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How to become a Jedi

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Have you ever thougth is it possible to be a Jedi?:confused: Huh?

What do you think? Does the Force exist? Maybe it does? But what is it really? Is it according to Lucas' eplenation something that controls everything? Or is it a our hidden abilites?


What do you say we explore this subject? Let's see.... and begin.


Let's exchange our knowledge and see what we have. Now before you stop reading this thinking how crazy I am, think about it and reply. I think that anyone can become a Jedi (:cool: ).

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All right since no one believes me, (just as I thougth) I'll tell you something strange. In the last several months I started to feel what other people feel! (seriously:confused: ) By just looking at someone I knew what that one felt and thougth and what kind of life does he/she have and so on (UNBELIVEABLE!!!!:cool: ). I'm not kidding, I'll tell you the secret. After reading phsycology, I learned that this thing is called EMPATHY, it is a phsycological phenomenon and capability which all people have which allows a human to be sensitive to others (I mean REAL sensitivity like knowing what someone feels and thinks and felling and thinking the same). To do this here's what you have to do: Think and imagine that all people are connected in a way with each other; Focus on it! Look at a person, you will start to 'see' what that person feels and maybe even thinks, from it you will have a not-at-first clear picture of that persons personality, but your picture will be quite accurate!:confused: YES! You'll know how accurate it is by simply asking that person (don't cross the privacy line!!!).

Do it time and time again and you will start to sence emotions of all people around you. Just try it! It won't cost you anything.


P.S (IMPORTANT): One of the most important things necacery for this to work is to try and UNDERSTAND why do they feel like that how you 'see' it (you'll know by creating a picture of their lives).


Go ahead try it:D

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You should team up with my brother...he is the same like you!Ok he dont think that he is a Jedi, he thinks other crazy stuff and so you two are real wierdos! :p


No offense but you asked for reply. ^o^


P.S. please dont use the force against me now, my life already is nothing else but a chaos :p

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Originally posted by Emperor Devon

Look, I enjoy STAR WARS, and think it's awesome, but I think you're taking to the extreme.... The force is a good idea and all, but... I think you're taking it to far. :dozey:


Thats why Drugs are Illegal in the US. :lol:

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you two are real wierdos! :p


You didn't even try what I said Kariudo.


I think you're taking it to far.


All right I'm a goof!:eek:


Thats why Drugs are Illegal in the US.


You think I am druging, right? It is obvious that you didn't even try or thougth about what I said.


So I'll demonstrate it on you:


Kariudo, you're a high school student, you have problems with a professor, chemistry I think.:confused:

You try to fit in but sometimes they just won't let you be a part of a group.:( (me too) You sometimes wish that you were someone else. You feel a bit sad a time from time because you cannot talk to anyone not even you brother because he's a wierdo:) . You will feel a bit frigthened when you read this post but then a bit angry if some of these things are true what I said. I understand your sadness and loneliness because I am the same:) . And I see why is it in chaos.


Emperor Devon you are at the end of high school you're exited because of it and you're preparing a master prank for the end of high school that would make laugh everyone even you! You have multiple friends and you like to be a Charlie Chaplin kind of guy, but some people don't like you very much because you laugh every time someone suffers (not real suffering just for joke and cheering up). You still think and believe and feel that you're life is sometimes perfect (but it isn't acctuely:( ).


Drazin you have been a hot shot in your group for a long time because you defeated a bully that has tormented you for a long time since your childhood. You feel lonely because you act diferently in your group because if they see the real you they would abandon you, so you turned to this Forum hoping to find a soulmate (friend).


You see what I said. Tell me what is true of what I said.

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Oooo, oooo, do me! (j/k)


I think what you are describing is more perception then anything else. You are able to pick up small clues and put together a lot from it. That being said, my belief system is actually fairly similar to the force, so I kind of agree with you. Especially the part of everyone being connected, that is one of my core beliefs. I'm not gonna get into the details of what I mean, but I'll just say I partially agree with you.


Oh, and I'm a real wierdo, too.

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Let me tell you, the minute I can move objects with my thoughts (Telekinesis)... I'll do some practice and then I'm going to Las Vegas baby!


A lot of Roulette and Craps!!!

RH buddy,


When you can do that, just remember me... I make a great Padawan ;) hehehe

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Drazin you have been a hot shot in your group for a long time because you defeated a bully that has tormented you for a long time since your childhood. You feel lonely because you act diferently in your group because if they see the real you they would abandon you, so you turned to this Forum hoping to find a soulmate (friend).


You see what I said. Tell me what is true of what I said. [/b]


You aren't even in the right ball park bub.

I never have been bullied, I've always been the "little brother" to 4 older sisters that made me all the friends I needed in School.

Out of school I went straight into my profession, where I have worked my way up the ladder through hard work and above average intelligence.

I am probably one of the few people you would ever meet that doesn't ACT one way or another. I am who I am and thats what people see. I'm old enough to know that I don't need to act a certain way to win the respect or friendship of certain people. Most people like me, some can't stand me. There isnt too much middle ground because I don't coddle people's feelings.

As for the forums, well... I like to talk. Whether its with people face to face or a couple thousand miles away. I've been a forum troll since I was introduced to computer gaming in the late 80's.


It was a good try bub, but no better than a horoscope message.

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There is some truth in what you said, some, but before someone already said that you could just put small clues together :p


And you are right i didn´t try it, but i dont believe such things, so even if it would work, i dont believe it would work for me too ;)


and like before no offense, just what i think...

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

Emperor Devon you are at the end of high school you're exited because of it and you're preparing a master prank for the end of high school that would make laugh everyone even you! You have multiple friends and you like to be a Charlie Chaplin kind of guy, but some people don't like you very much because you laugh every time someone suffers (not real suffering just for joke and cheering up). You still think and believe and feel that you're life is sometimes perfect (but it isn't acctuely:( ).


You see what I said. Tell me what is true of what I said.


Sorry, but your prediction is partially incorrect. I'm in college, not high school, and I think it would be to risky to pull a prank. You are partially correct, though, that I delight in other people's misery and agony. :D I don't do it for laughs. Other people's misery just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. I'm not kidding. I'm not much of a Charlie Chaplin kind of guy either...


So out of three predictions, two were wrong... and one was half-right. A semi-lucky guess.

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So out of three predictions, two were wrong... and one was half-right. A semi-lucky guess.


You are wrong yourself, thinking it was a prediction, how do you think I guessed a bit of Kariudos life, it is empathy, I think I need to practice a bit, (so could you). So your atempt to dissapoint and ruin me and make me suffer was in vain (as I thougth you didn't even try it yourself!)


A semi-lucky guess.

:gben: 'If you have lived in a way like me you would realise that there is no such thing as luck':D


Oooo, oooo, do me! (j/k)


I seriously am not a astrologer or any of that B******T and I am not trying to become popular with this thread (I hate popularity:mad: ). I'll think about it, in the meantime try to see if others have it.


I believe in that as much as i believe people can talk to animals!
Ps: Try that stuff on me!


I'll think about it. (Elemantary school is S**T!!:) )


And Devon seriously try is yourself (don't expect quick resaults).


Force? Real? Don't make me laugh.


If you don't believe it try it yourself!


P.S. Can someone please tell me when do you all go to this forum because I can't seem to catch anyone because of the damn time zones.

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

You are wrong yourself, thinking it was a prediction, how do you think I guessed a bit of Kariudos life, it is empathy, I think I need to practice a bit, (so could you). So your atempt to dissapoint and ruin me and make me suffer was in vain (as I thougth you didn't even try it yourself!)


I probably could use some more empathy. In middle school, elementary school, and high school I had to spend quite a bit of time with counselors... None of them suceeded in giving me a sense of ethics or empathy! :)


I was not trying to make you suffer by dissapointing you... I was merely telling you whether your prediction was right or wrong. If your prediction was correct, I would have said so. Besides, it's very hard to make others suffer over the internet. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

P.S. Can someone please tell me when do you all go to this forum because I can't seem to catch anyone because of the damn time zones.


I live in the northwest, so when I reply to you, it'll seem like I was typing at 1:00 A.M. or so. I usually come to LucasForums at about 4:00 on weekdays, reply to a few topics, and do it again a few hours later. On weekends I come here every now and then... Time zones are truly inconvenient.

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

I seriously am not a astrologer or any of that B******T and I am not trying to become popular with this thread (I hate popularity:mad: ). I'll think about it, in the meantime try to see if others have it.


I was just messing with you. That's what j/k stands for: just kidding. I only found it amusing that you made predictions about everyone that replied to you. I didn't seriously want you to try to use your empathy on me.

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The power you speak of is within everyone, but people do not wish to use it. A man can understand a lot easily about another by using the process of deduction. I personally don't think that this is anything unique, but is a mere scientific method some minds are easier to catch up. (weird grammar)


Not that I'm against you, just some opinion and possible knowledge.


Can you try that thing on me?

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I had to spend quite a bit of time with counselors... None of them suceeded in giving me a sense of ethics or empathy!


I understand about the ethics thing:lol: . But empathy, now I don't understand (oh wait, empathy is about compassion, they don't have it :lol: ).


But you forgot some obvious things about me to tell or maybe you just kept back with some informations

What's that supposed to mean?:confused:


I only found it amusing that you made predictions about everyone that replied to you. I didn't seriously want you to try to use your empathy on me.

It is sometimes weird but it looks like that when ever I try to make somone laugh, it's stupid. But when I am myself, people have a heart attack each of laughing (try empathy on others;) )


The power you speak of is within everyone, but people do not wish to use it. A man can understand a lot easily about another by using the process of deduction. I personally don't think that this is anything unique, but is a mere scientific method some minds are easier to catch up. (weird grammar)

Now there's a person that shares my opinion.:D


Can you try that thing on me?

I'll try it when I have the time (school:mad: ) I'll try it on everyone that wants (anyone of you try it [seriuosly]).

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ok let me try you Vladimir-Vlada...


you have a brother or sister who is older than you. your parents are very proud of him/ her and often heap praise on them. sometimes you feel left out and you deal with this by spending a lot of time in your room alone.

You like computer games, fantasy books and sc-fi movies as it gives you escapism.

Your Life at the moment isn’t fulfilling, so you often look to the future. Your school work suffers because of this. you already know what you want to do with your life, so you are not interested in stuff that isn’t useful to you.

You have some friends, but only one you can really talk to. However they themselves have problems of their own, so you don't always get to tell them your feelings.



or you're a 40 year old glue-sniffing lap dancer, who eats a lot of chicken... i can't tell, i'm getting a lot of mixed signals here



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you can infer a lot by just simply looking at someone's personality and how they react to things. calling it the Force?? well, it'll land you some time in a padded cell if you're not too careful....


and Vladimir, deducing things about people's lives from the personality they project in the forums does not classify as using the Force. chances are, if you decided to profile me, you might get some things right based on both what i've posted and how i've posted it. otherwise, its pure speculation. you're guess could get several factors correct based on logic inference accounting for several social, economic, and culture references that you can pick up in what i've posted.


but a guess is still just a guess.

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Valdimir if i would tell you, then where would be the fun? ;)

And i think so too you could check the posts of us and then base it on them, but of course i didn`t posted much yet :p

But my life changed in some major things just some days before, oh don`t ask me what happen but i`m pleased with the changes :)

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