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Nintendo Revolution Controller...WTF


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Originally posted by Lightsaberboy

was this the April issue, by any chance?

Oh sithspit, I didn't think about that. It wasn't in their "Game Infarcer" April Fool's part though, I swear! :indif:









I know, that's a bad habit. :xp:


*Ba-dum KSHHHHHH!*

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

I mean, come on, I can go to Walmart, buy a game and beat in a day or two, or even a few hours.

I miss the NES and SNES days. :(


We had actual challenges in games, none of this 10 year olds can beat it. It's a problem on all systems though, not just nintendo. PS2 has a huge lack of quality games. :(

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A few things:


1. Nintendo has announced out of the box Wifi enabled. The controllers will most likely be wireless and will feature lithium ion batteries like the GBASP and NDS. I also see the use of rechargers.


In addition to this I also see the ability of having 16 players using 4 TVs and 1 Revolution to play multiplayer Metroid Prime 3 or multiplayer Smash Bros Revolution. Or using a wireless router and broadband to play against people online.



2. Nintendo has announced backwards compatibility. The controllers won't be so far out that they won't be able to play traditional controlled games. Since it is backwards compatible I see the Revolution controller to be able to handle traditional controlled games.



3. Simplicity. There will just be a START button only, no SELECT or BACK :xp:

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fact: revolution will go online..


IGN Revolution FAQ



Yes. The Revolution console will feature online play out of the box. Nintendo at the March 15, 2005 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco announced an aggressive new Wi-Fi strategy for both DS and Revolution. Wi-Fi enables wireless, high-speed connections to the Internet using such popular standards as 802.11b and 802.11g. Company executives made strong statements about Nintendo's belief that gamers should be able to wirelessly go online and play against each other.


"We intend to incorporate wireless technology in all we do," Iwata announced at the event. "Therefore, Nintendo Revolution will be Wi-Fi enabled, built into every system."


Few other details regarding Revolution's online functionality are known, but we can infer at least one important bit based on information announced about the nature of wireless play for DS. Nintendo announced that Wi-Fi gaming on DS would be free. In stark contrast to Microsoft's Xbox Live service, the Big N will not charge any fee for gamers to go online through its infrastructure. The same could be true for Revolution's wireless play.




fact: it will also be backwards compatible


rumour: the controller is rumoured to have gyroscopic technology.. whatever the hell that is. It may also have a hd rather than blue-ray disc.

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

Nintendo probably won't go online. They really don't believe in the online market.. or whatever.


Nintendo has already stated that they've almost finished setting up their online network for the Nintendo DS which will also be used for the Revolution. It's free for the Nintendo DS... most likely it will be free for the Revolution as well provided you have a wireless router and broadband.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

Cooling unit. I play for hours sometimes and my hands will eventually get sweaty...


this is the downside of having hairy palms :p


I dont think a cooling unit in a controller is cost effective :p How about taking break and drying your hands ! :p


I am glad the touchscreen fiasco is over.. Twas indeed a silly idea :D Man, a DS gets a touchscreen and every net speculator starts linking the N5/Rev with a touchscreen :p



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

I dont think a cooling unit in a controller is cost effective :p

Considering they have them and sell them for about 20 bucks, I don't think it'd be something out of reach. Basic replacement controller is what, 14 bucks? 6 dollars extra, I see no issue.
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intendo have always gone down the low cost route for their controllers before (though that hasn't meant low quality).


AFAIK they were the only manufacturer to not be making huge losses when selling their console. They were apparently still breaking even when selling it at £79, whereas microsoft was loosing £100s per console when selling at £150.


That said, if they DO plan on incorprating lcd touchscreens, wireless, batteries etc into their controllers then they are gonna be pretty expensive already, so cooling wouldn't make much difference.


I tried to knock up a photoshop example of a controller with a touchscreen, but i can't get it to look right ergonomically. I hope their designers have better luck. :D

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Any actual reasoning behind that sweeping statement? Or just the typical trendy nintendo bashing?


simply stating my opinion, i happen to own nothing but nintendo style consoles

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Espeically since, unless you have relatives working in Nintendo breaking confidentiality agreements, you know what we know about the next nintendo.


Which is, namely, nothing. So how could you possibly make any kind of informed guess about it's success or lack thereof?

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Originally posted by tags

i think this system is going to be a FLOP

*looks @ your av*


You better hope not cause Sonic sells better on a Nintendo system.




Look at this link for what howstuffworks.com thinks the next Nintendo will look like.



howstuffworks.com is full of Microsoft loving geeks who value PC type games and try to mock Nintendo every chance they get. Go to the PS3 and Xbox2 pages and you'll see them speculating but not making giving people any stupid ideas like they're doing for the Revolution.

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Either you're assuming, or you've actually seen it.



My guess is the former. You don't KNOW it won't look like that.



What are the chances that someone could photoshop an image of NRevolution, and be right? (Unless they know, but they said this is what they think)


Lots of people are uncertain about the new system, from my friends to people on this board. I guess its because Nintendo hasn't really offered any info on this system. We know that PlayStation and Xbox are going to be traditional consoles, with high specs. But no one knows anything about Nintendo, except that its supposed to change gaming forever, if it succeeds.

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