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I was reading about the influence system and I think I'm most excited about it.

From the reviews and walkthroughs it looks like Obsidian has done all the right things to improve on KOTOR. KOTOR was so great that you could allow certain things to pass. My major thought about that is that good or evil the game was basicly the same. There were minor differences and different endings but...

Seems like we wont have that problem with KOTOR2 and looks like the dialogue tree will be wider which I really look forward to.


It sucks when you speak with a character and no matter what dialogue choice you pick its the same response you might as well not pick and just sit there and watch at points like that.


My 2¢.

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I'd have to agree as well. When I first heard there was going to be 'weapon switching' I was completely hyped (and hooked). NOW we have this (influence) to look forward to as well!


I think something this dynamic (or subtle) will make this game re-playable for countless times.


What's going to be really interesting is when we start to tackle modding dialogues, recruitables, etc. that will take 'Influence' into consideration... sweetness (Oh the possibilities :drool1: )


:elephant: <--- dancing with giddyness

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Originally posted by ChAiNz

I think something this dynamic (or subtle) will make this game re-playable for countless times.



That's exactly what I was thinking. Influence really expands replayability because if it's tough to keep a strong influence on all character then you won't get to hear all of their stories. Unlike KOTOR where all you had to do was talk to them. :)


I was a little worried one Bioware turned it over to Obsidian but it looks like they've added on to a great game.


I still love Bioware with all my heart for NWN and KOTOR (and next year Jade Empire). :D

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Yeah, that influence aspect seems pretty sweet. But maybe we should wait untill we've actually played the game before we get all psyched about it. Though I agree that Obsidian really seems to have done a great job (I was one of the people that went really sceptical when I heard Bioware had given the job to a completely new company).

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you know the more i learn about this game the more i want it at first i was critical when i heard that lucas arts had chosen to make the game with obsidian instead of bioware but at the same time i thought they were fairly smart to buy the game engine, because for me just an extension of kotor i.e. more of the same but with more characters and story line and side quests would have kept me happy but it sounds like obsidian and lucas arts thought hard about what else kotor needed and done it

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Originally posted by ChAiNz

I think something this dynamic (or subtle) will make this game re-playable for countless times.

That's the whole point of it too, we will get to play the game over and over trying to turn our NPC's to the different sides LS and DS, and seeing how their dialogues change... and possibly even able to teach them the ways of the force. :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke

... and possibly even able to teach them the ways of the force. :D

..as long as becoming a jedi does not become like applying for a "normal" job :rolleyes: For me Jedi were always a little special...if everyone can become a jedi , then I think we are loosing something. But from what I have seen, the Obsidian team seem to have done a great job.

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Yes, TSL looks to be superior to KOTOR, and all the prereviews seem to indicate this... However, I had a similar experience with Jedi Academy, and I'm sure many of y'all will agree with me if I say that that game sucked next to Jedi Outcast. While I have more confidence in Obsidian, I'm trying to be pessimistic with TSL, so I can endure the wait to buy it better. Sounds hypocritical, don't it.

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Originally posted by Darth333

..as long as becoming a jedi does not become like applying for a "normal" job :rolleyes: For me Jedi were always a little special...if everyone can become a jedi , then I think we are loosing something. But from what I have seen, the Obsidian team seem to have done a great job.

I don't think you will be able to do that with all of the NPC's in a single game, it more likely would only be a one NPC at a time thing, going with the one apprentice at a time rule both the Jedi/Sith practice... adding a TON of replayability alone to the game... we would then have to play repeatedly to see which NPC makes the best apprentice/padawan for LS and DS. :D

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Originally posted by Darth333

..as long as becoming a jedi does not become like applying for a "normal" job :rolleyes: For me Jedi were always a little special...if everyone can become a jedi , then I think we are loosing something. But from what I have seen, the Obsidian team seem to have done a great job.

I agree. I just don't want everyone and their dog to be Jedi in this game...
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