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It's teh sex so far. Like a WWII version of Full Spectrum Warrior RTS. Awesome graphics and fo-shizzle. Ending of the second level was pretty cool, basically rape so many vehicles that pass by.


I have heard nothing but good things about that game since it came out on Tuesday. Lego Star Wars II is the shiznit, even if you think your too mature for little lego people, you HAVE to get it for the nostalgia effect if you are a true Star Wars nerd like me. The game is identical on both PSP and xbox formats. NHL '07 is good on the PSP, but sucks on the XBOX, which makes absolutely no damn sense what so ever. I might have to trade off my copy of NHL '07, NHL 2K6, and Gretzky 06, towards a copy of NHL 2K7, just to see if it's any better. I've spent enough damn money this week...

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I'll add her back in when the second season comes out/I find a better sig pic than my old one, until then, ZOMGTEHREI.


You also reminded me that I've yet to upgrade to RC1, any difference between RC1 and the last beta that was out?


She is cute. That is why she's called Rei Chan.


And I don't know about any differences. But it is pretty fast and stable. I have counter strike running on it, and am gonna try to install oblivion today.

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Lego Star Wars II is the shiznit, even if you think your too mature for little lego people, you HAVE to get it for the nostalgia effect if you are a true Star Wars nerd like me.


Yeah. I'd have to agree with you there. The game is absolutely awesome. I don't mind the Lego idea. But, the game is indeed awesome.


NHL '07 is good on the PSP, but sucks on the XBOX, which makes absolutely no damn sense what so ever. I might have to trade off my copy of NHL '07, NHL 2K6, and Gretzky 06, towards a copy of NHL 2K7, just to see if it's any better. I've spent enough damn money this week...


I was planning to buy it soon, mainly becuase I wanted to see if the gameplay is better than 2006. I also want to see how good the Oilers are and how fun it is to use Ovechkin and Crosby.


I also heard that NHL 07 was much better than 2K7. But, it may just be a biased opinion.

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I was planning to buy it soon, mainly becuase I wanted to see if the gameplay is better than 2006. I also want to see how good the Oilers are and how fun it is to use Ovechkin and Crosby.


I also heard that NHL 07 was much better than 2K7. But, it may just be a biased opinion.


I WAS excited about NHL'07 for the skill stick option, which for some dumb reason is absent from the regular xbox version. Soon i'll have to take the plunge into 360 madness. NHL '07 is a paint by the numbers affair. It's painfully obvious that no effort what so ever was put into this game. Menus and load times are good, graphics are good, but the controls are frustrating as all hell. I went through this with NHL '05. I picked up ESPN NHL 2K5 and there was just no comparison. I skipped NHL '06, and went streight to 2K6. I found that it was just a watered down version of 2K5 with updated rosters...and hardly played it. I'll probably get 2K7 tomorrow, because I ran out of time today. I too want the updated rosters and some of the new star players. Hockey is about the only sport I pay attention too at all. I used to play EA hockey games for years, but after the last 3, i'm giving up on EA. With all the damn money they make, they COULD have built a much more user freindly hockey game. Hopefully 2K7 will have a control scheme I can work with...

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Already better than EA's NHL 07. Graphically it's impressive, the ice looks amazing and the "oomph" sound you get when you poke check is to die for. It's not TERRIBLY different from 2K6, but it's been a year since I played that one, so I am really out of practice. My gripes bitch so far would be the controls. While it IS an easier scheme than the NHL 07, it still takes some time to get used too. But such is the case with pretty much all current, and next gen sports titles. Also the commentary is about as boring, as boring can be. EA has the upper hand when it comes to this. Nice thing about 2K7 though, is it has customizable soundtracks option, so I can shut off the commentary and have Ministry blairing in the backround. For the $20 it's the better buy. I'm convinced now that 2K DOES make the best Hockey games for your money.

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I'm one of those guys who don't like piercings. Makes me too nervous for some reason, like nails on a blackboard for me. Lip rings are one of the worst for me.

What I want to know is how much different does it feel when you talk, eat, kiss, etc, with a lip ring. Just curious.


Well first of all it didn't hurt. Trust me I was scared and a little shakey cause I didn't know what to expect but it was over with before I could feel anything. I can still talk normally no real change there. Eating for the first few days sucked cause I need a fork to eat everything with but now as its healing I can eat normally and I just move it to the side so it really doesn't make that much of a diffrence. As for kissing I haven't tried it yet since your not suppose to drink alcohol, smoke, or exchange bodily fluids for a month so that it can heal without getting infected. Only downside that I can see is that my lips are real dry. I felt more during my tattoos.


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Kissing with lip rings is a whole new experience... eating is not much different, besides when they get sticky, they annoy the hell out of you.

I used to have snake bites (studs on either sides of my bottom lip) I liked them but decided to take them out after a few years.


Im pretty sure my lips hurt less then any of my tattoos, and I have almost a complete sleeve and tattoos on my kneck and chest.

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I'm one of those guys who don't like piercings. Makes me too nervous for some reason, like nails on a blackboard for me. Lip rings are one of the worst for me.

What I want to know is how much different does it feel when you talk, eat, kiss, etc, with a lip ring. Just curious.


I don't either Chase. I guess that makes two of us. I usually just don't say anything because I have 4 tattoos, and some people feel the same thing about the ink. Oh well...

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