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Jaden - pre Jedi years


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Does any one know what Jaden was doing before Jedi Acadamy? Now before you start calling me things, let me just say that i haven't played the other games in the series or read any EU.


I rememer Jaden saying they found the light saber on a planet, but I don't know which, any one know? And what about before that? Like how was Jaden found for the accadamy? What was Jaden doing through out the rebellion? And so on and so forth

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We can notice you haven't palyed the other games in the series, because Jaden was introduced in JA...


Anyway, he lived on Coruscant, but he probably wasn't on Coruscant when he built his lightsaber. ('I found myself on...')

Maybe he did a lot of research on ancient Jedi on perhaps Dantooine, but that would make it less 'Imposible' for him to build a lightsaber without Jedi-training.


We also know he is very Talented with the force. He achieved Kyle's level in what seems to be weeks, while Kyle took the power of the Valley of the Jedi. The valley, i believe was a batlefield on wich the Jedi fought the Sith many years ago, and their Force-Power is still locked in that valley. Something like that. Anyway, Kyle took part of that power and became very, VERY powerful, and it is stragne that Jaden can reach that level, especially in such a short time. So this Force-Talent is probably what made him able to construct his Lightsaber...

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The game makes it clear that Jaden was a native of Coruscant and he built a lightsaber without any Jedi training, a seemingly impossible feat. Other than that, however, Jaden's past is shrouded in mystery, probably because Jaden, unlike Kyle, can be from either gender and several different species depending on how you configure your character.


What I would like to know is who recommended Jaden to the Academy. Luke was probably too busy training his students to go off and find Jaden. Perhaps Jaden ran across Kyle Katarn or Corran Horn, the Force sensitive pilot from Rogue Squadron. After all, a "Master Horn" is mentioned by Luke right before Jaden and Rosh meet Kyle for the first time. Or perhaps Jaden simply went on his/her own initiative to the Academy.


Originally posted by Doomgiver

We also know he is very Talented with the force. He achieved Kyle's level in what seems to be weeks, while Kyle took the power of the Valley of the Jedi.


Agreed, Jaden seems to have a phenomonal command over the Force, rivalling the Skywalkers and Kyle Katarn. Given the game's non-linear storyline, however, it's hard to tell how much time passes between each mission. It might be a few days, but it could also be several weeks or several months. I tend to believe the latter, just because becoming such a powerful Jedi in only a few weeks seems unrealistic, no matter how "gifted" you are. Anakin trained under Obi-Wan for over ten years, and he had more Force potential than Yoda! The only reason why Kyle became a Jedi so fast is because he used "Force steroids." (Valley of the Jedi);)

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Kyle Became a Jedi during his quest to stop Jerec from gaining the power of the Vally of the jedi. This took place in JK1DF2. In MOTS Kyle turns to the dark side and it Falls to Mara Jade to find and rescue Kyle. After Mots Kyle Severs himself from the force because of his darkside experience and returns to being a merc. In JKO/jk2 Kyle returns to the vally of the jeti to reconnect to the force after dessann appearantly kills Jan because he needs the force to take revenge on dessann and kill him. It is later revealed that jan was not killed after all and kyle rescues her from the doomgiver therefore purging the anger from his heart and truely returning to the path of the jedi. Kyle then defeats dessann and continues on his jedi path. This brings us to the jedi academy storyline. That's the JK synopsis in a nutshell. Jaden Constructs a Lightsaber without any jedi or force training what so ever. This is unpresented. What this means is that Jaden may have even more force potential then EP1/2/3 Aniken Skywalker/Kyle katarn/Luke. Given enough time Jaden may even surpass everybodyelse as a suprime Jedi. Only Time will tell, and perhaps a JK4. :)

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Originally posted by FreelancerMar

Kyle Became a Jedi during his quest to stop Jerec from gaining the power of the Vally of the jedi. This took place in JK1DF2. In MOTS Kyle turns to the dark side and it Falls to Mara Jade to find and rescue Kyle. After Mots Kyle Severs himself from the force because of his darkside experience and returns to being a merc. In JKO/jk2 Kyle returns to the vally of the jeti to reconnect to the force after dessann appearantly kills Jan because he needs the force to take revenge on dessann and kill him. It is later revealed that jan was not killed after all and kyle rescues her from the doomgiver therefore purging the anger from his heart and truely returning to the path of the jedi. Kyle then defeats dessann and continues on his jedi path. This brings us to the jedi academy storyline. That's the JK synopsis in a nutshell. Jaden Constructs a Lightsaber without any jedi or force training what so ever. This is unpresented. What this means is that Jaden may have even more force potential then EP1/2/3 Aniken Skywalker/Kyle katarn/Luke. Given enough time Jaden may even surpass everybodyelse as a suprime Jedi. Only Time will tell, and perhaps a JK4. :)

what time? jaden can't ever be stronger that luke skywalker or anakin skywalker. why? well... think in the movies...
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Personally I find the whole "an impossible feat" thing rather silly.


In a civilization as advanced as the Old Republic and the Empire, it would really be odd if only the Jedi (a small sect of 10,000 people) knew how to build one.


And how would that information be "lost" in just 20 years? Obviously Vader knew how to make lightsabers, and so did all of Palpatine's apprentices (or Palpy himself knew and made the sabers for him).


Plus in the EU we have all those "lost Jedi/Dark Jedi/Sith" who have sabers. Where did they get them anyway?


So our only choice (other than ignoring the "impossible feat" thing) is to assume that there must have been a massive crackdown on anyone building or distributing the plans to build lightsabers during the time of the Republic and then during the time of the Empire.


But then you'd think those records would be discovered and brought to light under the New Republic and building lightsabers would become as easy and well known as building any other piece of Star Wars technology.


Unless the NR continues to suppress information of lightsaber construction for reasons of its own.



Or we could interpret the "impossible feat" as that Jaden was a poor, technologically illiterate klutz, and it was "amazing" that he/she was able to put one together, using only a rubber band, a stick of gum, and a car battery (just like MacGuyver!).



Or are the writers of the story trying to imply that "the Force TOLD Jaden" how to build a lightsaber?


Akin to somebody with no technical experience, learning or training building a car by themselves.


Or did Jaden just hack into some old Jedi computers and read up on how to build one?


I mean after all, even in our high minded era of cloak and dagger anti-terrorism stuff, you can still easily find books on how to build nuclear weapons and homemade bombs, etc. on the internet or even in some libraries.


Sure, if you USE that material you'll be in big trouble in nearly all cases, but the stuff is out there. So why wouldn't there be "naughty" documents about how to build lightsabers floating around the holonet, waiting for somebody like Jaden to stumble upon them?


So I don't buy the notion that Jaden is some "chosen one" because he/she can build a lightsaber without Jedi training, but maybe it can be explained that way.

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We really know nothing definitive about Jaden's history prior to his journey to the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. What little we do know is of course confused because the game never really answers it and Jaden can be male or female of several different species.


Jaden Korr's building of a lightsaber would not have been all that remarkable. Though records on how to construct a lightsaber were certainly scarce (read I Jedi for how certain groups protected the info) it would have been possible to learn how to do it if one truly wished to do so. It wouldn't be something broadly published, per se, but it's entirely possible that the information could be found by those most interested in it.


However, just as important as obtaining the physical components to a lightsaber is the way a Jedi (or Dark Jedi) forges it together with the Force. It's not so much that he or she actually puts the parts together a a molecular level consciously - but over the centuries, a good technique that any Force user could do was created to do that very thing. Thus the Force forging of the lightsaber is very important in ensuring that it functions correctly and that it is efficient.


Now, in terms of Jaden's doing so prior to any formal training, this indicates that he had considerable aptitude with the Force to begin with. This is unsurprising; many recruits to the order displayed such talent: it had been imperative to their survival or some such similar situation. His training likely took several months - if not over a year, with the player just not witnessing all the time in between spent at the Academy.


Unfortunately, comparisons to training in the old Order are also shaky, given the different training methods used by the old and new Jedi Orders. The new order often completes formal training in only a few years, whereas in the old formal training was not completed until after around 20 years on average. Much of what Jedi in the new order learn to do, they learn on their own either before or after their formal training.

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Considering the level of technology in the Star Wars universe, I find it hard to believe that they can't setup a factory to crank out lightsabers using only machines.


While there's something to be said for individual craftsmanship (and with small numbers of Jedi and few conflicts perhaps that can be more easily accomplished), but factories are far more efficient and can have higher quality tolerances.


Do Younglings build their own lightsabers? Are there Jedi employed strictly to produce lightsabers for use by those who can't or don't build their own? By hand?


The only thing about the Jedi is that there are so few of them, in a Galactic Society, they're going to be pretty busy as keepers of the peace, so they don't have a lot of time to just sit around meditating and slowly piecing together their weapons which they need on every mission...


Romantic as the idea of hand making a lightsaber using the power of one's mind is, I think it's not unreasonable to assume that they can be factory made without too much trouble.

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Originally posted by Nalukai

well if he constructed the lightsaber himself he had to get to Illum to get the crystals for it in the Jedi Temple, because that is the only place those crystals grow unless it is a red crystal.


canon even contridics this, luke doesnt go to any temples to construct his saber between ESB and ROTJ

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Tru, and I forgot that the Illum Temple was destroyed by the Separatists in the Clone Wars, but how do we even know that Luke didn't go to the ruins for the crystals... we dont- all Vader says is' "I see you have constructed a new lightsaber, your training is complete."


my understanding is that the lightsaber is not constructed by hand but by precision of the Force- the saber itself is built around the crystal as it floats in front of the Jedi.

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Originally posted by Cheech Marin

Maybe Jaden just downloaded the instructions from Kazaa? To whoever said that it's crazy how Jaden can make mince meat out of the "hundreds of dark jedi", remember that the Cultists aren't really trained in the Force. They were empowered by the sceptre thing that Tavion had.

nah, cause he would download a porn movie instead of that, the force cannot help him with the fakes :D
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Originally posted by Nalukai

Tru, and I forgot that the Illum Temple was destroyed by the Separatists in the Clone Wars, but how do we even know that Luke didn't go to the ruins for the crystals... we dont- all Vader says is' "I see you have constructed a new lightsaber, your training is complete."


my understanding is that the lightsaber is not constructed by hand but by precision of the Force- the saber itself is built around the crystal as it floats in front of the Jedi.


Are you basing this on season 2 of the "Clone Wars" cartoon perchance? (I'm referring to that scene of the two female Jedi in the cave before Yoda shows up, on the snowy planet).


Again, I'd say look at Luke. He doesn't use the Force during the construction of his lightsaber (the one that lead to this whole debate about lightsaber construction being part of Jedi training, from Vader's quote in ROTJ) except to help him concentrate while he's working.


Akin to somebody using aspects of Zen meditation while they are working on their motorcycle or something...


That's how I understood it. Nothing at all about him using the Force to float the parts together or anything like that. Sources: ROTJ Radio Drama, ROTJ novel, Shadows of the Empire novelisation.


It seems this little bit about Luke using the force to help him stay focused while he works on a mechanical task has grown into a brainbug that it requires force ability to construct a lightsaber.


Which, even if we accept this, begs the question of why it is so amazing that Jaden can construct a lightsaber "with no Jedi training." After all, before a Jedi becomes a Jedi he/she has force sensitivity and may in fact have force ability! The Jedi don't accept non-sensitives who suddenly become sensitive upon being trained. The point of the training is just to enhance their abilities and indoctrinate them into Jedi philosophy so they won't use the Force for evil purposes (the Dark Side), etc.


Floating the pieces together would only require telekinesis, which all Jedi possess, but isn't anything magical in construction of machinery. After all, if levitation was required for lightsaber construction (doubtful), they have repulsorfields and tractorbeams that can duplicate the effects of telekinesis. This technology existed back in the Old Republic time as clearly demonstrated by the films.

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