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pc or xbox


pc or xbox  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. pc or xbox

    • I have kotor on pc
    • I have kotor on xbox
    • I am going to buy TSL on pc
    • I am going to buy TSL on xbox

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I have Knights for my Xbox and are going to get TSL on Xbox too. What's best of PC or consoles can be discussed but I think it's pretty obvious that Xbox is the best console. Ok, maybe PS2 has more games but now there's hundreds of games for Xbox too and a lot of great exclusives like KOTOR(obviously), Halo, Project Gotham Racing 2, Ninja Gaiden, COR: Escape From Butcher Bay, Moto GP 2, SC: Pandora Tomorrow, Fable and a lot others. Plus FPS and racing games is better on Xbox because of the R and L triggers and the more precise joystick.

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i totally agree, although i have all 3 consoles mainly for the exclusive star wars games i beleive that xbox is the best out of them because they have little games but the ones the have are amazing, mainly kotor, when i first played kotor and landed on taris i just looked at the screen for 30 mins drooling at the graphics of it and it made me appreciate what lucas and bioware had done for us, brought us our own personal playground that we cannot get enough of and i just hope obsidian can do the the same although i have complete faith in them as i should judging on the screenshots.


back to the games issue i do find ps2 have a lot of games which is ok, but most of them are quite rubbish and lacking rpgs, yes i know that final fantasy is famous but that doesn't make it good and i am sorry if there is any final fantasy players out there but i felt like i was watching a movie rather than playing a game. It lacks choice and all you do is follow a set path and compared to the fighting in kotor it is old, turn based combat is for pokemon on the gameboy, i do know that kotor is slightly turn based but it is much more involving and it does all of the turn based things behind the scenes nd this makes it seem like you are choosing your own path, which in fact it turns out you are.

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There's another one that is much like Final Fantasy, but it's for the gameboy. That one also lacks choice, mostly you can pick a yes or a no, but if you say the evil one, somebody else takes over and sais you have to help or something along those lines, and you get the very same question and choices again, and again. and personally I think turn-based fighting always stinks. I just can't remember the name of that one (lucky me)

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ok console wars


i have a pc a ps2 and a xbox


i have games for each and i have come to prefer certain games on certain formats


pc - i prefer fps i.e unreal tournament jedi knight jed academy


ps2 - works well action adventure i.e blood omen 2, soul reaver 2, prince of persia sands of time, devil may cry


xbox - i'm not to sure yet but here are some games i've enjoyed on it halo, thirteen


and i have played kotor on the pc and xbox and i'll probably do the same for tsl



which is the better console i hear you ask ps2 or xbox and my honest answer with my many years of wisdom is 'the one you own' everyone insists that the console they own is the best they will go on about how many games you can get for it the quality of the graphics and sound


and i'm sure that someone at some point did think that their jaguar console was pretty nifty when the only good game for it was doom :confused:



EDIT p.s. i nearly forgot there is a certain modder on these forums who dearly loved his pong machine


did you know redhawke that you can actualy bid for those on ebay:D

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Looking at the skewed poll results (PC:16, Xbox: 4, as of this post) you can just feel all the wonderful love for the Xbox can't you everyone?




yeah i've had to hug and console my xbox letting it know that i still love it no matter what the poll says lol:D

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i hear what your saying allegy and i totally agree with you. I have all three consoles and a pc though and i think that statistically the xbox excells with graphics and framerate, obviouslly no above pc level. Although many ps2 owners may disagree because they are in love with them but it is true and above the xbox is the Lord vader of computers, the pc.

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Originally posted by JediConsularAD

i hear what your saying allegy and i totally agree with you. I have all three consoles and a pc though and i think that statistically the xbox excells with graphics and framerate, obviouslly no above pc level. Although many ps2 owners may disagree because they are in love with them but it is true and above the xbox is the Lord vader of computers, the pc.


hey man i agree


but to be honest the line i used that the best console is the one you own stems from being fed up of hearing about console wars and which one is the best since the lovely nes and sega master system


and weren't those pong machines great:D

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consoles are great, but PC's are better, better resolution, capability, graphics(like editing the setings of sound, and graphics), harder controls with the keyboard though, but better varitey, have a mouse, mod, and thats about it. Pc's rock

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  • 3 weeks later...

I voted for X-Box and PC.


1) I'm an adult with both the internet (duh) and an X-box. I don't want to take up space on my crappy computer with a game I may not like. I know I'm going to like this game.


2) I'm going to get it 2 months early and you are not. Deal with it. I'm not going to get patches for X-box or mods- you are.


3) ^^^^ That's why I'm going to buy both. I like mods and would love to mod my own.


4) The ps2 is old and obsolite. It has nothing on the X-box. A few crappy games more?! The only good games on ps2 are also on X-box and others.


5) Not knowing what memory or sound card I need prior to buing a game is not a problem when I can buy it on a console.


6) I can't get all the cool side quest mods on my X-box. Box haters like Redhawke are some of my favorite modders and it bothers me that you are sooo jealous of X-boxers because we get it early!!! Are you willing to get an unfinished product early or get quality on time?!


7) Take a frikkin' pill already, JEZZ!!

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ok Urcksr as i have already stated my views on console wars and xbox/console vs pc i really cant be bothered to say it all over again no offence so instead i've quoted myself


Originally posted by Aleggy

ok console wars


i have a pc a ps2 and a xbox


i have games for each and i have come to prefer certain games on certain formats


pc - i prefer fps i.e unreal tournament jedi knight jed academy


ps2 - works well action adventure i.e blood omen 2, soul reaver 2, prince of persia sands of time, devil may cry


xbox - i'm not to sure yet but here are some games i've enjoyed on it halo, thirteen


and i have played kotor on the pc and xbox and i'll probably do the same for tsl



which is the better console i hear you ask ps2 or xbox and my honest answer with my many years of wisdom is 'the one you own' everyone insists that the console they own is the best they will go on about how many games you can get for it the quality of the graphics and sound


and i'm sure that someone at some point did think that their jaguar console was pretty nifty when the only good game for it was doom :confused:



EDIT p.s. i nearly forgot there is a certain modder on these forums who dearly loved his pong machine


did you know redhawke that you can actualy bid for those on ebay:D


p.s. wether your a fan of xbox or ps2 or even a game cube they are not considered obsolite until people stop making games for them :D


and according to our dearly beloved RedHawke the pong machine pawns all :thmbup1:

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Originally posted by JediConsularAD

i dunno why ppl complain that they think using the mouse and keyboard is too awkward

Especially when they could play the whole game through just the mouse, if they were so inclined. To each their own, I guess.


& yes, pong pwnz, but the original PittFall pwnz that.



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Originally posted by FiEND_138

& yes, pong pwnz, but the original PittFall pwnz that.

Is that the one where you swing over the crocodiles?


[Ajunta Pall] I have forgotten... so long in the dark! [/Ajunta Pall]


If that is PittFall, then yeah, that one was pretty good! :D

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