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Quick And Easy Week


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What the hell?


Indeed. Starting next Monday (26th) [/url] - home of many Lucasarts-related tools including the ever-popular 'ScummVM Quick And Easy' will be having what we like to refer to as 'a bloody big update'.


Every single day next week we'll be releasing either an update to an existing tool or a completely new one. Game launchers, ScummVM tools, SCUMM hacking tools, completely useless thingumys, they'll all be there.


Make sure you visit or this thread all next week to see what’s going on.

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Mmmmmh, monday will be the 26th :)


But hey, if El BG decides it will be the 29th, so will it be ! After all, who are those morons who made up this "calendar" thing ? :D


I can't wait to discover what you have for us *craps his pants again*

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Day 1


EMI Launcher


A replacement launcher program for Escape for Monkey Island.


Its main features are:

  • Can run EMI in windowed mode
  • Can patch EMI to run in higher resolutions.
  • Can download and apply the official EMI patch
  • Looks much better than the original launcher and uses one of 18 random images as the main launcher logo. Thats enough eye candy for even the most rabid fanboy

Get it 'ere

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Day 2


EMI Background Viewer 1.1


A program that enables you to view and save the background images from Monkey Island 4 (Escape From Monkey Island). This was previously released as 'EMI Tile Viewer' in the forums. It works with the pc, ps2 and demo versions of EMI and also allows you to view/save the debug information that is contained in backgrounds.


New in this version:

  • Renamed program to 'EMI Background Viewer'
  • Made viewing, saving and mass-saving much, much faster
  • Fixed the flicker when an image loads
  • Changed the 'Save all' dialog

Get it 'ere

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Day 3


Resource File Creator/Dumper


A program that dumps the contents of .LAB files (Grim Fandango), .M4B files (EMI) and .BUN files (Full Throttle/The Dig). It can also create .LAB, .M4B and .BUN resource files. It's useful for editing the game files and then putting them back in the game like this.


New in this version:

  • Fixed problem when compiling .M4B files where 1st file in the bundle would be corrupt
  • Added drag and drop support! Just drag files out of the dump window to dump them or drag a resource file into the dump window to open it.
  • Added the ability to dump EMI files into subfolders (eg. props\anklet\anklet_stand.animb is dumped into a props\anklet folder as anklet_stand.animb)
  • Added check for existing/duplicate files, the program now asks if you want to overwrite existing files
  • Added ability to cancel dumps/compiles
  • Made the loading of resource files much faster


Get it 'ere

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Day 3 Bonus


The site's had a redesign. Many thanks to JBRAA.

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Ooooh, neat ! :)


Thank you bgbennyboy for the programs and JBRAA for the redesign (even though the site is not W3C-valid :D). It's funny, because I was thinking of how long the page was yesterday !


2 things :

-maybe use anchors when you link to the download page

-the screenshot is not here for the app of the day.

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Hmm, I miss you're page of everything, but I guess the new design will have the site live up to it's product.


Oh, and nice work on the Emi stuff. As of yet haven't tried the resource file creator and dumper, but I do think I may be able to make the game slightly more appealing.


Imagine, a load of people adding there own stuff, and then putting certain files opn the internet for others to try (or having their arses sued by LEC, but whatever)

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Day 4


Grim Fandango Launcher


A replacement launcher program for Grim Fandango


Its main features are:

  • Can run Grim Fandango from hard drive and to copy the required files to hd for you
  • Can run Grim Fandango in windowed mode
  • Automatically activates developer (debug) mode (the good_times registry key)
  • Provides a synopsis of debug features and debug keys
  • Checks for the Grim Fandango patch and if its not installed, lets you download it
  • Uses one of 18 random images as the main launcher logo


Get it 'ere

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Day 5


Index File Reader 1.2


Reads the information in SCUMM index files (the .000, .HE0, .LA0, 000.LFL files) and prints out their contents. Index files contain information such as room names, object names, script offsets etc. Index File Reader is therefore probably only of use to SCUMM hackers and the curious.

  • Changed layout and style of program
  • Fixed most of the Global Object problems
  • Changed layout and style of program (again)

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W00t, I beat Benny to posting this.

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Having said that....


Day 6


CMI Launcher 2.0


A replacement launcher program for The Curse Of Monkey Island.


This new version has lots of changes, It now looks much better, can run CMI from hard drive, can copy the required files to hard drive for you, can apply Serge's CMI debug patch, is 'themed' with the CMI font and cursor and is much more intuitive. Oh, and there's an 'lec hate-mode' easter egg in there too.


Basically I tried to think of anything that anyone could possibly want in a CMI Launcher and then added it.


New in this version:

  • Completely redesigned the program to make it look a lot better and to be much more intuitive
  • Added ability to run CMI from hard drive. This was present in the old versions but I deliberately left it undocumented and hidden, since there was a lot of CMI piracy at the time
  • Added the option to automatically copy the necessary files from cd to hd in order to enable CMI to be run from hard drive (previously you had to copy the files yourself)
  • Added the ability to apply/remove Serge's CMI debug patch
  • Added 'Close launcher on run' option
  • Added 'Running from' status at the bottom of the launcher, in order to quickly see if it is set to run CMI from cd or from hard drive
  • Added 'Options' button and menu
  • Improved error handling and instructions when directsound acceleration level cannot be detected
  • Renamed 'change' button, to the much more obvious 'Windows 2000/XP cutscene fix'
  • Removed redundant menu options such as installing directx and uninstalling CMI
  • Made the launcher look much, much better
  • Enabled the XP look for controls
  • Switched to the standard 'Quick and Easy' look and style (1-click tick/cross options etc.)
  • Switched to using the CMI font
  • Switched to using the CMI cursor
  • The menu image now randomly changes to any one of 6 alternate images when the launcher loads

Get it 'ere

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Day 7


ScummVM Quick And Easy 1.3.6


The popular ScummVM frontend.


New in this version:

  • Non-working game targets removed and new game targets added
  • Added support for compressing .SOU files (monster.sou), select 'Additional Tools' on the title bar menu to access it. Support for all the additional ScummVM tools (the stuff in the \ tools\ subfolder of ScummVM) should be complete in the next version
  • Added Loom Fm-Towns, Broken Sword 1 and Sam and Max Mac Demo Bootparams
  • Fixed - removal of trailing spaces from game paths
  • Fixed - reading internal filename of gzipped saved games


This isnt the big update for ScummVM Quick And Easy that I had planned, but I ran out of time. Consider this an intrim release, i'll be putting out a new one sometime in the next month hopefully. Here's what didnt make it into this release but *should* be in the next one:

  • A frontend for all the ScummVM tools (the ones in the tools subfolder), you can mp3 compress .sou files with the current version (look under 'additional tools'), but in the next one you'll be able to compress with Vorbis and Flac too as well as compress .SAN files, the FOTAQ datafile, the Simon the Sorceror 2 datafiles, decompile SCUMM scripts etc. Basically there'll be a mini-frontend for every extra ScummVM tool.

  • The ability to change the default options (eg whether aspect ratio correction is on or off by default)

  • The ability to schedule the download of ScummVM daily builds. ScummVM Q+E will hook into windows' scheduled tasks and automatically get a new build of ScummVM daily, weekly, whenever.

  • The ability to hide/show Humongous games in the game combo box

Get it 'ere

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