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svösh's work in progress


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Originally posted by DarthMoeller

Sometimes I don't know how some of you guys make the stuff you do...;)


Heck, all the time for me...



I love seeing your work svösh because you are on the complete other end of the modding spectrum from what I know how to do.


And this dagger is sweet! You've earned the right to a high poly count, you poly-pincher.

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Originally posted by tk102

Heck, all the time for me...



I love seeing your work svösh because you are on the complete other end of the modding spectrum from what I know how to do.


And this dagger is sweet! You've earned the right to a high poly count, you poly-pincher.




very well said! i agree 100% cut loose man! make them upgrade :D

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Ever think the makers that be see mods like these and think "crap I should have thought of that"?


In this case they would. :D Svosh that is a SweeT SweeT dagger. You ARE the Weapons Master man you rule :thumbsup:


I give it a 5/5 dancing pink drunken' elephants :D


:elephant: :elephant: :elephant: :elephant: :elephant:


Keep up the KILLER work man ;)



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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the delay I was playing bloodrayne2 ;) getting my serial killer on :dev11:


Not to disappoint General Kenobi , but I put the dagger off a for a little bit, here it is 3/4 skinned in max http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p20741719.html Carved bone and metal mix.


I’ve been wanting to work on body mesh a bit more. So I decided to build something new

Torso design is still in concept stage, polycount ..don’t know :p but not over the top either.


The plan is to use the jedi cloak from jedi robes to retain the robe anims , and sion’s boots to flow with the design concept I had going for the model. Anyways here are the legs on the raw model http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p20741720.html

The Torso is in the works as is the overall model I will cut extra details in last ;) if I don’t just skin them on.



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Not to disappoint General Kenobi , but I put the dagger off a for a little bit, here it is 3/4 skinned in max http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p20741719.html Carved bone and metal mix.

Alright now Svosh :rolleyes: Slacker :D hee hee hee. That's kewl I understand how it is to be so busy all of the time. I've been "starting" on one here myself for over a month ;)


I do have a quick question though. So from what I'm getting your actually utilizing "sections" of models now to combine with others to create whole new models? If so that's fantastic man :D


I and others I'm sure will await patiently for our new Twilek Dagger :D So far your doing an excellent job as usual man. Keep up the good work :thumbsup:



General Kenobi

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Thanks folks :)


Yup, the reason I’m reusing the default cloak is so it will be animated


Sions boots are pretty bad a$$ looking and the Exile a former general wouldn’t wear robes in exil but also wouldn’t want to look like a push over ;)

The rest is from scratch, I’m building the torso at this moment.


@ DK By using the Jedi robes binary model’s when I compile in mdlops it will work. My only real concern is the apron bone of the padawan model, if need be I’ll use the master robe’s cloak and master robes binary models to compile with.


The dagger I’ll try to have out soon –ish ;)



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Yes the dagger will use a stun baton rigg. No new anims would just be a waist of time, we can’t add them. Besides I think the baton anim will make for a decent stab and slash motion.


Quick update torso roughed in http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p20780342.html hit the full size button to see it better


And an other view http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p20780343.html


It’s coming along ;)



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