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Cantina 13: Rebellion [DISCUSSION THREAD]


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Kam Solusar *Checks spelling.* Yes thats right.


He was one of the first students at the Academy, he's probably about ten years older than Luke. He's described as a hard edged man and by the time of the NJO he is both Master of the Academy and a member of the Council.


As the the 3,000 Darksiders, well consider that Jedi multiply exponentially and that it really doesn't take very long to train a darksider. All you really have to do is teach them basic force abilities then turn them loose. So Agric has been collecting anyone with a chip on their shoulder.


As to Luke and Vader, may I point out he never tried to turn the Emperor to the light side, just his father.

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Absent members? Does that mean that they're part of the council, but not physically there for the meetings? Are they off somewhere else in the galaxy working on things? If so, that could be a good spot for my character... though she'd probably end up coming back... I'll take one of those if that's what it means.

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Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Homeworld: Born on Coruscant, lives on a planet known only as the W.atchtower. It is situated on the far edge of the Outer Rim.

Affiliation: Jedi


Appearance: 5' 5", 125 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes, light skin


Attire: Unlike most Jedi, Alyssa does not wear robes. Her clothing is a mixture of black and dark gray and does not restrict any movement.


Weapons: A single burnt orange lightsaber that she built. A single green saber that once belonged to her father. It was taken and given to a clone of Alyssa, but she has since retaken it.


Bio: When she was 15, Alyssa Renolin's parents were killed in what was thought to be an airbus accident on Coruscant. The same day, her brother, Rical was pushed off the lower observation deck of the building they lived in. This left Alyssa entirely alone in the galaxy. She had no family or friends.


That day was a full one for Alyssa. She was kidnapped when she went to the lower observation deck to explore, hoping she might find some explanation to her brother's death. When she awoke, she found that certain things had been done to her.


Her aging had been slowed down extremely and she had the ability to speed herself up to the point in which everything and everyone else appeared to be standing still or moving very slowly. Using these abilities, she escaped from the building she was in and by accident fell into an air taxi.


Cheif of State Leia Organa Solo and her husband Han Solo were in the taxi. At first, Han drew his blaster, thinking some crazy kid was attempting to kill his wife, but the misunderstanding was corrected and they took Alyssa back to her home. From there, she was taken to an orphanage, but Leia never forgot her.


During her time in the orphanage, Alyssa was allowed an hour each day to return to her parents' home and go other places, searching for the truth about her parents. During one of these times, she had a brief encounter with Luke Skywalker, who was visiting Leia at the time. He sensed how strong the Force was in her and attempted to follow. She ran from him, thinking he was one of the ones who captured her before.


After eluding Luke, Alyssa discovered that the crash taking the lives of her parents was not an accident. It was planned by the same men who killed her brother and took her captive. They were building an army of Force sensitive children. That day, Alyssa returned to the orphanage much later than her allotted hour and found that somebody was there to adopt her.


It was Han and Leia. Because of her age, they wanted to be sure she wanted them to adopt her. She agreed and they told her that, if she wanted to, she could stay in her old home. She refused this offer, but requested that she might go there whenever she pleased.


Alyssa Renolin Solo lived with Han and Leia until she was sixteen years old. Then, Luke came for another visit. After his visit, Alyssa left Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi by Luke Skywalker. Thus, she followed in the footsteps of her birthparents.


Alyssa's training was done by a rather unknown individual named Riebe Sothe.


Alyssa enters this story at the age of 30.



Ok, so I want to add Alyssa's former master as well.


Name: Riebe Sothe

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown (appears to be in her early twenties)

Homeworld: the

Affiliation: Jedi


Appearance: 5' 2", 115 pounds, black hair, bluish gray eyes, light skin.


Bio: Very little is known about Riebe Sothe. Not even Luke Skywalker knows of her past. When he is asked about her, he merely says, "What can I say? I know very little of her, just that she is older than I... perhaps even much older."


Riebe has been living with the Jedi since Skywalker created the Jedi Academy, but he became acquainted with her when fleeing Tatooine in the company of Ben Kenobi and Han Solo. Kenobi seemed to know more about Riebe than he would admit. Even after his death, Obi-Wan would only tell Luke, "It is for her to tell when she wishes. Treat her well... she is not one you want for an enemy."


Luke took his old mentor's advice and asked Riebe to become an instructor at the Jedi Academy. She agreed and began training her first student, Alyssa Renolin Solo. The two were inseperable from the start and remained so until Alyssa's training was complete. At this time, Riebe gave her personal fighter ship to Alyssa and left Yavin IV in one of the Academy's shuttles. She has been seen only rarely since.


Riebe Sothe is a small woman, but not to be taken lightly. She is very powerful and knows both sides of the Force like the back of her small hand. She has found everyday ways to use the Dark Side powers as well as damaging ways to use Light Side powers.


"Force lightning," she says, "when properly used can do anything from killing to welding to... well, toasting bread! Such power is not always to be used for evil."


She is currently on Coruscant, but is about to return to the W.atchtower. She, like many others, has been trying to rediscover her past... before what she calls 'the disruption'.




One final note: I'm not asking that Riebe be given a spot on the Council as well. Only Alyssa holds that because she is much more involved with the dealings of the Jedi... even if her homeworld is so far away.

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Not if you don't want to... they may have been separated.



For those of you who don't know what we're talking about, I once started a thread in Star Wars Roleplaying (in JediKnight Series) called "The Sith Hunters". Riebe was the leader of them, but (as the story goes in my head) they were killed off one by one. Riebe faked her death and disappeared.


These events took place long before our current story and will most likely be drawn out in bits and pieces in conversation with Riebe (and JM's char if he decides to put him in).


If you decide to use your char as well, please take note: The Sith Hunters are very old by now and would be reluctant to share their stories... they've been laughed at too many times when telling the story. As time goes on, you'll understand why.

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  • 3 weeks later...

((WTF? :D


*takes a drink* ;)


Now where the hell is Cracken...*goes hunting*


FYI, it would be GREAT if someone could go on AIM and remind Cracken to post...because my new job is eating up too much of my time for me to haunt AIM as often as I generally do :)))

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