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Cantina 13: Rebellion


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SSD Lucifer


Stormbaltz: What do you mean, surrender? We were duped by a clone of Lord Irvine who is NOW heading for the planet's surface.


*He calms*


We can't drop our shields in a combat situation, Admiral Tojo. That would leave us wide open to rebel attack.

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*Fused Irvine glances in the direction of Flax' fighter*


F. Irvine: Flax? How persistent of him...But does he really intend to attack at such a disadvantage?


*F. Irvine's eyes splinter into different colors as he raises his hands. Flax' X-Wing suddenly encounters turbulence, jerking it around and throwing it off course*

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((OOS: They're in-atmosphere? I hadn't realized))


*Fused Irvine looks downwards through the floor of the shuttle, mentally tracking Flax.


The turbulence increases, a chaotic storm in the Force building around Flax' craft. Random strips of metal on Flax' craft begin superheating or supercooling*

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((I'm gonna have to jump around time))

*Greer accepted Adrian and had him taken to the detention block. The Vilnovs had to stay on the ship so a leak of the upcoming invasion of corusant wouldn't be risked.


He and his group landed well on Corusant, then immidiately headed to the palace, opting to stay hidden rather than go on an all-out assault. They sniped all the guards remaining on the exterior of the palace before heading inside.


Inside they sneaked around, only killing those who discovered them, until they finally got to the security center, where they disabled the camera/sensor system, they headed back to the entrance, killing any guards they met, and there lay in wait for whatever backup, and anyone important, who came out. They noticed Cracken fighting the jedi outside, but ignored it for now.*

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"We're temporary visitors," Nom told Tarila when she complained of being held captive. "They'll let us go when they're done."


"We're still captives," Tarila snapped. Nom laughed.


"The most free of captives on this ship," he said. "We are free to come and go as we like so long as we do not leave this ship. Honestly, Tarila, what do you find to complain of?"


"We are being held against our will," she replied. Nom shrugged.


"One of the targets is here," he pointed out. Tarila's eyes widened for a moment, but then she shook her head.


"Greer has paid us to avoid him," she said. "Dare we go back on our word?"


"Return his money," Nom suggested. "Take the money for killing the man."


"Nom!" Tarila exclaimed, astonished at what her brother was saying. "Are you really thinking about this?"


"Of course not," Nom said, chuckling a little. "I should at least like to meet him, though."


"I doubt that, knowing what we are, Greer or Flax would agree to that," Tarila said, shaking her head. Nom shrugged.


"It can't hurt to ask," he pointed out.

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((OOS: BD, the Force storm is a side effect of the reality-altering powers he's using. All Sleeper powers combine the Force and a form of reality-altering magic. They can't be completely cancelled out using one or the other. And F. Irvine is certainly not a grey Jedi, he's full-on dark.))


*Fused Irvine breaks off his mental attack on Flax' craft, sensing the missiles.


Space around the shuttle alters. Loud popping sounds are heard, the noise of vacuums in the air being created and dissipated. One missile hits the telekinetic storm and swerves off. Another explodes immediately on 'contact'. The explosion is shunted off into about three different directions*


F. Irvine: *snapping to the pilot* Where are we, where is Reletha's palace?


Pilot: Sir, we're under atta---*He is cut off as F. Irvine chokes him. The unstable power draws blood from the poor man's neck*


F. Irvine: *releasing his mental grip* Where?


Pilot: *coughing* The palace…is just ahead…only a few klicks, sir…


F. Irvine: Good.

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Palace ENtrance


As you wish...... Jedi.


*As soon as he said this, Craccken once again winked out of existance, only to appear infront of the young warrior. He palmed the young man in the stomach, sneding him back, koncking the wind out of him. Knowing the Jedi would undoubtibly be only minorly annowed, Cracken focused his Sleeper powers, and bound the Jedi's feet to the ground. he quickly smirked, and once again, vanished into thin air.... Just then, the bond holding the Jedi down vanished.*


Imperial Palace


*Alysara raced through the foyer, dodging blaster fire and knocking back blaster bolts with her lightsaber. Reaching throuh the FOrce, she put out an imennse force wall, and shoved it against those guards who stood against her. they flew back, knocking many unconscious.


She ran up to the elevator. Out of order. Crap.


She looked for the stairs, and motioned for the rest to follow her up.


Cracken entered mear seconds after they began thier ascent, teleporting into the room. He admired his daughters handy-work, though was dissapointed they were not dead. Minor details. He looked up, and felt Reletha in the throne room. He concentrated, and with a bright white flash, dissapeared once again...


Coruscant Space


*In space. the war was going much differently. the Titan was under heavy fire, and was about to be disabled, and the fleet was starting to show wear. One Star Destroyer, on the brink of destruction, ran herself into a GOlan Defense platform, taking both out. Reletha's fleet was formidable indeed...*


Tojo: Under stood, Lucifer Transmitting IFF codes for Rebel and Imperial Ships, do not fire upon the Rebels. Engage targets of opporitunity.


*He shut down the comm, and looked to his fleet commander*


Tell the Fade to deactivate it's cloacking shield. Launch all strike craft and engage platform defenses.


*He also looked at his chronometer*

Launch a platoon to hold the Imperial Palace.


*A transport left the belly of the Executor and headed for the surface. Landing at the Palace Entrance, they began setting up a parimerter, enxcercling the entrance. *

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SSD Lucifer

*Stormbaltz smiles at the news*


Stormbaltz: Glad to be back sir.


*Addresses crew*


Red Alert! Target all enemy ships and begin launching fighters.






*Deac pops up and fires. Darktrooper 4 down*


Deac: Squad, advance!

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Skies Near the Imperial Palace


*Fused Irvine tracks Flax mentally through the durasteel walls of the shuttle. As Flax closes in, Fused Irvine holds out his hand like a weapon. The entire shuttle darkens, and black lightning crackles along the metal.


The section of the shuttle facing Flax explodes violently, shattered from the inside, shrapnel flying everywhere. Flax' X-Wing is caught in a hail of black lightning. In the center of the storm, an enormous black ball of tumbling, distorting energy hurtles towards Flax' craft*




Imperial Palace


*Starr stops dead in his tracks along the stairway, feeling the warp in reality that was Fused Irvine releasing his powers*


Starr: Alysara! Do you sense that?




Coruscant Underlevels


*Slythe had nearly dismantled the wall between the Blades and their goal - all without making a sound - when he is distracted by sensing the antics of Fused Irvine and Cracken*


Slythe: What is that?


*The five Blades stare round*


Gilian: Cracken...and...who?




Coruscant Underlevels, Renovated Living Structure


*Duncan draws his short sword as the four Blades approach him, keeping his crossbow in his right hand. It glimmers in the dim light, and the handle glows bright white in his hand.


The furry humanoids stay back, hesitant to attack seeing the quickly bisected bodies of the comrades now lying on the floor. Orion steps into the room after the Blades, bow ready*


Raschel: You could surrender, and maybe you'll keep all your limbs.


Duncan: Or you could surrender, and perhaps keep your lives. I am not the one who sought you out to quarrel.


Rwos: What about our first meeting, 'Duncan'? I felt pretty quarreled with back then.


Duncan: Those who traffick with demons and devils...


*Everyone in the room abruptly freezes, including Duncan, sensing Fused Irvine, and Cracken using their powers at full force*


Duncan: How interesting. That is the Sith ally of yours, whom you call Cracken, correct? Who is the other? His apprentice?

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Sky Above Coruscant


*Flax roles out left, avoiding the black energy by a considerable margin and continues to pummel the craft with laser fire, he aims for the now damaged rear and scores several direct hits on the engines.*


Iperial Palaca


*Once the bonds dissapear Jammes slips away into the Palace.*


((Much obliged.))


*At the same time as the Imperial Transports land 10 Assault Transports from the Allience' Storm Unit head in, the lower hatches open and commandos deccend on zip wires.*


Drago: Come on, lets move.


*The soldiers move into the Palace in teams of four, soon there is fierce fighting in the corridors of power.*




*Deac's group move foward, as they round a corner a heavy repeater opens up and everyone dives for cover.*

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((So he lied about not following? Tsk! :D))


Sky Near the Imperial Palace


*The shuttle descends downward, smoking and pieces flying off as the hapless pilot struggles to keep some sort of control. Fused Irvine, eyes flashing, whips his hands towards the oncoming laser bolts. They splinter into pieces and fly off in all directions, some shards nicking Flax' X-Wing.


Fused Irvine aims at Flax again. A burst of black energy streaks from his hands, distorting the air around him, and missing the X-Wing thanks to the off-balance motion of the injured shuttle. Fused Irvine sends more blasts of energy, one hitting directly on one wing of Flax' craft, punching through the ship's shields and ripping streaks through the metal of the S-foil and sending black lightning spidering across the surface of the ship*

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*Flax fights for control of his fighter, then Fused Ivrine rips through the s-foil punturing the fuel tank, in atmosphere the result is spectacular, the explosion tears through the wing, igniting the power cells and tearing the wing from the fighter, engine and all, the X-Wing enters an uncotrolled roll and plumets to the surface, finally detonating against a skyscaper. The explosion shatters the glass of the building and the remaining eight missiles ignite, ripping the building to shreds and killing hundreds of people as the building collapses, spaying debre and shrapnel in all directions.*

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*Deac ducks round the corner*




*Deac throws a grenade around the corner and waits for the explosion*




*Deac leads the troops down the stairs. A door marked "Laboratories" is blasted shut*


Deac: Cutters!

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((Damn you Cracken for making a name so hard to remember))

*Greer and co. finally catch up with Starr and Alysara*

Greer: Starr! I'm Jim Greer. We haven't met before. I'm with the Neo Republic. Listen: I think it's better if we team up for now. Reletha's bound to have a lot of guards with her. We can take care of them while you take care of her.

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Starr: *looking incredulously at Greer* I don't think that will be necessary...




*Fused Irvine grins at the spectacle.


Seconds later, his own shuttle crashes into the side of another unfortunate building and detonates in a fiery explosion*

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