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Whos stronger Visas or Kreia? (during the game)

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Kreia, hands down, the only one who could beat her, and even had trouble at that, was the exile...and darth sion, but that wasnt death, that was just beating her up in a very amusing manner; picking her up by the face and slamming her into the ground



But to give Visas credit, I guess she has the advantage in lightsaber deuling, but Kreia being a consular, has stronger force abilities



plus, Kreia can`t be seen when she doesnt want to be seen



But based on stats and abilities; Visas because everyone uses her more, Kreia only really contributes to the story

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Originally posted by Hojo

But based on stats and abilities; Visas because everyone uses her more, Kreia only really contributes to the story


That's because everyone(LS or DS) wants to whack Kreia the first chance they have.



Man, Atton was so right...we should've thrown her out of the ship...


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heh. was I the only person to take Kreia everywhere the first time i played the game? Sure, she was a little annoying at times, but I liked her character, in the story sense... she kept everything pretty interesting.


And force chaining with a jedi weaponmaster is heaven :)


Back on topic. It depends what powers you give Kreia. If she has lightning storm (or other offensive powers). Or if you -like me- give her all the buff powers and a standard red sabre with deflect bonuses for effect, Visas would cut the hag down.

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Originally posted by Moonie

heh. was I the only person to take Kreia everywhere the first time i played the game? Sure, she was a little annoying at times, but I liked her character, in the story sense... she kept everything pretty interesting.


And force chaining with a jedi weaponmaster is heaven :)

Hey, that's exactly what I did! :D

More for story purposes, and that I wanted to keep the master/apprentice thing ongoing.


Overall, I used Kreia more because she was more powerful.

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Originally posted by Derc

Hey, that's exactly what I did! :D

More for story purposes, and that I wanted to keep the master/apprentice thing ongoing.


Overall, I used Kreia more because she was more powerful.


Im playing the game again DS and im again haveing Kreia following me around i think shes intresting and everytime you do something she speaks unlike the others who might speak,


Anyway Kreia or Visa i'd say Kreia stronger even thos shes a old witch.

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Like lukeiamyourdad says,Visas *is* easier on the eyes.


But when I use them in my respective party,Visas tends to die more often than Kreia.


In combat it may be that I made Visas a strictly "in-the-center" character,but I think Kreia would come out tops because Kreia has superior Force Powers.

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I alway used Kreia all time cuz she give my party member bonus EXP needed, that allow to level up bit quicker. That help my Jedi Guardian stonger. I need her force powers to help me defeat enemy, I had give her Master Toughness to boost her VP. I give her Master duel cuz she use only one hand weapon. since

Kreia's hand is cutted off by Darth Sion.



Also I use Visas too. Kreia and Visas, I give them lightsaber. I give Visas Master toughness to boost her VP.

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for me, its hands down Visas. Kreia is nice to have in major battles because you can have her in Jedi support mode and have her contiuously cast buffs to make you better.


but, those big battles are few and far between. the game's combat is primarily against maybe 2-5 enemies at one time. with Visas, its like 2 attacks per baddie, and no more baddies. :D

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I'd give the edge to Visas in two ways and Kreia in one other...


1.) How Obsidian would write the script no matter who was actually stronger:

Kreia wins, because she is Kreia.



This is the same reason why Visas and I were supposedly desperately hanging on in the fight against Nihilus where I handed his ass to him on a platter. This is also the same reason why Handmaiden didn't drop Atris like a sack of hammers, as again, she was way more than a match for Atris in the game.



2.) Trying to be 'realistic' about it:

Visas wins.

Kreia lost her ability to use the force entirely and was nearly dead for a while, and in the very beginning she does point out how much it has effected her. She then gets a hand chopped off. Visas has the luxury of being an apprentice to Nihilus and then later on the Exile. Kreia regained a lot of her powers as the Exile strengthened, but Visas never lost them (or her hand) in the first place.


3.) Gameplay:

Visas wins because Kreia won't dish out that much more damage with her force powers but has virtually no offense with a Saber - and that is where Visas would tear her apart. Visas also has more VP so she can play shot-for-shot with Force Powers longer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by j3di_sean

Being a consular, Kreia will stun Visas before she reaches her.


1. Stasis

2. Lightning (3x)


Repeat step #1 and #2 ... Kreia wins ...


Well, not exactly: you see, Visas is a Sentinel, which means she is immune to stun, fear and paralysis, so she cannot be stopped. (as I couldn't be when playing as sentinel/watchman during the final boss fight)


and come to that, Visas also has stasis filed/insanity and storm powers...

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Originally posted by Verhnod

Well, not exactly: you see, Visas is a Sentinel, which means she is immune to stun, fear and paralysis, so she cannot be stopped. (as I couldn't be when playing as sentinel/watchman during the final boss fight)


and come to that, Visas also has stasis filed/insanity and storm powers...


You've got a point, verhnod. Never thought of that though...


Well, Kreia can probably force choke...

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I always had this recurring doubt about Visas:



I never really understood whether or not Visas and you hook up, cause the whole looking at each other seems a little frustrating for both.



Back to the topic though I'd have to say Kreia definately wins because



she is the ultimate sith lord (unless of course you are playing Dark Side)



That at least script-wise. Although



Darth Traya is completely unassailable with force powers, she will save against absolutely anything and everything at moderate levels. My Consular Watchman had completely uber stats (around +18 to DC from stats alone, 4 from Force Focus, level 25 and 5 standard DC when in force enlightment; and still I couldn't get one single power through)



So whoever brought up the fact that Kreia can be stunned by Visas, I don't think so. It is true that Visas has a better offensive capabilities with a lightsaber, but that depends on how much you crippled Kreia. Remember you can still get off four attacks per round with Kreia with speed and flurry, which is only one below Visas, so actually offensive and defensive capabilities are almost a match.


Visas has immunities, Kreia insane saves, Visas one extra attack, Kreia more force points. It ultimately depends on the setup of Powers of both, as they are both quite versatile regarding the style of play.

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