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The Drug Debate


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Where do you guys stand on it?


I have a lot of feelings about this subject, but I want to hear what guys have to say first (something I realize as I type is that we've got a lot of people from different areas where the laws are different, so I 'm not sure how this will go.)

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Caffene is about my only vice. I don't smoke or drink, and I won't even take asprin if I can avoid it. I dislike the idea of changing my body chemistry and altering my conciousness. Just seems like a bad idea to me. I'm a control freak, and the prospect of being out of my mind on some chemical substance horrifies me to no end.


That being said: I think marijuana should be legalized in America for those of legal drinking age, and certainly for medical purposes. I have no wish to use it myself, but since everyone who wants it can pretty much already get it easily, we should at least be taxing it and regulating it.

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generally speaking, the problem is that people abuse things. they can't have one or two drinks, they have to get wasted. and that’s when the trouble starts. It's the same with drugs. i've had a spliff or two in my time, but thats it. however some people smoke a few spliffs and then they want to try something else. and before they know it they're addicted to some hard drug or another. a lot of my friends from school have gone that way, and its a real shame. some people don't know when to stop, and by the time they do its too late.

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It's misleading to say that hardcore drugs are addictive. Certainly things like Heroin are, but that's not going to appeal to the casual experimenter - I mean, who wants to stick a needle in their arm? I would say that the more common drugs (or at least ecstasy) aren't addictive, but rather you get addicted to the feeling they give you.


A club I spent a lot of time in last year was absolutely crammed with people on pills, and I have some experience in it. I've seen people take over 10 ecstasy in one night (the club does stay open until 7am) and before I saw this I thought that maybe 4 would be enough to kill you. Now I know a bit more about it, and it's pretty horrible because most of the tablets are filled with Ketamine (which tastes horrible) but they still give you a kick. A load of them have speed in them too, which just goes to show you never know what you're getting.


I know if there was a legal form of pure MDMA then I'd take a lot of it, because it produces an excellent feeling. But I also know that's not going to happen, and I understand that. As for hallucinogens (though, after about 6 E's you will start to see things) they're a lot more dangerous. When you see things that aren't there and stuff, you are in a bad place.

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Dude, alcohol is a drug. I hate how it is put into a separate catagory.


But then again, catagorization is an issue. I know I didn't help with how I started the thread, but there is so many different drugs that if you put alcohol in its own catagory, then put the different drugs in their own catagory as well.


My stance on this subject is varied. That's why I started the thread. I would tell all I feel about it right now if I had two hours. Anyway...let's keep hearing from you guys.

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well, i drink a lot of coffee (especially when i have a "programming run")... and i sometimes (like 3-4 times a year) i drink booze just for the hell of it (*shrug* i find it somewhat interesting...)...

but i would never do any "real" drugs (real in "s because alcohol is a drug but, well, i don't see it in another catagory... don't know...) and i would never smoke...




argl, it should be "i see it in another catagory"... it doesn't make seen the other way...

maybe i should read my postings before submitting it...

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Let me tell you about a person I've met. He was a drug user. He was actively involved in a gang rape. He's been to gaol - but only for using drugs, he's never been convicted of rape.


And then the fu_cking Greens and other whacked-out parties want to create safe-injecting rooms and not put these people in gaol. This man eventually got off drugs. And when he did he realized with disgust that it made him a rapist.


He told his wife, who subsequently separated, committed multiple affairs with other women (none lasted longer than 5 years), and finally divorced him. Both their children started using drugs at 12.


True story.

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> And when he did he realized with disgust that it made him a rapist.


That's bullshít. Drugs don't make you do anything. The only crimes related to drug use are the ones that people commit to get the money for the shít. When he raped someone it was because he wanted to do it. He used his addiction as an excuse.




more info on drugs

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So I suppose we can ignore statistics that show countries which allow citizens to carry firearms have higher homicide rates because "you can't blame the gun"? Nup, sorry - doesn't work like that.


It changes the nature of things. For instance, I could really hate a woman. All my mates might hate her too. But that's as far as it goes. But when we're intoxicated that hate is turned to aggression. To loathing after power...

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drugs lower people's inhibitions. so people do do things they wouldn't normally do. however they still have to want to do them in the first place.


except there is a lot of lsd/mushrooms in the game.. .. i doubt if you see things which arent there, it's not really about "wanting" anything anymore.


that's why i stay(ed) away from those kind of things.


ecstasy seems to have only one positive side i think: some girls get horny as if there would be no tomorrow. on the other hand i've seen many "relationships" going downhill because of that. and it makes incredibly DUMB. not to speak for the risks of liver/kidney harms and changings in your brain.


the same goes speed/amphetamines. also, the p.e.n.i.s. shrinks to nothing while it's "active" :dozey:


cocaine is way to expensive but for a long night it seems to be the best option for me. also because you can take a really good sleep after all, not like a three nights nightmare afer one night with speed. but in fact cocaine is on a certain level not the best "club-drug" because people just get on your nerves. especially if the club is pumped because dj hell is in town .. ;D


anyways, i dont mind taking a spliff instead of a beer, in fact i'd prefer the spliff since i dont really like the "alcohol-trip". there was a time when i smoked every day but those are long gone by..


so the best party i ever had was like a giant spliff/martini/line loop, one of those private events with house/pool/playstation/turntables flair ^___^;;;;;;


but remember .. a good party is not about the drugs..


and dont be stupid and do it on a regular basis.

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Originally posted by Puphlicus

So I suppose we can ignore statistics that show countries which allow citizens to carry firearms have higher homicide rates because "you can't blame the gun"? Nup, sorry - doesn't work like that.

1. What's your point?

2. Care to back up your claimed statistics?


I happen to side with Michael Moore in his resume that the amount of guns or the laws concerning them have little to do with homicide rates.


In the German town of Erfurt a (supposedly) single student killed 16 people with firearms. Compare that to Columbine's 13 fatalities. Germany has quite strict gun control.

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My feelings on drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol is an interesting issue, in that, my initial thought on them is that they are bad, wrong, and I am very skeptical of any teenager who abuses them. Again, I also agree alcohol is a drug, but I do put in a seperate category because I think being specific is important. However, these feelings I have really tend to change and go with the flow, however to this day I've never used drugs or been drunk (actually, one time I was a little tipsy, but that was because my parents overestimated how much liquor I could hold...my parents are wine and liquor afficionados but are very opposed to drug abuse and excessive drinking, so i've grown up around it and comfortable with it). Anyway, most, if not all, of my friends drink and smoke weed, and most 'occasionally' smoke cigarettes. I remain one of the three or four upper-classmen in my highschool who do not use at least one of the afore-mentioned drug. Alcohol is the most widely used drug in my school. Surprisingly, a fair amount of freshman and sophomores don't do these things, which was certainly not the case last year or the year before that. Anyway. I've seen my best friend grow to fall in love with weed, get drunk off his ass constantly, and, while away at military school, become addicted to cocaine. When he was caught with a considerable amount of vodka and coke in his system, he was expelled and sent home. He said he only did coke once, but later confessed that he did it multiple times almost every day for about five months. He started living with his grandparents just for a week or so, and went through withdrawl there. He said he was sweating sticky yellow liquid. Yum.


This, along with horrifying stories of my unbearibly alcoholic grandfather whom I never knew, has solidified my opinion on alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. However, since most of my friends do abuse drugs, I've become a lot more tolerant of them. In fact, almost 100% tolerant, because I realize they aren't anywhere near the same category as my best friend or my grandfather. They are drinking, getting stoned, and smoking because they're teenagers and they like it and they want to. There's a problem with that when you get addicted or when it becomes an obsession, other than that, as long as you're careful, it's fine.


Caffeine is an entirely different story. I have loads of it in Diet Coke and especially Coffee, but would never take it in pill-form. I don't honestly view it as 'drug use' or 'drug abuse' if you're drinking it in coffee or a soda or whatever. If you're popping pills to stay awake, that's one thing, if you're drinking coffee so you can do your homework, that's another. I think, and mind you I'm sixteen so I'm still very jejune, it's a lot harder for caffeine to become a problem or even be abused than it is for alcohol, weed, or hard drugs to be a problem.


I don't know anything about 'in-between' drugs like esctacy, cause there's not a lot of that here, as far as I know. Esctacy is all New Jersey, heh.

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drugs=big no-no, i'd never do them. and even if i somehow got into drugs, it would probably only be cigarettes, b/c you can't die from that. well, lung cancer, but...yeah.


alcohol=who cares, as long as you don't get drunk as hell and kill yourself. i personally don't care if someone drinks alcohol, i think alcohol is fine, as long as you can keep control of yourself. and as long as you don't drink and drive. you know, it's really ironic, b/c i would say that it would be fine if a guy had a beer and his bac was still below .08, for him to go and drive. but then, if a friend of mine was hit and got killed by that guy after he had been drinking his beer, and even if his bac was only at .01, i wouldn't say "oh, it was just an accident even though you were drinking a beer", i'd blame him for being drunk, although, if you want to be technical about it, he wasn't. so...the whole thing is messed up. but for the most part, i say who cares if you drank some wine or a beer or wadeva.

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Well, most as all the others here I think that alcohol should be considered a drug. But outlawing drugs is another issue. Alcohol can be very harmful to your body.


I do sometimes drink beer or wine, but very rarely. Every now and then I buy a case of wheat beer, but that lasts like half a year. Cause unlike caffeine which I don't register at all, alcohol does have an effect on me. I don't get drunk easily, but I get tired. So the only time I do drink at all would be on weekends and then I consider either drinking a beer and going to bed early or staying up till tomorrow playing games/watching TV/'coding'. Then I drink a Coke.


I do sometimes smoke small cigars. But that's the same as with alc. I tried ciggies, but you can't really compare them with Moods. Small cigars taste good and everybody likes the smell of their smoke. Of course they are more expensive, too.

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