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Horrible, horrible movies


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I think you are being a bit harsh on Titanic. Admittedly a lot of it is melodramatic rubbish... but the sinking section was amazing on the big screen... which was after all the point of watching it.


Dune... i'm torn... the film is pretty rubbish, but there are a number of REALLY GOOD parts in there (performances, effects, set design) that had a big influence on other films. I've played dune games, read the books and watched the (better) mini-series.. but when i think of worms, ornithopters, shields, baron harkonen etc.. i always imagine it like in the movie. Wasn't it before star wars? that is a long time ago...


The exorcist... i watched with excitement when it came out and found deadly dull... but it was AMAZINGLY POWERFULL when it came out (people fainting, running from the cinema, etc..) so it is a bit unfair to judge it with modern eyes. I prefered part 3 though. :D (Possessed old people = freaky)


Blair Witch project.... I loved this film. I know it has become fashionable to bash it, and once you know all about it, or have seen it once there isn't a lot too it. (It maybe went on about 10 mins too long in the middle as well), but i thought it was one of the most disturbing horror films i had ever seen. It isn't "scary" in the jumpy way that most horror films, but it has a great sense of tension and increasing dread, and i loved the ending. Still, it is one of those films you either love or hate.


Oh, can i nominate Batman Forever (where they turned it from a cool film franchise into a toy series, with cardboard performances from Kilmer and Kidman, nipples on the at suit and a terrible car (and scene stealing carey). ).


Oh, and superman 4.... sigh.



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Blair Witch sucked, I couldn't stop laughing from it's idiocy, and crying because I wasted 7 dollars on it.


The Passion of Christ. The movie was alright, but it just bored me a lot. And I'm a big fan of mythology movies. I love Jason and the Argonauts and Hercules and all those kinds of movies, but this was just boring and too I dunno... :bored:


Seabiscuit, movie sucked plain and simple.

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all jaws movies except the first one, and i enjoyed pearl harbor so yeah, you know what was a terrible movie, but hella funny, big trouble in little china, the coolest enemy in the movie just gets so mad he blows up, hahah. anywho, hilary duff, well pretty much all teenage girls suck at acting so yeah.

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Captain America



Alien VS Predator

Freddy VS Jason

Matrix Revelations

Van Helsing

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Torque (LOL?)

You got Served (ROFL!)

2 Fast 2 Furious

Exorcist: The Beginning


oh and lets not forget these winners... Crossroads and a Cinderella Story

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There is a few "honorable mentions" that didn't make it to my top ten list.



From Dusk Till Dawn:


George Klooney, Harvey Keitell, Quentin Tarentino, Juliete Lewis, Salma Heyek.


Very big list of actors here. This movie starts out as a thought provoking thriller, as Klooney, and his sociopath brother, take a minister (Keitel) and his daughter (Juliette Lewis) hostage.


I don't remember why anymore, but the journey ends at a nudy bar in bumbletoe Texas/Mexico which is conviently inhabbited by Vampires.


What starts off as being an interesting character study, rapidly turns into a throw away shock slop horror flick of abysmal proportions. I could not run from the end of this movie fast enough, because I could not believe that Robert Rodriguez (Desparado, Spy Kids) directed this bale of rubbish. I still can't believe it.


American Beauty:


This film was supposed to make some sort of a statement about the American Dream, but I am either ignorant, or I missed the point. What I do know, is that it starts out with a knock out performance by Kevin Spacey, and then it ends making you want to jump off the nearest bridge wearing concrete slippers. One of the worst endings I have ever seen.




Cat people doing crazy cat things. This was the height of the throw away Steven King horror movies, a trend that lasted generations.


Death Becomes Her:


Meryl Streep, Isabella Rossellini, and Goldie Hawn team up for a three way cat fight. Streep and Hawn's ability to offset middle age, with the aid of a "magic potion" created by Isabella Rossellini, leaves the movie open for an impressive special effects extravaganza which is meant to sell the movie, but the movie sells short of anything remotely interesting or entertaining. The FX gags are spread way to thin, and the joke wears off very early in the film.


Clan of the Cave Bear:


Daryl Hannah, stars in this prehistoric neandrothal type movie, where for some ODD reason, looking ever like the life like barbie doll she really is.... strolls into a tribe of thick headed, underevolved looking cro-magnon people. After eventually getting into the tribe, the film becomes a half assed attempt at a battle of the sexes but in the end is devoid of anything.....dare I say "human". The story is told through about 90 minutes of closed captioned grunts and neosyllables. Although the DVD package features Hannah in full blown "Kabuki-esque" make up, don't expect a warrior film, expect an embarassing, attempt to capture the dawn of the civilazation. The end result will make you want to beat yourself over the head with a bone or a rock.

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Dusk til dawn rocks!!! it just seems there are a few people out there who don't get the joke...:D

The 2 disc special edition comes with a really cool feature length documentary called full tilt boogie which is one of the best on set documentaries for years.

(Yeah, i know what you mean though, cos desperado was so full of intelligent character study... :confused: )


American beauty was awesome too. As was Big Trouble, although again some people don't seem to get it. It was supposed to be a comedy, a "tribute" to the hong kong supernatural wirework movies such as Zu Warriors from the magic mountain.


ZU WARRIORS Undoubtedly one of the most famous and influential movies ever to come out of the industry, Zu Warriors is the original inspiration for John Carpenter's big-budget smash-hit Big Trouble in Little China, and director Ang Lee borrowed heavily to re-create the stylish visuals for his multi-oscar winning epic, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.


Director John Carpenter: I was always a fan of kung fu movies. I had seen Five Fingers of Death and the Bruce Lee movies in the Seventies. Zu (Warriors) gave me a lot of ideas with regard to depicting the nature of Chinese monsters and the supernatural.

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A few more I have thought of:




Took everything that was thought provoking, creative, and original about 2001 and basically threw it away. Ending up with a derivative, silly, confusing, and lame knock-off with a bunch of sub B-list actors.


All of the Star Trek movies except Khan and Undiscovered Country (and that one's borderline...)

Some of the worst sci-fi movies ever made (especially ST I, V and Generations. The rest are mostly just dull or silly.)

On paper even Khan shouldn't work; you have the 2 biggest overactors in history (Shatner and Montalban) facing off against each other in a rather unplausable revenge tale (if Khan's really so hyper-intellegent and he has the most powerful weapon in the universe, why doesn't he hold the Federation government hostage with it until they hand over Kirk to him as a ransom?!??) Yet the movie somehow remains light on it's feet.


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i'd agree with those ones.....



I watched a straight to video flic called "revenge of the rollerblade 7" or something that had a cover looking like a mad-max on rollerblades meets 7 samurai low budget exploitation flic... which i thought would be a laugh.


It was awful!!! and not in the good way i hoped. It made NO SENSE at all, was oddly attempting to be arty, and had fight scenes that (honestly) consisted of a guy doing a bad fight in slow motion, then them replaying that same fight (in its entirity, not just each move) at least twice with odd colour filters.... They must have added 30 minutes to the length of the film with these repeats. probably the worst film i have EVER seen.




Gone in 60 seconds (the remake, not the original)... i was really looking forward to this. A decent car chase movie, with nic cage who i like. It turned out to be dull as dishwater. Have only about 10 minutes of car chases total (if that, and all at the end) and end with the most stupid CGI jump ever made that just made everyone in the cinema laugh. What a disappointment.

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I should have put this in my top ten list, but it is so bad, I almost forgot about it.


The Ring:


The reason this movie is so bad, is that like The Blair Witch Project, it starts off on a really good premise before it all goes kaput.


Based on a Japenese film called "Ringu" , the plot revolves around the death of a teenage girl, and a mysterious video tape.

According to the myth, if you watch this tape, you will recieve a mysterious phone call, and the voice will tell you that you have 7 days to live. Is that cool or what? Even creepier, is the tape itself, which contains alot of strange images, which don't make a whole lot of sense when first viewed in sequence. I'm not going to spoil the plot, because it is not worth spoiling. To make a long story short, a girl investigates a distant realative's death, the teenage girl watched the tape. The girl watches the tape, get's the phone call, and starts seeing **** from the tape in her everyday life. Big whoop-de-doo.:rolleyes:


The ending was so bad, I stood up and laughed in hysterics. I almost wish I had died 7 days after watching that DVD, so that I would not have to remember seeing it. :o

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Originally posted by SeleneRayne

Blair Witch Project- WHY?


Jerky cameras making me wanna hurl, stupid whinny kids talking about being scared by little sticks assembled so nicely DUMB



One tiny little detail I left out of my para-review was that all of the kids in that forest were so damn stupid, that they really deserverd to die. What kind of tard looses a map, and then crosses the same stream twice?! If they were that lost, they should have followed the stream's current, it would eventually have to lead to some larger body of water right? And most larger bodies of water, have towns near them correct? Losers! I would have killed them myself by gouging they're eyes out with sticks, and smashing them with stones. :rolleyes:

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Groovy: From Dusk Till Dawn was also written by Quentin Tarantino.



Also: Just got dragged to go see New York Minute, the new olsen twins movie, DAMN IT GIRLS, THINK UP ANOTHER PLOT FOR ONCE! I mean for chrissakes, they've been doing the same movie for years, two twin girls, one's perfectly organized the other's a rebel, living with a single parent, have an adventure, find a boyfriend and learn that they need to be friends :rolleyes: GROW THE **** UP!

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

..... that all of the kids in that forest were so damn stupid...


Dont be too hard on those guys Grooves. I think one thing the movie was trying to get across was the effect of fear on peoples minds and their responses to it. What you said they should have done were of course the things they needed to do, but that sense of fear(whetever its cause, namely themselves or some evil that permeated the forest ?) started to cause them to act irrationally and bicker etc....those sods were doomed from the minute they stepped in the forest :(


A duo of movies I didnt hugely enjoy was Tomb Raider....especially TR 2 :( I am always really skeptical of game-movie tie-ins, and cant really think of such a movie that was really done well.... (there is hope for FF7 AC tho :) )



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Dont be too hard on those guys Grooves. I think one thing the movie was trying to get across was the effect of fear on peoples minds and their responses to it. What you said they should have done were of course the things they needed to do, but that sense of fear(whetever its cause, namely themselves or some evil that permeated the forest ?) started to cause them to act irrationally and bicker etc....those sods were doomed from the minute they stepped in the forest :(


A duo of movies I didnt hugely enjoy was Tomb Raider....especially TR 2 :( I am always really skeptical of game-movie tie-ins, and cant really think of such a movie that was really done well.... (there is hope for FF7 AC tho :) )



I think the secret for a game movie to succeed is to have the makers of the game DIRECTLY involved with the movie, and make it based on the game's story or something like that, which is what went wrong with the original FF movie. But FF7 AC could succeed cause it has the people from square making it, and it's based on the game,by which I mean it has the game's characters, it's in the same place the game took place, not in another universe

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

A duo of movies I didnt hugely enjoy was Tomb Raider....especially TR 2 :( I am always really skeptical of game-movie tie-ins, and cant really think of such a movie that was really done well.... (there is hope for FF7 AC tho :) )




Yep, Tomb Raider was pretty terrible. I didn't even attempt to see Tomb Radier: The Cradle of Life. Thing is, I actually had high hopes for that one. I was looking forward to Lara Croft picking up where Indy left off, but it was nothing like Indy, Hell it wasn't even as good at the game! :(

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Originally posted by SeleneRayne

Blair Witch Project- WHY?


Hmm, unique? innovative? scary? clever? menace? tension? great ending? hmmm you're right, can't see why i would like a film like that... need a film with more leather clad bullet-time uber vampires with guns... ;)


I had to drive home to my house on the edge of the forest at night after watching that film, and i was pretty freaked out as i walked in the dark from my car to the house with the wind whistling in the trees.




I haven't seen the american Ring, i was a bit dissapointed with Ringu (and Ringu 2) as i had been looking foreward to seeing them for ages and i think i had built up my expectations too high.


Ringu wasn't scary in the current "make em jump" style of western horror films, but Sadoka was possibly the scariest movie baddy of all time, it still freaks me out when i think of her. :eek:

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