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What does "Bantha Fodder" mean?

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Banthas eat Bantha fodder, meaning it is Bantha Food like hay for horses, now Bantha Poodoo is what comes out the other end! :D

My understanding as well.


Main Entry: fod·der

Pronunciation: 'fä-d&r

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fOdor; akin to Old High German fuotar food -- more at FOOD

1 : something fed to domestic animals; especially : coarse food for cattle, horses, or sheep

2 : inferior or readily available material used to supply a heavy demand <routine entertainment fodder> <fodder for tabloids>

- fodder transitive verb

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Banthas eat Bantha fodder, meaning it is Bantha Food like hay for horses, now Bantha Poodoo is what comes out the other end! :D

But ya'll are missing a point here, and that is "Bantha Poodoo" means "Bantha Fodder", as that's how it was translated into from Huttese. Jabba doesn't say Bantha Fodder, he says Bantha Poodoo. The subtitles says Bantha Fodder.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

But ya'll are missing a point here, and that is "Bantha Poodoo" means "Bantha Fodder", as that's how it was translated into from Huttese. Jabba doesn't say Bantha Fodder, he says Bantha Poodoo. The subtitles says Bantha Fodder.

Well, that's entirely possible, but until we see something more definitive, I'm sticking with Bantha Poodoo = nice-way-of-saying-Bantha-poop :D

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

watch the phantom menace also, when Sebulba says Bantha Poodoo to Anakin at the pod racer, it says fodder in the subtitles.


OK... just checked that one out and you are right again InsaneSith! :D


*Looks down at a Bantha Burger, now knowing what they really eat, and heads straight for the restroom...* :barf:

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Then again, this could be a case of the films contradicting the novelisations/comics. In which case the films take precedence...


Since the "poop" idea is really only supported in the non-film official materials (though it still seems a bit odd for somebody to yell "FOOD!" in traffic, but then a lot of curse words are used for things other than what they literally mean, so it's not THAT hard to imagine).


To a little kid who can't read, "POODOO" sounds like "poo" and "doo doo" which to kids mean "poop."


I didn't fall into that trap when I saw ROTJ for the first time, because my Dad was there to read the alien subtitles and explain what any words I didn't understand meant. Good ol' parents. ; )


Dangit...Somebody needs to get George on the Bat-Phone and get a clear answer!

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