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Revan Vs. Vader


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Well, with that being said lets go.


Post who you think kicks more ass, Revan or Vader, and why.


I think Revan.



Vader lost to his master (obi wan in Ep 3) and relied on machines to keep him alive from then on. His son kicks his ass, then Palpy fries him as he falls to the reactor core. He dies. He had no brains whatsoever - He could not lead a Empire fleet against the Rebel/Republic forces, he needed Palpatine. He was third in command, with both Sidious and Palpy surpassing him.


On the other hand, Revan survived when his Capital Ship was destroyed. He went on to either end the Sith thread or to reclaim his title as Dark Lord, something Vader was too weak to do. Revan was, at times, surrounded by Jedi/Dark jedi bodies, and Vader had to simply fight Luke. Revan had mastery of the Force, and all Vader could do was choke unarmed/un-force weilding beings. Revan was a master tactician - he could lead smaller forces to victory against much larger forces. Also, Revan was THE commander. No holograms or corrupt Emporers to command him, he did the commanding.

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In some ways this is an unfair comparison. A more accurate comparison would be Revan to Palpy/Vader to Malak. In both cases, the KotOR storyline pwnz IMHO.


Granted, Revan and Malak's roles are quasi reversed for much of the story, but at the point where both were Sith, Revan was the master (like Palpy) and Malak was the apprentice (like Vader).

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That's true achilles, I guess I overlooked that.


Anyways, its still a valid comparison IMO, as each were major characters and their affect overall storyline is very important, IE Revan was the reason Malak is so evil, as it was he who led him down that path, and Luke was created because of Vader.

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It is a bit unfair to compare Revan to Vader. Revan was a Sith LORD. Vader was a Sith APPRENTICE. I think if they fought, Revan would devastate Vader. But I think Vader could defeat Malak for sure. I think it would be interesting to see Revan fight Palpatine.


Though I think the massive blasts of Force Lightning from Palpatine might get to Revan in the end.

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1. you can absorb lightning with your lightsaber

2. force immunity would make palpys lightning seem like a toothpick poking revan. it took his entire bridge/ship to explode to wound revan...


also, i think its fair because they (Revan and Vader) were the two orchestraters of the Sith/Empire, the stories involving them were verrrrrry important. palpy and sidious worked almost behind the scenes, they did the planning, Vader did the fighting.

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First of all, Palpatine and Sidious are the same person, dangit. :xp:


Secondly, Vader would own him, no contest. It was still Anakin lost to Obi Wan. His power increased so much after the accident that he almost became an entire being altogether. "Vader", fueled by hate and pain. these things feed a dark jedi's power immensly. So much so that just by him being dark, that !!EPISODE III SPOILER AHEAD:

apparently no force sensitive beings were born between the time he became vader up until his redemption. In essense, he shut the force off.

Now, Luke was able to defeat Vader because he's just as powerful as vader is in the force and Luke began to go darkside when he was fighting vader there in ROTJ. Vader obeyed Palpy because he was his master and for the sith to survive, they put down strict rules saying there could only be to main guys. A master and an apprentice. This was to avoid warring. He could have defeated palpy, he just didn't because that's the way it works. :D

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Actually, Vader very much wanted to kill Palpatine, but he didn't think he could under his own power. He wanted to turn Luke to the Dark Side, so that they both could team up and kill Palpatine.


As for "shutting off the Force", where did you hear this? Vader whiped out most of the Jedi, but there where still a ton of Force Sensitives throughout the galaxy. And Vader didn't actually whipe out most Jedi...he and large masses of troops did.


As for Palpatine vs Revan...the lightning WOULD kill Revan. You can't block that much lightning with a lightsaber. And you couldn't absorb it. Yoda was very special, in that he had such amazingly vast knowledge of the Force, that he could absorb it.

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As for Palpatine vs Revan...the lightning WOULD kill Revan. You can't block that much lightning with a lightsaber. And you couldn't absorb it. Yoda was very special, in that he had such amazingly vast knowledge of the Force, that he could absorb it.
Revan is able to block the lightning with his lightsaber or force immunity hes stronger in the force and he wouldn't give Palpatine the chance to blast him with force lightning
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Palpatine’s lightning is far more powerful then Dooku's, and couldn't be blocked with a lightsaber. I doubt Revan is stronger in the force than Palpatine either. :p And just because absorb is in the game, doesn't mean he can use it. The game isn't 100% canon accurate for game play purposes. Force Absorb is an extremely rare ability.

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it depends on the fight.

in a lightsaber duel, vader would win rather easily. revan had to rely on force powers to have a rather serious edge in combat.


however, it is those powers that would make the fight interesting. revan had a large understanding of the force and could truely bend it to his will. :lightning:


one thing you are forgetting is that vader has large overall control not only of himself, but of his surroundings. this is exempified in tesb with the duel with luke. :lsduel:

that would probably give him the edge over revan. not to mention revan's mastery of the force could only go so far.


under my calculations, revan was barely a level 17 character just before malak tried to kill him. so, a level 17 sith lord vs darth vader??? i would have to say vader. i think prime hit it on the mark rather well, actually.


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Revan is ...stronger in the force.

Ya, what are you basing that on because remember the achient prophesy says that "One will be born stronger in the force than all others" or something like that. Plus, in Episode I, in the queen's ship on tatooine, Qui-Gon in response to Obi-Wan's question says "No, Yoda does not have that high of a Medi-Chlorine(sp) count, I do not think anyone ever has.

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Well, as Revan is a player character, the depth of his character really depends on the amount of roleplaying the player is capable of. IMO Vader is much more complicated person with more character development and stuff... Could be just because he's got six movies to manifest himself though...

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Originally posted by Adam G.

Plus, in Episode I, in the queen's ship on tatooine, Qui-Gon in response to Obi-Wan's question says "No, Yoda does not have that high of a Medi-Chlorine(sp) count, I do not think anyone ever has.


*Grumbles Incessantly At GL!*


Stupid midichlorian schlock!!!... what was George Lucas smoking, when he made that crap up??? :eyeraise:


:disaprove Oohh... I gotta have a lot of microscopic bugs in my system to use the Force... Oohh... I have a solid one-word explination for this George, and that word is STUPID!!! :(


If the so-called Force/Living Force is made up of and connects all living things, it surrounds us, it binds us... what are the stupid midichlorians for George???:fist:


[/End Rant]


I'm not ranting at you Adam G. just those stupid midichlorians! :D


Sorry about straying off-topic. :D


Back on-topic: Vader vs. Revan, sounds like a good time to call those Celebrity Deathmatch people doesn't it? :D

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ok here's my problem for me vader has been one of the coolest sith lords/bad guys ever for over 25yrs and here Revan comes along and I get to be him, and i'd like to think that i could beat vader


but i like them both


ahhhh plz dont make me choose


oh ok then its vader because even if revan cut off vaders arm palpy would elecricute revan and as revan isnt vaders son he would let palpy kill him


case closed lol :D

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Originally posted by TheRealJedidude

I have a new opinion, Revan couldn't kill Vader because he was the one who brought balance to the force so Vader would kill Revan.


umm dude i believe the vader vs revan question was rhetorical


episode 3 spoiler


in eps3 obi wan beats anikin in a lightsaber duel yet in eps4 vader (who we all know is anikin) beats obi wan


so just because he's prophesized to bring balance to the force doesn't mean he'll win all his fights

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