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I'm back.


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Nobody cares, but still...just letting you guys know. I got back from that camp today!!



Go here to read what I wrote a few days ago:




It's the second post.



I also got to launch rockets, and we went insane, attaching cardboard fins to rockets, shooting up the engines alone, attaching cardboard nose cones, broken nose cones, sticking gum in them, making the streamer get in the exhaust, and not having a rocket body...fun!!


I also got to fly an airplane, yes...actually fly it!! I didn't land or take-off...because I'd rather not somehow...not end up back here... :D


I also got to go to Plum Brook (spelling might have e after it) Station, which is a NASA station where everything that has gone into space has been tested, broken, redesigned, fixed, and retested!! It has ther biggest vacuum chamber in the world!! The other nine of the top ten vacuum chambers can fit inside it, with a lot of room to spare. This is in Sandusky, Ohio, U.S.A.


Yeah, well, ask me whatever you want to about the camp. So much more happened, but I am too lazy right now to type the rest up. I'm not in my Internet-Zone yet!! Just thought I'd let anyone who cared know.



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Details...still not in my Internet-Zone. I'll tell them soon.


Geeky watch dudes were there. And *gasp*, there was this hot chick that hugged me!! O.K., O.K., she didn't want to be hit by a snowball and was looking for cover (ice arena snow that was outside)...but, still...it felt good. :D



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