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oh grow up


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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

Tie 23, your conduct is becominging quite a hassle here at lfn. You have been warned in the past for posts similar to this. a temp ban may be in order.

well, I've been talking to Pie on MSN, I just see as it as a life style now.

meh.... Ive always liked the look, just not the attitude of goth people.


sorry guys :)







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Originally posted by TiE 23

well, I've been talking to Pie on MSN, I just see as it as a life style now.

meh.... Ive always liked the look, just not the attitude of goth people.


sorry guys :)



what attitude of goth people would this be you're talking about?
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I think he's thinking of the wannabe "goths" that think they're so cool because they wear a slipknot shirt and say "death is cool" you know, the trendy assholes.

I see these people all the time, and they annoy the crap out of me.


I'm sorry we make you do this.:D

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I think he's thinking of the wannabe "goths" that think they're so cool because they wear a slipknot shirt and say "death is cool" you know, the trendy assholes.
This is a question that wasn't answered in the other thread... if goth is a movement based on individual expression, why are some people goths, and other people not goths? Couldn't you wear a big inflatable banana suit, call yourself a goth... and BE ONE? Because that's your individual expression of what you're feeling?



Diagram 1.a:


(This is a goth)


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Yes, looking and sounding like an idiot for calling yourself one.
Good logical argument there, not. Why does looking or sounding silly mean that you're not a goth?


You are aware that wearing very dark eyeliner along with painting your face white is considered a little silly in some quarters... :¬:

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Who cares what a goth is, if someone wants to be a goth, fine, whatever floats their boat.


If they want to wear slipknot shirts and say "death is cool" and call themselves goth, they can.


If they want to be some sort of ascended goth, and celebrate the feeling and essence of whatever, they can.


If they want to wear a banana suit, they can.


If you don't want to like it, you don't have to, but good luck not liking people that arent like you.

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This thread, and every poster in it makes me think that it is probably time to open your pillow case for pooping season.






[edit]The fact that anyone (including me) has the balls to make fun of someones way of expressing themselves by posting on a Star Wars based forum (perhaps the geekiest way of expressing one's self known to man) is amazing to me. I'm not just talking about Spider, either. :D

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bugger.... last time I was here it was a "kooky news story" thread, now it has become a 'what is a goth and are they cool etc' thread.....


Pie is cool. Not cool because he looks like death himself :p, but because he's an intelligent personable fellow with a sense of social and moral justice, he is indeed mature beyond his years, and has never shown an ounce of anger or bigotry towards his fellow LFers....and thats whats important to me... Go Pieski :p


spider, can you please post a pic of what you look like, I'd love to categorise you too, and then mock you :D


let's see, LF has these main categories - which do you fit ?

1. generic star wars geek

2. forum troublemaker, with chip on shoulder

3. homeschooled imp

4. Psychopathic fps fan

5. photoshop smarta$$

6. goth


c'mon - pick one !



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Samuel Dravis:

I think he's trying to figure out what makes you a 'real' goth, and why Banana Man isn't one. You haven't really told him yet...
Precisely. I've asked the question several different ways, and I've received no answer... Except from IG-64, and the trick is... I want to hear an answer from people who think that they CAN define goth, not someone who thinks it can't be defined.


I want to hear an answer from Pie, or GothiX, or Jdome83, or InsaneSith,.. ANYBODY who either thinks they know what goth "is", or seems to look down on others they consider to be "pseudo-goths" for no apparent reason.


It's a genuine question, asked in a manner that will hopefully provoke thought. We all know that a guy in a banana suit is not "gothic"... but WHY is it not gothic if goth is about self-expression entirely? I want to know. I want to know if goth is REALLY about self-expression, or whether it's just another uniformed clique with some high ideals and very little achievement of them. I haven't made a judgement either way, and this discussion may go some way to convincing me of one or the other.



spider, can you please post a pic of what you look like, I'd love to categorise you too, and then mock you
Nah, you'd fall in love with my unearthly yet manly good looks, and then stalk me. And frankly, I have no interest in starting a relationship with one such as you.


FYI, you're the only person I've mocked in this thread, and I did it JUST NOW, just the once. ;)

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Originally posted by Spider AL


Nah, you'd fall in love with my unearthly yet manly good looks, and then stalk me. And frankly, I have no interest in starting a relationship with one such as you.


FYI, you're the only person I've mocked in this thread, and I did it JUST NOW, just the once. ;)


no pic....bugger....and I'd just covered myself in baby oil for lubage




btw, like my 'location' ;)



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Guys, if we can't stay on topic, (or at least go off topic in a civilized manner), I'm gonna have to shoot a few of you down. It's 7am and I haven't slept so I'm not listing names but you know who you are here. The next person to post something inflammatory gets one of these babies:





Now where were we supposed to be. Ah yes, Halloween on Sunday. Why choose now to complain? It's ok any other day for them? :confused: Personally, I think Halloween is pretty daft on any given day of the week. I'd rather just buy a bag of candy myself and I could toilet paper your lawn any day of the year and still feel like a, "smoove crimina" afterwords.


Originally posted by Astrotoy7

let's see, LF has these main categories - which do you fit ?

1. generic star wars geek

2. forum troublemaker, with chip on shoulder

3. homeschooled imp

4. Psychopathic fps fan

5. photoshop smarta$$

6. goth



Sweet lord, Astrotoy.


That's the most definitive list of categories for us I've ever seen. :indif: 1, 3 and 5 btw.

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