3 individually on cdrom.


Note the lack of "Original Release" that he puts in some of his other auctions, the other being more pirated games but I only care about Lucasarts.

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I've seen Fate of Atlantis Soundtracks on Ebay before. The last one was semi-professionally produced, but made by some now defunct fan site. I can't remember much about it, but this is probably the same one. If the guy bought that, or was given it (it was originally made as a prize to some competition, if I remember correctly) then he might genuinely believe its real. However, there was no commercially available soundtrack to Fate of Atlantis. It isn't impossible that there was a soundtrack, made for pre-release copies or something - like with the recent Loom CD. But I've never heard of it if so.


The Maniac Mansion CD is a complete mystery. I've never seen it sold separately on a CD before, but it wouldn't suprise me if it was re-released in some region on CD as a piracy deterrent, back when CD-RW drives were scarce and expensive. Indy Last Crusade has been released on CD, I think but never alone - with Fate of Atlantis, presumably.


As its the same seller, I have high suspicion. Interesting, though :) I'd like to see the "many extras" on the Maniac Mansion CD.

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That indiana Jones and the Last Crusade doesn't look like it was cut straight, it just doesn't seem straight imho.


Also, i haven't seen any mention of these cds in any Adventurer, while the Loom Audio CD was mentioned in a copy of the Adventurer.

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OK, I've e-mailed the seller about the soundtrack (of course showing interest). I hope he'll answer.


By the way, on that small image from the soundtrack CD next to the game CD there's one little detail that makes me think, that this is a fake... at least the cover of the soundtrack looks fake because of this:


On the game CD there's the little line at the bottom saying "A GRAPHIC ADVENTURE BY HAL BARWOOD". This looks like the real cover... though of course it might be a scan. Nevertheless, instead of that line, the soundtrack CD says "Original Adventure Game Soundtrack", BUT if you look closely, you see that the cover's background is missing underneath that line. So basically, the "A GRAPHIC ADVENTURE BY HAL BARWOOD" has been erased from the cover, and the new line has been put on top of that. But that wouldn't be necessary if the cover was professionally produced, since they would have had the clean artwork to work with. On the other hand this might mean, that the covers are fake, but the CD is not. But what kind of a sick bastard would do fake covers?? Uhm... well... OK... :cool:


By the way, I asked him about a scan of the soundtrack's backcover and a track listing. If it's the same as the one on my site, then it's fake, since that track listing was made by Highland Productions, back when they ripped the soundtrack with ScummRevisited.

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Originally posted by Laserschwert

By the way, I asked him about a scan of the soundtrack's backcover and a track listing. If it's the same as the one on my site, then it's fake, since that track listing was made by Highland Productions, back when they ripped the soundtrack with ScummRevisited.

Might also be downloadad from Draggor's Den or another site that made MP3s from the Highland midis.

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1) The CD case (or whatever it's called, the thingie where the CD is in) of the Indy 4 with soundtrack is fake too..


2) Indy 3 was released on CD afaik, and yes, with only ~3MB of data. But I don't think that's the case here, I'm sure he doesn't have that release.


3) The only EXTRA I can think of, would be the NES rom, or some MIDIs/MP3s of the theme... Surely nothing special.

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Originally posted by idi0t

1) The CD case (or whatever it's called, the thingie where the CD is in) of the Indy 4 with soundtrack is fake too..


2) Indy 3 was released on CD afaik, and yes, with only ~3MB of data. But I don't think that's the case here, I'm sure he doesn't have that release.


3) The only EXTRA I can think of, would be the NES rom, or some MIDIs/MP3s of the theme... Surely nothing special.

Indy 3 exists on cd in:


Amiga CDTV

White Label Double Pack

German Topshots


... and this one is none of these.


Since has has made the covers look real, does not mention cd-r and doesn't show the actual CD, I doubt eBay will stop the auctions unless Lucasarts directly asked them to.

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Originally posted by QueZTone

Saw this kind of stuff before. The guy was selling mi1 and 2 on cd-rom and he wouldnt show me any cds etc. Obvious pirate. Was afraid to keep bothering him cause i didnt want to become a victim :~

The seller ended the Maniac Mansion and Indy 3 auctions. I wonder if someone offered him payment outside of eBay and he knew it was wise to accept?
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