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I'm content. Besides, the good news is that the guidance councelors who screwed me up are the ones that are retiring this year, so they can't do this to anyone else.


I've found my role in life, too. It turns out I'm the systems mistress.




Besides, GED's aren't as good as High School Diplomas, are they?


I don't know how that works.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

They're basically the same thing. The only difference is that a handful of colleges don't accept ged diplomas but the percentage that does is over 96%.


we have equivalency diplomas here too, it all really depends on what you want to do, if you want to go to a top notch uni doing a certain type of course, then the equivalency might not be a good idea. If you just want to get into a standard stype of course in a standard tertiary institution, then theyre fine..... the idea of going to school for just one hour for a year is stupid and a remarkable waste of time.....


your guidance counsellor does seem to be on the ball though, and maybe came across one of your pics whilst netsurfing and is exacting a precise and deadly revenge !


secondly, Selene, there is no such thing as true freedom in our world, only a 'freedom of degrees'....... let me throw some words at you : job, marriage, kids, mortgage, debt.......... these are things that torment you once you leave school...


life sux, in degrees of course



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7




secondly, Selene, there is no such thing as true freedom in our world, only a 'freedom of degrees'....... let me throw some words at you : job, marriage, kids, mortgage, debt.......... these are things that torment you once you leave school...


life sux, in degrees of course





Why must you bring down my good mood?:(

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