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[Updated]Revans Mask Plus+ 2.0


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I'm just wondering if you (or anyone for that matter)

could make all the .2da files in this zip compatible?



I'm sorry Shrub, I must have missed something here, but why ask this in this thread as T7nowhere's Revan's Mask mod now uses an installer so there is no need to make 2da files compatable? :confused:

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^^^ I think what he's saying RH is that the installer will not work on His Mac(Macintosh?)


@ Shrub91

Don't any of the tools we have work on a Mac. I thought that you could get windows emulators to let you run windows apps. Maybe I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit that I know absolutely nothing about IMac's.

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^^^ I think what he's saying RH is that the installer will not work on His Mac(Macintosh?)


@ Shrub91

Don't any of the tools we have work on a Mac. I thought that you could get windows emulators to let you run windows apps. Maybe I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit that I know absolutely nothing about IMac's.

The emulators are very limiting because of MS's inherent need for "support" programs like .NET and other progs. Because the installer is an .exe program, without an emulator... MACs can't run them. Because of the hefty price tag (apx $500) for the best emulator prog out there, it too is a "rare" exception for MAC users :(



Do you have Virtual PC perchance? If so, you can try this trick to see if you can get .NET apps to work on your machine.. though it's a mind-scrambler ;)




If you get it working, you can use KotOR Tool and merge the .2da's. I'll see what I can do about merging them for you in the meantime :)


One thing however... can you provide a list of the mods that these .2da's use? (PM them to me so we don't hijack this thread any longer) ;)

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Somehow I simply can't talk to the dark jedi appearing .... :( I can click him, I hear the sound, but there is no text to be seen and no dialogue options I could chose. This is propably related to me owning a German version of KOTOR, but I already tried editing all files with the language converter, and the problem isn't solved. I already expierienced the same problem with the Loona Vash mod ...

Does anybody know how to fix this? I would really like to enjoy this great mod! :)

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I already tried ... the item descriptions and models work like a charm, but there is no text to be seen, although I did edit the revans_servant.dlg file.

Is it possible that there is more than the .dlg file involved in this dialogue? (pardon my noobish expression but I have no clue of modding)

Also, this seems to work with some dialogues (e.g. the USM ones) but not with others (Vash, Revan's servant)

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If you can't get it to work for some reason, and you have no german mods installed, and you want to save yourself the trouble of converting all english mods you wish to try, you could simply change the language setting of your game to English. That way no converting will be necessary when you use english mods, since your game will use the english locale strings instead.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Wow. I've played the xbox versions of both games and I had to sell my console, so I just got the PC version of K1. I must say that the installer helped me loads, I had no idea what I was doing. But it's a really nice mod t7, thnx!



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Can I use these robes on a dark side char? I typed the spawn code, it seemed to work, but it was nowhere to be found in my inventory, the only new thing was a sandpeople robe, with defense 8, and it said I cant wear it, any help here? I really want to use the robes for my darkside char.

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It doesn't matter if your darkside or lightside, if the mod is installed correctly the cheat code will work. try cheating the mask or saber and those don't appear in your inventory then the mod is installed incorrectly.

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