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New character generation screen revealed!


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Originally posted by Darth333

A new screenshot of the character generation screen is available at IGN...and you can see the new attributes of your character....




note that dexterity and defense are now two separate attibutes.


I'm not so sure; there's a thick(er) bar between the first six items and the last five (derived?) stats.... Otherwise, Vitality would also have to be included in your spoiler.... :)


And on a second look, there's actually another thicker/bolder line separating the whole shebang into three sections that go 6:2:3, Attributes/Derived Attributes/Saving Throws. Not well laid-out, IMO; maybe it's more obvious on-screen than it is in the screen-caps.

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Thanks for the linkage Darth333! :D

Originally posted by Darth333

note that dexterity and defense are now two separate attibutes.

About the numbers in the screenie;



Defense is not an attribute Defense along with Vitality are actually seperate from the 6 attributes above and the 3 saving throws below, you can tell from the thicker lines above and below Vitality and Defense, it is just displaying them together for easier viewing, more like an old-school basic PnP RPG character sheet.



I hope this clairifys! :D


EDIT: Drat! beel2112 beat me to it! :D

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Originally posted by Grishnakh

I wonder why powers aren't included:confused:


First Powers are NOT Abilities.


Second they did Powers completly wrong in KOTOR 1 from the D20 based PNP RPG in which some powers are feats and others are skills that you continue to improve.(For a game that was built so close and off of the RPG this has been my only real big beef.)


So personal hope is that they corrected powers in KOTOR 2 to more accurately reflect the PNP RPG but they probably didn't . I wouldn't mind being spoiled on this particular feature.

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Originally posted by Grishnakh

Look at the screen more closely.


1. Portrait

2. Attributes

3. Skills

4. Feats

5. Name 6. Play


That seems to mean you choose all those things and then start playing without choosing powers. Maybe you don't get powers until later in the game.


Which means they may very well have corrected powers to be more like the D20 RPG by breaking them down between feats and skills which would make this perfect as in the game certain powers really need to be scaleable so as to make them more difficult to overcome. While others do not, example would be lightsaber throw which would be a feat while, force persuade would be a skill making use of high charisma bonus as in the RPG. If they did this the replayability for me would be through the roof because of that closer to the book compatibility.

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Originally posted by Venom750

You don't get level cap at 20 like the last one.:) :)


Hmm.. I wonder if that means you can level up as high as you want or if it just means 25 or 30 or something is the limit instead of 20. I think the last thing is more probable, and that would be best in my opinion.

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