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Chavs beaten........ by GOTHS?!

Leper Messiah

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hmmm reports from my hometown indicate a recent routing of the chav scum by its goths of all people. This is rather suprising and troubling news, you see the goths where i come from are rather submissive usually, or at least they tend to avoid conflicts. (The chavs for their part, label anyone they dont like, including a rather startled middle aged married bloke i once worked with, as a goth) this represents a large departure from their usual way of being, which in turn shows they are more unpredictable than previously believed.


This turn of events means that the Chav scum will talk loud and long about revenge, but if they did truelly lose a fight, they wont pick another because theyre cowards, what they will do is withdraw to the outer areas of the town that spawned them and wreak absolute havoc on people who dont deserve it.


I dont quite understand how the Goths managed such a task, since they are not in any way organised, neither are they numerous. The chavs are even less organised which makes me wonder what could have caused such a routing of all of them or at least a sufficient number to make the others take notice. Their numbers, particularly of able bodied young males are far greater than the gothic populace however.


I don't know how this came to pass but if it is still the case when i return in three weeks for the christmas break, the task becomes clear - defeat the Goths (non violent means hopefully) and whilst preferably not restoring chavs to their previously menacing levels certainly get them to leave a few folk alone that they are undoubtedly terrorising in their estates. Gothic supremacy is not the natural order of things (albeit among the 13-17 age range, the adult population which despises both groups are probably mostly unaware of the shift), and at least if the chavs run free in the town they tend to terrorise each other with their foul antics more than they do others.

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I would lay low if I were you, unless you're a Goth yourself. Sometimes these incidents can get ugly...


Goths are peaceful most of the time, but they'll fight back if others bully them too much. I liked the Goths when I was in high school, as they genuinely cared about things (despite their appearance) and when they talked to you, they always had something insightful to say that was worth hearing.


"Ph34R TeH G07H P0w3R!" :p

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

I would lay low if I were you, unless you're a Goth yourself. Sometimes these incidents can get ugly...


not an option, the Goths have to be eliminated so friends in the estates that they live in wont have to put up with the chav crap. The Goths have to be removed from whatever position theyve got themselves into, theyve upset the normal balance the rest of the town lives by

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Is it just me....or does anyone else think that it sounds like we're talking about some bizarre real-time strategy game in here?


lol, its just the way ive described it. its not like we're dealing with two opposed organised sides here or anything. theyre both as bad as each other really

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some of you may have noticed Pie hasnt been around a cpl of days. Apparently he and a cpl of friends were taken in by the cops(!) after they got busted putting gay porn in the church mailbox for a larf... they even were held in custody for a cpl of hours !! Im not sure if charges are being laid or if Pie's parents will have to pay a fine or somethin... :( Pie says he'll let us know the full story when he's back online :)



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

GOOD... I hope they both oblitterate each other, so we are freed from them all.... UK goths are limp wristed fools, gimme crazy church burnin Norwegian goths like my buddy Pie :D




yes the elimination of both groups wouldnt upset me particularly but ill settle for the restoration of the natural order of things

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7




some of you may have noticed Pie hasnt been around a cpl of days. Apparently he and a cpl of friends were taken in by the cops(!) after they got busted putting gay porn in the church mailbox for a larf... they even were held in custody for a cpl of hours !! Im not sure if charges are being laid or if Pie's parents will have to pay a fine or somethin... :( Pie says he'll let us know the full story when he's back online :)




Pie = legend

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go Pie!!!*


*disclaimer: not that we would ever endorse such actions :D


What are goths going to do if they now run the town The whole point of being a goth is being a put-upon outcast isn't it? How can you do that if you are in the majority?


That said, while goths are a group, chavs appear to be a virus that are spreading amongst all british society.


As they aren't an orgainised group I don't think they can be defeated (unless we kill the queen :D ) , so i guess it was just a small group of them that were beaten.

For every chav head you cut off, two more grow back.


I wouldn't think they have been beaten... unfortunately.


PS/ Chav is my new fave word.

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What the hell is wrong with goths sticking up for themselves?

I have to stick up for myself on the rare occasion i get attacked, so does that mean i should be 'eliminated'? Self defence shouldnt be looked down.


And are you trying to say that this Goth 'supremicy' will be like the scals, where the goths mug old ladys in the street. How many times have you seen a Goth pick a fight for no reason at all? A hell of a lot less then scals.


And besides as you said goths are not a majority, and after kicking the crap outta the scals, will go back to being the nice friendly, morbid people we all love. In a morbid kinda way


So for Complianing about that i sir, i give you the one finger salute

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Originally posted by Captain Wilson

What the hell is wrong with goths sticking up for themselves?

I have to stick up for myself on the rare occasion i get attacked, so does that mean i should be 'eliminated'? Self defence shouldnt be looked down.


And are you trying to say that this Goth 'supremicy' will be like the scals, where the goths mug old ladys in the street. How many times have you seen a Goth pick a fight for no reason at all? A hell of a lot less then scals.


And besides as you said goths are not a majority, and after kicking the crap outta the scals, will go back to being the nice friendly, morbid people we all love. In a morbid kinda way


So for Complianing about that i sir, i give you the one finger salute


now I am confused, Scals... ????


damn europeans ! :p


down here in Oz, you're either a "good bloke" a "sheila" or a "poofter", take your pick :D



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Originally posted by Captain Wilson

What the hell is wrong with goths sticking up for themselves?

I have to stick up for myself on the rare occasion i get attacked, so does that mean i should be 'eliminated'? Self defence shouldnt be looked down.


And are you trying to say that this Goth 'supremicy' will be like the scals, where the goths mug old ladys in the street. How many times have you seen a Goth pick a fight for no reason at all? A hell of a lot less then scals.


And besides as you said goths are not a majority, and after kicking the crap outta the scals, will go back to being the nice friendly, morbid people we all love. In a morbid kinda way


So for Complianing about that i sir, i give you the one finger salute


lol well Chavs will be mugging more people now just not in the town centre where it will be seen and noticed, but it will be happening more often. when free to do as they wish chavs do most of their dispicable acts to each other.


A lot of the goths back home irritate the hell outa me, they think theyre metal fans because they like Linkin Park (a minor annoyance in the grand scheme of things but it bugs me) and they do pick fights for no reason, or at least next to no reason, ormost commonly, a made up reason. the chavs are a plague of britains streets and the goths at least where i come from are insecure, paranoid little parasites who think theyre being oppressed when theyre told not to smoke their pot in childrens playgrounds in broad daylight. Theyre as bad as each other and i wouldnt mind seeing both groups drop off the face of the earth.

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