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The One Year Thread Redux

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No thank you... I'm not that kind of girl.






Tired all day. Just a general feeling of blah. Unable to get out of my own way today. I got nothing important accomplished.


I don't think I'm sick or anything,.. but maybe I'm coming down with something. I hope not. I hope it's just the end of a kinda stressful week coming back to bite me in the ass.


I think I should drink a couple of nice big glasses of juice and go to bed just in case.


I have work tomorrow... another show with more than a half-dozen bands; all gospel choirs, too.


If I don't feel better tomorrow it will be a nice, long, miserable day.

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well my car just kinda died. just got back from work (yeah i drove my car knowing it had a prob) anyways the gas kinda didn't seem to be working and i'd get a service engine soon light flash on and a little loss of pressure, sometimes the car would jerk so i'd be like thinking 'NOT PAYING MORE MONEY FOR THIS PIECE OF ****!1' anyways...and this so happens like right before i can even pay the rest of my the money back to my sister since i borrowed some to pay for the piece of **** in the first place...(and i bought it from my cousin, was told $500, then i find out $800, and me being ****ing desperate, say '**** it its just a car' and drop $800) god i'm never buying anything from my ****ing family again. **** that ****. :mad:


We think it's the damn alternator, or a belt...but it better not be the serpatine belt that I BOUGHT FOR THE DAMN CAR THE WEEK THAT I GOT IT (which was in november)


man i'm mad and pissed that i've gotta work my ****ing nuts off basically to get anywhere......i'm about ready to just say **** it and get on my knees for uncle sam...again...:(



And I guess it COULD be worse, hell i could be living on my own, having multiple bills and then this happen...well if that was me, i'd be in a recruiter's face asap. lol


ahh......the worst thing is, i can't release my stress by blaring my speakers cause my AWESOME LOVING FAMILY are sleeping. yay.............


right now i wish i could go out and start the lawnmower and piss off my neighbors. (hehe MOW THE SNOW!)

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The show wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. A little disorganized, but the bands were all pretty small, and were generally just choir and piano, which is easy.


The hardest thing we had to deal with all day was getting our new video projector to work. We just bought a new, 5-figure professional DLP projector for use in the theater. It's just that none of us know how to use it yet. None of us have a background in video, and the only projectors I have any experience with are the little tabletop semi-pro InFocus units for use in confrence rooms... and trust me, this thing is a far cry from any of those.

It's kind of expected when you use this thing that you have racks of professional switching gear run by experienced videographers feeding the signal to this beast. So when somebody wanted to have 2 signals going to it yesterday, a short DVD playback, then a PowerPoint presentation, well we were baffled on how to get it to work... and you ended up with about 10 people standing around this thing 5 minutes before the show, pressing buttons at random and seeing if anything worked. It didn't, so we ended scrapping the PowerPoint and just running the vid.

I guess I have to learn it soon.


SuperBowl Sunday!!!! :D


No plans today except watching the game.

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That was sure some sloppy football... but a win is still a win. :D

That touchdown play the Eagles made in the last 2 minutes was killer! The Pats should never have allowed that, but it was real pretty!


I'm still a bit disappointed that there was no nudity during half-time... (although I don't think I'd want to see any of the people on stage naked,.. so maybe it's not such a bad thing.) And the ads weren't as good as some years. A couple of good ones, but nothing all that memorable.


Next I'm gonna stay up to see the new American Dad show to see if it's any good.

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that game sucked and the commercials sucked. meh...the stupid eagles shouldn't have been in the superbowl in the first place. i didn't really watch the game, just had it on in the background, the half-time show sucked. stupid country music. burn it all.

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well there was someone singing w/a country voice, and it pissed me off...


there was only 1 commercial that made me laugh, that car commercial after the game. the rest were retarded, i mean cmon, those chimp commercials weren't even funny....glad i was playing star wars galaxies. for 12 hours. 11-11. XD i'm insane and i know it. *returns to playing*

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man......my car......i feel like just...walking....i would walk to work but then my family is like 'OMFG NO.' TOTAL...I CALLED AND THEY SAID.....


wires, plugs, air flow sensor, throttle


struts needed for inspection








edit: well i did found out that it's something that CAN be fixed....just gonna cost a little money...the car is a 89 buick lesabre le...


only bright side of this is.....I GET TO DRIVE MY DAD'S TRUCK!!!! :D

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I hate the Patriots so much. Yeah Rodney Harrison everyone picked the Eagles to win in the sports media and no one gives the Pats any respect. Hows the weather this time of the year in bizarro world ****er? Could you try to win a Super Bowl with more than a field goal for once? I have a hard time wrapping my brain around "dynasty" when you've won by a total of nine points. In my mind, there's a difference between winning and just not losing.


Also way to lose the game McNabb. Try throwing 10 yards shorter every time next year. And there are only four quarters in football. Please try to remember things like "no huddle" "time outs" and "not catching the ball for a zero yard gain that keeps the clock running." I hope they put you into a rocket bound for the sun Westbrook.

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray



Also way to lose the game McNabb. Try throwing 10 yards shorter every time next year. And there are only four quarters in football. Please try to remember things like "no huddle" "time outs" and "not catching the ball for a zero yard gain that keeps the clock running." I hope they put you into a rocket bound for the sun Westbrook. [/b]




mcnabb is crap, absolute crap

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He got kneed in the head late in the game. He was acting pretty stupid late and no amount of having a good game before the last eighth of the game accounts of messing up your own counting and not being able to say words so that Mitchell has to call plays in the huddle instead of the quarterback. Fraley was saying McNabb almost threw up a few times in teh huddles, and he's done that before. A lot. THere were also a few plays where he didn't buckle his chinstrap after the huddle. That's not something you just forget to do.

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2/7/05 (Posted late)


I forgot to post yesterday. *Kicks self* I wandered off to my bedroom and was doing some reading when I dozed off. After I had slept about 45 minutes, I woke up enough to shut off the PC, get undressed, and go to bed for real. And I never got around to posting for Monday.

Not that there was much to report, anyway.




Stupid commute in today. Hundreds-of-thousands of people who don't normally head into Boston were going that way at the same time I was to go to the Patriots victory parade/ rally. I tried to time my trip in to avoid the very worst of it, but it was still crowded, and I had a meeting to get to so I couldn't really go in after it had started as I would have wished.

Of course the parade starts less than a block from where I work, so I had to travel with everybody right to my stop.


The trip home wasn't bad at all, though. I guess everybody took half the day off to get out of town early.


Have to go in tomorrow to set up a clinic that Shelia E. is doing.


She's supposed to play in a concert Thursday night that I'm doing the mixing for,.. but we have another big snowstorm bearing down on us, so we'll have to see...

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Well, she played with someone named Prince for a while...


She's still a babe. :naughty:


She showed up late for the clinic and wanted to change everything around, and none of the drums that were delivered for her were right, so it started more than a half-hour late... but other than that everything was cool, I guess.


Oh yeah... I almost forgot:




A couple of random thoughts that flowed through my mind the last couple of days:


Nothing else smells exactly like the inside of a schoolbus. It's a smell that's totally unique to schoolbuses around the country, yet universal in the fact that they all smell exactly alike.


Why can't you get good eggnog in July? Or ANY eggnog for that matter! And do people in the Southern Hemisphere drink eggnog at Christmas, even though it's summer down there,.. or do they wait for our summer, thier winter to drink it? Is that why I can't have a glass of it at my 4th of July cookout, cuz' all the Austrailians have the worlds supply of it at that time?

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@edlib! OMG I KNOW!!! all schoolbuses smell to me, like warm bread or something. it's weird.




today was alright. tried waking up at 8:30, when the cell phone alarm went off, i ran and shut that bitch off, and went back to sleep for 2 hours....felt better when i woke up, so i took a shower, stretched, and then decided to go outside for a run. came back and almost passed out, i hate coming into a too-warm house after running like that, almost cramped up and fortunately there was some gatorade left, so i drank that. Then i played a bit of galaxies til my dad got home, then i used his truck to get to work.....


work wasn't too bad tonight, got to work with some new people.


payday is tomorrow, but since my dad has the truck for work, means i won't get to pick up my check early, like i would have....and i hate trying to go to the bank on a friday...well, if my dad manages to get home, gonna go pick up my check, go to the bank at the mall and cash it, then go to the bank nearby and deposit some of it. (that way i don't have to wait forever for the damn check to clear to get my money, aren't i ****in smart? :joy: )

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Just got finished with the Sheila E. tribute show.

It was long, it was loud, there were a lot of people on stage. She played just a little bit on the very last song.


I'm tired, that's why I'm posting this from work before I leave, because i probably won't bother to even turn on my PC when I get home.


Now I gotta go make sure that everybody has finally left the building so I can lock up and getthehellouttahere!




Since nobody else has posted to the thread, and I don't want to double-post and invoke the wrath of our mods (wherever they may be...) I decided to post this in my last post. Not sure if this is keeping with the spirit or original intent of the thread,.. but I'm pretty sure that nobody really cares either.


We got more snow last night, but it really didn't amount to anything (thankfully!) It did make for a bit of a slippery ride back home from the parking garage at the subway station last night after work, but since at that hour almost nobody is on the road it wasn't much of a big deal.


The last couple of days my front yard has been overrun with ducks during the daylight hours. I'm not sure what that's about, but more of them keep arriving everyday. The first day I noticed them 2 walked across the street from the water and started nosing around. Then I saw 4 or 5 the next day. Today there must have been between 20 and 30 of them.

They don't seem to be doing any harm, other than messing up the lawn in a couple of spots, so I haven't been inclined to chase them away. Plus it gives my cats something to really get worked up over. It just seems a little freaky.

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