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Bit torrent


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yes, wireless. Is that bad with bit torrent? the internet speed is fast enough.


The internet conection is shaired across the house with a wireless router, I didn't set it up so I can't tell you more than that at the moment.


EDIT: its actualy speeding up a bit now, but it is hardly fast (3kb/s)

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normally u have to forward ports in the router i think. also, ISP's are starting to throttle known bittorrent ports, so try setting a non standard one, i ususally use one somewhere in the 50k range.


i love bittorrent, its awesome for gettnig the latest distros of w/e linux your running, waaaaayyy faster than having to wait for the ftp transfers that i used to get them from.

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

normally u have to forward ports in the router i think. also, ISP's are starting to throttle known bittorrent ports, so try setting a non standard one, i ususally use one somewhere in the 50k range.


i love bittorrent, its awesome for gettnig the latest distros of w/e linux your running, waaaaayyy faster than having to wait for the ftp transfers that i used to get them from.




....Of course..... that's why I use BitTorrent too...... >_>

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Originally posted by Anthony



that help?


thanx, That seems usefull, I don't have the password at the moment though and will have to wait for one of my housemates to ge up, I'll say if it works later.


EDIT: got the password, now bit torrent is downloading at a more acceptable speed, still not brilliant but then the speed is suposed to change depending on how popular the file is.


Thanx again, I knew I could count on the swampies!

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