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Tornados, Hail and Lightning, Oh My!

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by sabretooth

Ateast we can bear the heat, unlike... :rolleyes:


True, true, but tornados aren't really that common and I can barely breathe in Singapore's humid heat (it felt like I was drowning). Of course, this if coming from a Texan used to a 'dry' heat and even Vienna's summer humidity is too much on most days.

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Originally posted by Kale Jerre

You forgot to add that Singapore is bloody hot and bloody humid, though, so it all evens out in the end.


Yes but you just gotta get used to it, and you will be rewarded with the cool weather between November and December

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Cool storm that happened here on the 26th of october last year.

It was a good day :)

Please tell me that´s a mushroom cloud near your house!

Then I could say: Problem solved :p

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

This one rocks hard. It's a sattelite view of a snowstorm path from northeastern Oklahoma (lower left) up through Missouri into southern Illinois (upper right).




Hey! If you look real close, you can see me freezing in northeast Oklahoma in that picture!


Nice pics.

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It's bizzare that such calamaties of destruction are fascinated and even admired by ourselves. I look at the Hurricance Isabel pictures and Gonk's pictures, and they look eeirly...magnificient.


(mmm, on second thought, it's also eeirie that I'm using alot of big words..:p)

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