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Modified Humanoid Skeleton


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Don't know why the tail bones didn't line up?




The bones are lined up correctly. Probably bad tail bone wieghting. I didn't take much time to do them right as they aren't normally used, I just needed them wieghted for exporting purposes.


Anyways. This obviously supports 4 armed humanoids. And I plan on animating a new base set of anims (with two saber styles).


This won't be compatible with current models as they rely on 4 of the 6 bones I'm using.

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I only have so many bones I can work with in the humanoid skeleton (53). I took the obvious ones first. The second set of arms aren't really attached so they can techinically be anywhere. Thats actually a frame of animation just to test to make sure everythign is kosher with it. The second set of arms are actually in the same spot as the base arms in the root pose.


I've corrected the weighting since then and when I get back to work I'll post the results. :)

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Originally posted by keshire

I only have so many bones I can work with in the humanoid skeleton (53). I took the obvious ones first. The second set of arms aren't really attached so they can techinically be anywhere. Thats actually a frame of animation just to test to make sure everythign is kosher with it. The second set of arms are actually in the same spot as the base arms in the root pose.


I've corrected the weighting since then and when I get back to work I'll post the results. :)


Keshire, write me... cuz I got the Grievous model with four arms finished. My mail



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Some things may still need tweaking. But I'm definately happy with the progress. I'm especially happy that I won't need an external animation file. As this means I can use the base anims as well as the new ones with some much easier coding.

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Originally posted by keshire

Some things may still need tweaking. But I'm definately happy with the progress. I'm especially happy that I won't need an external animation file. As this means I can use the base anims as well as the new ones with some much easier coding.


This is great, just a few questions... Will someone be able to get fours sabers to work with this? Is that tough coding? Did you get the model, and does 3Dsmax work for you as a file type? Mars out

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Got it and am working on it.


I beleive I answered soem of this via email. :) But for eveyrone else.


From my understanding, Renegade (Movie Battles 2) will be taking care of it. From there it will filter out to Open Jedi Project and more than likely JA+.


It should be fairly easy. The model will be using the base gla but I'll be adding 4 arm specific anims to it. The model will be able to use the regular anims because of this, so it cuts down on my work immensely.

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I think 4 extra bones for a cape, would be sufficient (2 on each side, attached to the L&R clavical/humerus joints).


6 would look better, but it would take longer to do - it would be easy enough to animate 4, and maintain realism...


Plus a single bone, up by the head, for hair animations...


If someone did that, I'd be, well... ...overly indebted to them.


I may even pay them for their work - (I'm serious, I'm gonna need, humanoid bones with cape animations that bad)

- I'd be doing it now, if I wasn't so damn busy with my current project...


Hell, if I had the money, I'd be bribing people at Raven, to motion-capture everything for me...

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I debated it. But its more work than its worth to me.


I was thinking of using the facial bones since facial animation isn't used in multi to great extent.


Thing is. It'd screw existing models. And you'd have to redo EVERY anim. With this way. Its specific to four arms and four arm models.


Then again. If your going to redo every anim may as well add all the JO bones back in.

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Didn't have time to put together a gif of a test move I made.


Pic of Quad stance (Based off Dual stance).


edit: oops. Forgot to constrain the pelvis to my Biped. :) The torso isn't "supposed" to be missing. It's been corrected.

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Originally posted by Aragorn_Ranger

hey keshire did you ever release that form II animation? that was really cool, and do you know if any modding team would release it in a mod?


Yes, and not that I know of. Check pcgamemods for the gla.

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