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How to not get blamed for you PC crashing


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For those of you who have pesky parents bothering you about crashing "thier" computer, I have made an easy to follow list of things to do in the case of a computer crashing(I'm a pro at this...unfortunately )


1. Just give them the look and ask how on earth you could have killed it


2. If they reply, "All that stuff you do!" say that stuff is designed to be PC friendly and if it killed the PC we should sue the makers.


3. If they hark on mods you have downloaded reply that the site(s) you download from have virus filtering and couldnt have done any harm to the PC


4. By then they should be weakened, so go in for the kill. Go on to state that millions of people on forums do the same stuff you do and that no harm ever be-fell them.


5. And the closer; offer to help fix the PC because of you knowledge you've gained when using it.


That should fix you up, it worked for me.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Hmmm, my strategy always went something more like this...


"I use my own computer, I didn't do anything to yours, you must have done something"




Me too. My dad got mad at me for downloading Firefox on that computer. He said "It slows down the computer" :rolleyes:

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Our computer (now mine) has only been screwed up once... my parents sent it off to get cleaned up and I was given a list of chores to do in order to avoid giving them my own money to pay for the work the guy did on it.


Anyways, my computer isn't connected to the internet any more, so I use my parents computer (the new one). It hasn't had a problem yet. (Then again, it is only 3 months old. The other one, the one that is now mine is 5 years old!

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Originally posted by Pal™

I've had to reformat my computer around 40 times in one year. Ya know what I do? Nothing, since it's my pc and I'm allowed to mess it up.


What OS is that now? :eek: I've had to reformat my PC many times with Windows 98 SE that I simply made a switch to XP, lol. And this is my PC, so anything I do is solely my responsibility and I don't have to worry about the complaints my brother is now going through. He's using the PC a lot now right next to the kitchen, so it'll be the same result, almost... Now if he would just pay attention to his mistakes... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by The Silent One

What OS is that now? :eek: I've had to reformat my PC many times with Windows 98 SE that I simply made a switch to XP, lol. And this is my PC, so anything I do is solely my responsibility and I don't have to worry about the complaints my brother is now going through. He's using the PC a lot now right next to the kitchen, so it'll be the same result, almost... Now if he would just pay attention to his mistakes... :rolleyes:


Sorry to bump thread but ah well.


I use Windows Xp professional. I want a Mac but I can't be bothered to buy all of that different crap you need for a mac.

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Macs suxors and deserve to be owned, but the computer i am using now is bugged up alot, alot of adware and spy ware and crap, crashes, but not too much, sometimes it pisses me off, but meh, i'd be using our other computer, but the power source over heated and shot sparks, my dad is working on getting another one, so i have to settle for this crap box for now.

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