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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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There will still be a public beta in a few weeks though won't they?

After 1.0b1 is released, testers, modders and the translators will make runs looking for bugs. Once that round of non-Feature severity issues are resolved, public release will occur.

There'll be a release, of course. But there's nothing indicating it'll be anytime soon, hence why I doubt we'll see it until summer.


BTW, no beta. Just the final version, as stated on:

2) We won't get the beta; The beta testers that Dashus selected in September are beta-testing it.
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So basically, WE arent getting anything this weekend. Great job, all.


What the hell?


What do you want them to do.... get so close to the end of this massive project that they've persevered on for so long, and then just not finish, and release it a few weeks or a month or two in advance just so that way you, with your infinite wisdom, will be satisfied?


I also saw the build change and so came on to here to read and see if Dashus or anyone was talking about it - and what do I find?

Everyone in a riot.


I feel the need to ask: Why, after 3 years of diligent waiting, is everyone all of the sudden so impatient - to the point where some members have made the accusation that they think TG is duping the thousands of people who are waiting for their accomplishment?


And they certainly have a large following - I've talked to people who I had just recently met and talked about K2 (may have had something to do with my preorder shirt that I was wearing) and they've told me, an avid follower of TG, about TSLRP! They have all the members here, all the members at the Obsidian forums, and a ton of random people just holding their breath.


I was just wondering - why do you all have such a sense of entitlement? If I were TG, I wouldn't even give everyone the Mantis link.


So back to the original point of this post - who ever told you you'd be getting something this weekend? I'm pretty sure you never had anything promised to you. And even so, if you feel like you need their mod now, you better get started, since you think you can do it so much faster and all.


So slow down - and calm the hell down.


Take a breath. It will be out eventually. Go do something else for a while. You've waited this long. TG doesn't need to defend itself or anyone else. In fact, they've already done more for this community than almost anyone else.




PS. To those who think that this project is going to break up, now that they've gone into Beta testing - WTF? You think TG isn't as excited as we are? For everyone to finally play this, to finally get the recognition, to finally be done? Wow.

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@ Ghost Down:


valiant20 wrote:

So basically, WE arent getting anything this weekend. Great job, all.


He gave a good reaction to this arrogant post. Someone who apparantly wants to play a beta that the creators not deem worthy of release. It sires the team they want to give us an bug- free (although that will probably never be reached) experience. There are many developers that are paid to create game that give us big riddled games. Whilst this FREE-TIME TEAM creates a FREE TO DOWNLOAD mod with as many as possible bugs gone.


I can only applaud such dedication! :D



So not releasing the mod this weekend (which was never promised in the first place, it's a beta) means your weekend is ruiined? Please....go out some more...


Just needed to get this out..

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What's your point EW?





I'm not sure I understand your question.


Because my point, I thought, was very well stated:

Those that are complaining here need to stop, due to the fact that they are ingrates. They need to calm down and let TG have what little time they still ask for, and be patient like the rest of us that have been waiting.


And yes, I'd like to have played this mod yesterday, like Adept Havelock, but the point is, we can't just yet.... and those "tantrum-ers" don't understand that.


Please, tell me if anything is still unclear so I can help to clarify.


Ghost Down, do you not agree with what I said?



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What the hell?


What do you want them to do.... get so close to the end of this massive project that they've persevered on for so long, and then just not finish, and release it a few weeks or a month or two in advance just so that way you, with your infinite wisdom, will be satisfied?




You are as wise as your avatar is witty.


By the way, I think Ghost Down was being sarcastic.

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Point of clarification (and please don't take this as flaming): Most users here that appear to be complaining about release dates or doubting the mod's development have NOT been waiting the full three years (so far) of this mod's development (including myself). Granted, it's not an excuse for disruptive or scathing posts/comments, but take everything with a pinch of salt at the very least. Everyone would like to see this completed first thing tomorrow morning (if not in the next hour!), regarless of how long they've been waiting.


Patience is a virtue, both ways.

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Point of clarification (and please don't take this as flaming): Most users here that appear to be complaining about release dates or doubting the mod's development have NOT been waiting the full three years (so far) of this mod's development (including myself). Granted, it's not an excuse for disruptive or scathing posts/comments, but take everything with a pinch of salt at the very least. Everyone would like to see this completed first thing tomorrow morning (if not in the next hour!), regarless of how long they've been waiting.


Patience is a virtue, both ways.


No offense taken. I understand what you're saying... however, if they haven't even been waiting the whole time, then they should have a lot more patience than those of us who have.


Anyway, thanks all.

Oh, and thanks Modest Mouse for the compliment.



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I'm still skeptical that we'll see TSLRP opened for download until early fall. I bet that some bugs will be found on the beta.

Probably, the mix of different OS/hardware combos from the Beta testers might show some more bugs unfortunately...I can still wait though, I'd rather have a good fix than a rubbish one, otherwise you might as well stick with TSL as it is :xp:

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I have been unable to get onto the team Gizka site since Friday. Every time I try, it tries for around 20 second and then just displays "page cannot be displayed"/ Is this meant to be the case, or have I done something wrong? I am unable to get on on both home computers, but I am sure that I have changed no settings, as I can enter every other site.


Anyway, keep up the good work Team Gizka!

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Why would your anti-virus software subscription interfere with the Team Gizka site?


I have no idea. I thought it is a really stupid suggestion myself, it was just spectulation. It was a moment of complete idosy.


Maybe you're just following the wrong link?


I think that after specifing "team gizka" in the advanced search in google and click the link which specifically mentions build "1.0b1", following all the links from the wookiepedia article on the Sith Lords restoration project and finally typing "http://www.team-gizka.org" in the IE7 address bar I would have noticed if I were following the wrong link. No offence intended.

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Honestly guys although the mod is quite polished, there are some bugs left to fix - I found one yesterday that stops the game, and there are a few little ones that aren't really too important, but are definately noticable.


I can say though that the mod is worth the wait, and you won't be disappointed. Just keep in mind that although it hasn't been publically released yet, we're all testing hard so that you all get the most polished product that TG can come out with - and they have done a superb job.

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Honestly guys although the mod is quite polished, there are some bugs left to fix - I found one yesterday that stops the game, and there are a few little ones that aren't really too important, but are definately noticable.


I can say though that the mod is worth the wait, and you won't be disappointed. Just keep in mind that although it hasn't been publically released yet, we're all testing hard so that you all get the most polished product that TG can come out with - and they have done a superb job.


Thanks for the update. I haven't complained about the time taken because I have known that no matter how long the project took, it was always going to be a great improvement on the original game (that and with Highers coming up, I haven't had time to complain!). :thmbup1:


Unfortunately, I still cannot access the team Gizka wesbite.

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For those who still doubt: a few days ago, I was one of the biggest sceptics, now I'm playing through the beta. so far, it looks good, I'm still at the start, but already I have seen some nice changes.

what!? :D


lemme get this straight - people who have been on this projects tail for YEARS and are dying for it to come out AND would kill to beta test this mod (i'm honestly not talking about myself with that last bit - not enough time to beta test anything atm) are sitting around twiddling their thumbs while someone like yourself who's been here ten minutes and done nothing but been abusive over the lack of progress of the project gets a run?


how the fug does that work then? :D


let's chill with the name-calling ~tk

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I'm going to put this out there. I want to play the mod. I would like somebody to share it with me. As far as I can tell, putting a request like this out there shouldn't be an issue as this isn't copyrighted material nor is there anything sensitive at stake here. If you'd like to help me by fulfilling said request or point me in the direction of some person or place that can, feel free to email me or PM me. I have my profile setup to allow emails from other users to reach my inbox.


P.S. Team Gizka rocks!

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