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To quit or not to quit that is the question


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So, i have this problem. You see i really hate my job and i have enough money to last me through january to pay for bills. So do i take the risk and quit my job so i can go home for christmas break to hang with my family and freinds. And hopefully find a job after christmas break? Or do I be responsible and keep my job and work till this summer? Negating any chance of fun for christmas break.

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Quit so you have more time to hang out with me :D



Actually, I don't know what to tell you man, I know you hate your job, but you need to pay the bills somehow. And yet, you should have a good christmas and not be working the entire time.


I'd start looking for another job, and if you find anything promising dump Safeway like a bag o potatoes.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

maybe where you live, here I've been trying for 2 years. :x noone will hire me :(. Instead they hire the drunk dumbasses that always show up drunk and stoned.


hmm...try temp agencies. That's how i got my current job. best part of about temp agencies is you don't do the same job forever. but of course...they'll prolly put you in a factory.


of course, another way to go is just walk into any small business and ask if they are hiring or if they could use some help, etc. (tho i'm too shy to do something like that)

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Quitting and not working is not as cracked up as it sounds. You'll run out of money relatively faster than you thought, trust me. And that's without buying extra stuff you do not truely need to live. Car insurance is the only thing I have to pay for, and it's a killer on me. I only have enough for one more payment, and then I'm broke. I've been looking since the end of August for a job, and as Sithy said, they always hire the morons instead of me. (I feel your pain, IS)



So take it from a quitter:


IT STINKS. If you make $6.00 or more an hour, keep your job. If it's minimum wage and your boss treats you like that, ask for lesser hours or time off. If he/she doesn't allow any of that, then call it off. But remember, you need as much money as you can get this day in age.

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Bah ! stop whining.... if the boss is givin you the irrits... dont quit, get even man ! This is what astro has done whenever I found myself in similar situations...


1. spread rumours about him being gay and making passes at you, and sneaking looks at your privates when in the loo

2. pee in his coffee

3. invite him out for a beer, pee in his beer

4. send flowers to his wife, marked 'secret admirer'

5. start rumours that his wife is having an affair, because he cant get an erection, and that this is evidenced by the flowers she is always getting


The thing with quitting is, it depends what type of job you want to go on to, its always better to FIND ANOTHER JOB FIRST and then move on....



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What do you work as, btw?

Well i work for Safeway, as a seafood clerk. I basically do all the jobs my boss does but gets paid 10$ less than him. I get paid $7.14 hr. But i also have to pay 20 bucks a week for union fees. And thats another thing, we're having negotiations on a new contract so it is possible that we may strike! Plus i smell when i get home.

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