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I gave KOTOR 2 9/10!

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I am happy with game. I not angry with Incompletion, that some things had been cut, no matter like droid factory. I guess not enough room for any of CDs or any why cut off but I am happy with seeing

Ebon Hawk at light side ending moive flew away to safely, maybe find Revan!

Don't be angry with them. Prime is right, petitions never work so quiting complaining about it.


Also some bug problem. Can you give me list of bugs what you found?


Anyway, I hope to see KOTOR 3 in future, if not then, oh well.

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Argghh use spoiler tags when posting story info, it kinda ruins the game for people. And I disagree with your rating, KOTOR certainly did not desevre a 9 out of 10, maybe an 8. The fact that people can be sastisfied with a game that was rushed is very troubling. This is exactly the kind of behavior that publishers expect. And why we can expect this kind of thing to continue especially as the industry becomes bigger and attracts other investors.

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I liked the game in every respect, including the story. It was more like living a good book than playing a good game. The ending was distressing, but I didn't mind it so much (assuming it leads into a sequal).

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I do not intend to flame the board, but I do not think that is a simple matter of numbers... without bugs, it would have deserved a 10/10. But that is not what happened. I know that in business questions only money matters, but I also know that if I have to pay a full price, I expect to have a full (and finished) game. First of all... Kotor I used to freeze on loading: this problem is present also in Kotor II. Second point: some areas have been removed:

sublevel in Telos military base, droid's planet, some areas in Nar Shaddaa port that you see in the map, but in which is impossible to enter, Obsidian did not erased completely these areas, simply, left areas that you can't reach and door that cannot be opened. Quest do not disappear from the log when are complete, some quest as Citadel Station's fuel has been considered "completed" when in fact you know is not. Final part of the game is practically full of plot holes: when you arrive at Telos, Onderon's army, Dantooine's mercenaries and Mandalorians are in Citadel Station. In which way they're here, and BEFORE your arrival? And in Malachor V, why you are alone, why and when Bao-Dur died, and what no sense is Remote and Go-To scene? There is no explanation at all of what happened, and if there is, is absolutely not given in the game!

Some people said that some cuts happened also in Kotor I, but in the first chapter I never recognized when and where was made a single cut, because, I simply think, that was done in a real better way, and there are no plot holes at all. Yes, I know that petition are useless, I've signed it anyway, but, paraphrasing petition lines, the difference from what Kotor II is and Kotor II should have been, is the difference between a good game and an excellent game.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

^^^^I agree with you. Except for the bugs part.


Still, I also felt all of the cut content in KOTORII. The only thing that felt a little bit cut is the command centre in the Bek Base.


What was with the Bek base? I always felt there was more to do there.


Anyway, I also agree, more or less. I would rate the game 8/10. Lossing one point for being incomplete and one point for bugs. If the patch fixes most of the bugs, then 9/10.



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i would give the game a 10 if the content was put back in, but i would probablyl give it a 7.5-8 because i enjoyed it very much up until the ending. And i would probably give it a 10 if i wouldn't have known that LA had cut out so much ;)

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

It happened to me in KOTOR 1. Never in TSL.

Same here. K1 gave me far more problems than TSL has.


The incompletion, no big deal. Especially with that group of modders trying to piece everything together. If they weren't, still no big deal. Story still makes sence to me, anyway...

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Originally posted by FiEND_138

The incompletion, no big deal. Especially with that group of modders trying to piece everything together. If they weren't, still no big deal. Story still makes sence to me, anyway...


Thats exactly what I'm talking about why should it be up to the consumer to fix something that should have been done in the first place. Its like a paying a mechanic to work on your car and he ends up telling you he didnt have enough time to fix all the problems with your car so you should finish up cuz he's got better things to do.

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having an incompleted game is annoying andi would have waited an extra few months for a finished and well polished gamesurely they had game testers letting them know about the bugs before it was released


i payed full price for the game the moment it came out and i expected a full game


now with kotor 1 i didnt get any problems but that was mainly because i only heard about it around november/ocober 04 so i bought it and downloaded all the updates and then played it so i was lucky there


so i hope this patch comes out soon


i had a similar problem with max payne 2 i bought it on it relese date and it crashed when loading level 7 i think and i went to the home page and found it was conflicting with my win98 ( i now hve xp) but i was able to download a patch there and then to fix the problem


no such luck with tsl


hope we dont have the same problems with kotor 3 but we probably will


oh well lets hope they finish this patch soon


however i will still give tsl 8/10 and kotor 9/10 i dont believe in 10/10 scores as certain types of games arent for everybody so no game is going to be 100% perfect for everyone to enjoy although i think kotor came close so maybe it deserves a 9.7/10 lol


i found that in tsl there weren't enough feats and powers for the amount of level ups you could do

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