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Mav's WIP for TSL


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Okay, first things first, if you haven't already go grab a copy of the Prestige Item Pack that RedHawke and I made, it's a good one ;), just click the link in my sig.


Now on to business, next up on my list for TSL is, with the new MDLOps that cchargin made, is to transfer over the custom hilt model I made for KotOR 1, and then I'll work on making a few new hilts, it'll probably take a while I'm a busy person ;), I'll try to make a pack out of it though :D, anyway, I'll post some screens when they become avaliable, probably not for a while, but I'm just giving those who car a heads up ;), off to work!!!

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Originally posted by maverick187

Okay, first things first, if you haven't already go grab a copy of the Prestige Item Pack that RedHawke and I made, it's a good one ;), just click the link in my sig.


Now on to business, next up on my list for TSL is, with the new MDLOps that cchargin made, is to transfer over the custom hilt model I made for KotOR 1, and then I'll work on making a few new hilts, it'll probably take a while I'm a busy person ;), I'll try to make a pack out of it though :D, anyway, I'll post some screens when they become avaliable, probably not for a while, but I'm just giving those who car a heads up ;), off to work!!!


Hey Mav Woluld you like to partner with me and Jetstorm. If you can adapt the models over to K2. It would be great to adapt them for use with the new saber colors Jetstorm has put together and I could merge everything into a cohesive beauty of a mod.:p

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PM me the specifics and we'll see what I can do ;), but as far as porting the model over, I'll probably be able to do it this weekend, althought I'll be really busy, but I'll probably be able to help out PM me ;)

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New Hilt Idea - 112kb


Ahh, my newest hilt creation.. lol as with all my hilts they aren't meant to represent an already existing hilt, it's not a replica, just a new unique hilt, let me know what you guys and gals think. Obviously from the screenie hopefully you can tell it isn't skinned yet ;), but what do you guys think of the model itself, I was able to keep the poly count low, because I plan for the detail to come in the actual skin itself, well just give me your opinions :D.

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Originally posted by Drazin

Hey Mav,

What Program are you using to make models?

I have a lightsaber hilt idea I have to get out of my head before I go native.


I use gmax, I would probably use 3dsmax if I could, but I'm too cheap... lol

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Just a quick update, despite my busy schedule I have been able to do a basic UVmap of the new model, what I mean is I have it skinned in "fair" detail although If I want more detail in certain areas I will have to change the UVmap(very likely), all the ridges and spikes are a UV nightmare. Anyway here is a screenie of my template for those interested:


oh oh click me.. click me

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Originally posted by maverick187



Just a quick update, despite my busy schedule I have been able to do a basic UVmap of the new model, what I mean is I have it skinned in "fair" detail although If I want more detail in certain areas I will have to change the UVmap(very likely), all the ridges and spikes are a UV nightmare. Anyway here is a screenie of my template for those interested:


oh oh click me.. click me

Nice looking color map there Mav! Great job! :thumbsup:


Another thing you can do, if you haven't already, is to make sure your color map shows your UV poly lines. Overlay your wireframe over your color zones and knock the opacity down to say 50%...

It can really help you out if you have a certain mapped area that contains other smaller elements.

Here's an example of what my maps look like for the upcoming Zez-Kai Ell saber. Probably looks alot like yours ;)Sample Map

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I must say maverick great job but i think with the Sith Lord, Assassin and Maruder you shoud make the lightsaber more red as the ones you have made look pinkish purplish so i think if you had a realli red blade and a white core or a really red blade and a core simillar to that of Guardian of the Force.Just a suggestion

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@ ChAiNz.2da


I will definetly do that, for the final UVmap, but this one was jsut to give myself a basic idea of how I would like the final texture and the final UVmap to look. This map was made very quickly... (I didn't detach any polys just click and drag to select many faces in one go ;)). The final UVmap should be more detailed though, thanks for the tip, I'll definetly use it :D


@ VincenzoMorello


I'm not sure if you are talking about this new hilt or if you are talking about the Prestige pack, this hilt has no planned blade color yet, ;), and if you are talking about the Prestige Pack, then in the pack you should've noticed that I included the regular game-saber textures for you to use :D

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Well, I think that I finally have the new curved hilt UVmapped the way I want it or well enough to work with, and I have a "pre-release" design, basically that means it is subject to change, the following screenies are the actual hilt, and the UVmap color coder for those paint by numbers people... like me :D


Actual Hilt

Please note that the picture is of the hilt textured in gmax, so there is no shader on it, basically the gray parts will be the metallic parts in-game and the black will be black with a "sheen" and the red will just be red ;)


Color Map w/ UV's

Please note that I don't take credit for the tribal design, it was googled :D


As always, please make suggestions and comments. ;)



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