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Seinfeld on DVD!!! (non haters only!)

Darth Groovy

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

I'm an attention whore because I'm fixed. :)




I really don't see why Seinfield got so large, I mean yes it is funny, but from day one to the time they're in prison, they never learn and thier character never grows.


'course, I love Family Guy, so maybe I'm just an idiot who can't get a clear thought through. :p


Edit Blarggh! Woe be us, for time has become paradox; paradox has become time; black has become white; white has become black!

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I like seinfeld because they never take themselves too seriously. Like, from the few episodes of friends that I caught, they are always trying to come off as real people who just happen to be hotter than everyone else, and (like you and me :rolleyes: ) just can't help but get into quirky sexual love triangle misadventures with equally hot people, then drag out said misadventures for TWENTY FREAKIN SEASONS.


Anyways, it's true that seinfeld's characters never grew, they just stayed selfish and rude and were still the most horrible people on earth to the very end. Which, IMO, is what made it funny.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett




This is the best thread ever.



Can we keep guessing what he was linking to?


Sorry, I was a bit pressed for time, and in a state of Euphoria.


Try this link:




If that don't work, THIS is what I am talking about:




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Thing about Seinfeld, is that that show always pointed out things that people notice in everyday life, but nobody ever really was able to pinpoint it, let alone make a joke. Seinfeld always pointed out the obvious, and built a entire episodes around such topics.


For example "Close talkers" people that only speak to you less than an inch away from your face.


"Face painters", people that put on make up before a sporting event to "support the team".


"Double dipping" , taking a chip, dipping it, taking a bite and then dipping it again.


Or how about girls with "man hands"! :eek:


How about "Re-gifters" , people who recieve a gift, but then wrap it up and give it to someone else.


To me this stuff was just comic brilliance!


This is seriously the ONLY TV series I EVER wanted on DVD.


Please don't kill my excitement. :p


Besides, those idiots on "Friends" got more than a million an episode, but at least Seinfeld was funny.


AND unlike MOST sitcoms, Seinfeld never resorted to having the occasional "serious episode" or having all the lame relationship arcs that MOST sitcoms had. Sure the characters never changed, and that is what made it work all the way to the end. AND all the core characters stayed for ALL seasons!

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