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How Clean is Your House?


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Do you not get message behind the toon?


He has exceoted the condition of his surroundings, and defined it as "fairly clean", rather then clean up the mess in quesion, he defines it as such, and is content with it as such. Somebody like me, a known "clean freak" would have cleaned it first, and then defined it as "very clean", yet he is accepting his surroundings as they are, and definining it for what it is, rather than what it could be.


This is deep man. Feral is a prophet for the next century. I am telling you, as he as telling you how it is.



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<offtopic rant>

Originally posted by DrMcCoy

doing the admin-stuff

OMFG!! I've wasted over 4 hours yesterday and 2+ hours today (Saturday) on a fúcking server that didn't want to start anymore. The HD surface scan showed no faults. I used an undelete tool and it found a lot of files. Didn't really have a way to copy the files back (never undelete to the same drive) so I wanted to re-install the OS (Win NT). Loaded SCSI drivers and all: "no hard discs found". Then lightning struck: can it be that the cable from the server to the drive case isn't connected???

No, you think? Because the undelete program found all the data... But that's what it was. My colleague must have touched it when he was unplugging a power cable...


Argh! I hate this fúcking crap from the last millennium!</offtopic rant>


Nice flash, feral!

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Originally posted by Alien426

Argh! I hate this <bleep>ing crap from the last millennium!


no it rocks. and you know it. all the stuff from the time where overclocking by 10 MHz actually increased performance so it could be measured without stupid benchmark numbers is great!


.. but nothing sucks more then the sound of the error beep sequence from a scsi raid controller.. :)





and seriously, you two are nerds. ;P

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