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I wrote this..


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Out of sheer boredom awhile ago. a very long while ago. and I just found it when I was going through Documents. reeead.







The Assault Of The Ducks




Ducks; bluntly they are evil, sadistic and deceiving. They may look cute and innocent, but they are warrior ducks…studying us for there future assault on mankind. The Ducklings may look small fuzzy and cute, but they are actually small Warrior ducks incubated in what we “think” are eggs. When in all facts they are biological enhancement tubes. As for those cute rubber duckies you all love so much….I would stay away from them if I were you. They are UDSC (Unmanned Duck Spy Crafts) These watch us in the bath mostly. Taking still photos of our naked bodies and sending them to the main duck headquarters, where scientist ducks study them…learning our weaknesses. Preparing for their pre-emptive assaults before the big duck push.


When the ducks do attack, we will be physically defenseless against them. We think they are “cute” they will approach us, we will throw them bread and whatever else they like. Then when we turn our back they will attack us and make us their Human duck slaves. We’ll end up serving ducks for the rest of our lives, We could try a revolution, or rebellion. But it would be pointless. They will over power us. They’ll probably peck our eyes out if we try anything.


The ducks Pre-emptive assault we’ll be something like this.. They ducks will all get into the prime position. They will go to all power plants in America. Form up and wait for the international signal in the ducks mental communications network. Then when the signal comes they will sacrifice the inferior ducks into the power core to destroy all power. Cutting off our defensive weapons, and rendering all of our electric powered things useless. The people of the world would be upset and angry. Looking to something for comfort. They would all see these cute ducks approaching us and feel a loving warmth. I mean, why wouldn’t you feel warm if a cute lil ducky came to you. But in all fact.. the lil freak is going to turn you into his personal slave.


After our defensive things are gone, they will just get us. There’s no stopping the duck invasion. They will overwhelm us. The USA, the country that’s been through SO much. Will fall.. To something as little as…Ducks…. Not many people know the true nature of the duck. They just raise them and breed them….how does that sound? Do you raise ducks? If so, you are breeding a massively over powered war machine that will take your freedom. How does that make you feel? Well anyways. I just thought the people of the world should know there imminent doom.

Thank You and…Good Luck…



Written by,

Joshua B. D. Osburne {Ice}

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

iceman87 has quacked :indif:











Everybody loves puns!


*stares blankly for about 5 minutes*...!


Quacked! I get it thats a great one!


*gets slapped in back of head*





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I wanted to write my bible once but i wasn't bored enough :p Also ther same kind of thing, paranoia about some animals...I'd write one where 'the saviour' writes everything down who will save us from the snails ( what we already know; they can hover,live in sewers (HQ), team-up with france, we need sheep)

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my gramma has abouty 50+ ducks and geese....about 5 turkeys....15+ cats and 2 dogs....and a husband(my grampa! yay!)


i had a stiry like this once but it was about monkeys... if i remember the last line of the story..i think it was


In the beginning we spanked the monkey but, in the end the monkies will spank us.


lol :p :p

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Originally posted by jebbers

my gramma has abouty 50+ ducks and geese....about 5 turkeys....15+ cats and 2 dogs....and a husband(my grampa! yay!)


i had a stiry like this once but it was about monkeys... if i remember the last line of the story..i think it was




lol :p :p


I know thats it Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, I dunno what "story" it's from though.

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Originally posted by ZBomber

I know thats it Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, I dunno what "story" it's from though.



its the story of my life.....a sad, lonesome, desperate life.....no i was thinking of it when i read about the ducks and it made me laff....

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