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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

unless you fought me ;)


just FYI...using any tracking weapons is considered very "noob" in avp2.


I'd believe it. Of course, I don't play online(people aggravate me to no extent when they know you can't do anything but threaten them with empty threats and all they do is talk ****), I prefer LAN.



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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

unless you fought me ;)


just FYI...using any tracking weapons is considered very "noob" in avp2.


This thread alone gave me the motivation to install AvP2 again played a few levels in SP, then went to MP. where i was accused of being a "Smart Gun Wh0re" so I said ok, and switched to pred, the light pred all the others Sux0r ;) and was acused of being a disk wh0re. i though. ok, fine. and switched to marine and used the Shotgun, which in turn, i still got the best score. and was cursed at called and a n00b. So I said, if i'm a n00b why am i winning with every weapon? which i was in turn kicked o_O


I hate online FPS MP games... people are so Hostile if they lose.. it's a GAME. pfft.

But i am glad to know I still have some skill, i've played AvP2 since it came out. and Stopped playing for about 6 months. today I just reinstalled it, and still whooped arse :)


anyways. AvP2 rocks. buy it.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

just FYI...using any tracking weapons is considered very "noob" in avp2.


You know what I hate? People who complain about anyone using a weapon that was part of the original game. Honestly, the developers put it in there for a reason, they play and play those games to balance them, and unless it's just the end all 1337 super rifle that had no right being put into that game, then I wish people would suck it up and deal with the fact that they got their asses kicked.



But....that's just me :)


phew ! I thought this post was to announce a sequel to the much shyte AvP movie....

You and me both :eek:

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haha, you would prob hate me then, since i was killer with pred and plasmacaster ;) in fact, im sure i was prob one of the reasons it was toned down after the mptest and before the game came out. me and my buddy worked as a team of two during the mptest and man, we could just mow down a server in teamdm ;)

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Shotgun noob? lol...okay.......stupid accusation.....


the only noobish weapons really are what people call "no skill" weapons. Smartgun, shoulder cannon, and pred pistol are the noob ones. Smartgun and Shoulder cannon requires no aiming...it has a built-in aimbot that RARELY ever misses. The disc is avoidable. The pred pistol is pretty lame due to it having 100% accuracy, 1 shot kills, PLUS an area of effect explosion that kills almost everything around the shot and STUNS any survivors for 5 seconds...meaning...it's a personal mini-nuke...that's spammable (imagine 10 nukes being fired at you)




but overall.....I don't care what weapon they use, I'll still find a way to slaughter them. I never complain about what weapon they use. If they wanna go cheap and skilless, they have every right to do so. I'm an alien...so I just jump around as they frantically try to kill me with their pred pistol spam until they are out of energy, then go in for a very easy kill.


Spammers = dead...muhahahaha!

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Nice insult there.


I'm stating the community views of the weapons, and my views of the weapons. Yes, tracking takes no skill, but there's no use complaining about it...just find another way to kill them.


Now, instead of accusing someone of "whining" when there was no whining at all, I highly advise you to never....ever attempt to start a flamewar again.

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