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The Official Swamp Episode III Thread ! *Spoilers*


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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

I do have a nitpick though...... the whole GHOST nusiness !!!! Anakin's Ghost appears at teh end of ROTJ SE DVD... But at the end of ROTS, Yoda only mentions to obiwan that he has to start training to learn how to do this... How does anakin get to do this ?? I was expecting this to come up earlier in ROTS, with anakin and obi both listening in on it...


I think you got it wrong. Yoda has to teach obiwan how to "fellowship" with the ghost....not how to be one ("How does anakin get to do this ?? ")


If that's the case though, still...how did Luke see them at the end of the saga? Chosen one, perhaps, heh.





I think it was just a plot-filler that quickly explains how Obi-Wan completed his skills while being alone in the desert.

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Originally posted by toms

for a sith lord that had orchestrated all that, Palpatine turned out to be rather a doddery old wuss. I expected him to break out some leet skillz against Mace or Yoda, but they both pretty much kicked his ass.

... Perhaps you should have paid more attention. Palpatine was playing with Mace and Yoda. Had Anakin not shown up Palpatine would have easily taken Mace out, but what he wanted and knew would happen was Anakin would show up. And he knew Anakin would help him. Anakins turn relied on his killing of a Jedi. It's the ultimate test sith take.


With Yoda, he was merely toying with him.


Originally posted by toms

There were odd bits that didn't make much sense, or seemed contrived. The Qui Gon comment at the end for one.

There was a scene in which we heard Yoda and Qui-Gon talking. It had to be cut.


Originally posted by toms

The droids memories/ob1 not remembering them for another.

20 years go by, your memory usually isn't what it used to be. 20 years alone is mostly double the mental impact. So... yeah.


Originally posted by toms

And I thought that Ani swore alleigence to palpatine a bit too easilly, and then instantly went off killing kids... you would think he might at least have had a few second thoughts at the start.

The manipulation in the movie takes place over the course of several months, I guess Lucas assumed people would get that. Because you don't go from being pretty and thin to bulging belly overnight when pregnant. (Padme)



Originally posted by toms

The endings (vader and twin suns) were cool.




For those not capable of getting it from clues given out through the prequels. To retain your identity after "death", you must give into the living force. Qui-Gon always spoke of living by the will of the living force. That's the secret.

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Originally posted by IG-64

Sure sabre, put yourself in this position:

your husband killed younglings, went to the dark side, almost choked you to death, and is helping the dark lord of the sith put the galaxy as you know it into darkness; what friends you have left are all going into seclution, you just gave birth to twins that you'll never see grow up, and you're about to die.



Now, aren't you just all smiles? :)


LOL, alright. But it did seem a bit too rushed.


Awesome Movie, BTW.

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Originally posted by toms

Birth: It was a slightly odd birth scene. I know the whole point was that she didn't die from the birth, but from anakin's betrayal (therefore making him responsible for making his dreams true)... but she did kind of go out with a whimper... no contractions or anything... sigh.. pop.. "its a boy!"...

They said they must operate to save the babies.



Originally posted by toms

Palpy Cowering: I would have got the whole cowering thing, if he wasn't getting his face melted at the time.... :D

These sith lords are hardcore! Willing to get their face melted, or even have their head cut off just to convert anakin.

Anakin is his only option for a padawan to do what he needs to do. Take out the jedi, take out seperatist leaders. All so Palpatine could establish the empire.




Originally posted by toms

I was kind of disappointed not to have some scene of the last few jedi, making a final stand surrounded by armies of clones... as i've had that scene in my mind ever since the clone wars were mentioned in the OT.

PG-13 to R with that, sadly.

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Originally posted by abespam

Asajj Issue: i swear i read somewhere that she doesnt die when she duels with anakin, i mean in the cartoons she just falls into abyss which is usually a sign of.. ill be back.

She comes back in the Republic comic books, and captures Obi. He escapes with Alpha, but I don't know her fate, as I haven't read it all...

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

For those not capable of getting it from clues given out through the prequels. To retain your identity after "death", you must give into the living force. Qui-Gon always spoke of living by the will of the living force. That's the secret.

Sexy and handsome boy I'd like to sleep with.









Edited on encouragement from third-party members.

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Yes Asajj hasnt actually died in EU either yet, but her anger at the jedi has somehwat subsided perhaps... hopefully she may pop up in the CW CG animation series and Vader can finish her off :)


* * *


One thing, did anyone spot GL at the opera scene ? I cant say I did clearly. There was a man standing near the door, though his face was blue and I couldnt clearly make it out if it was him...


and has anyone seen the 1138, if there is one ??



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

One thing, did anyone spot GL at the opera scene ? I cant say I did clearly. There was a man standing near the door, though his face was blue and I couldnt clearly make it out if it was him...

Yeah, the dude with the blue face and the weird purple had was Lucas as the Baron.


Originally posted by Astrotoy7

and has anyone seen the 1138, if there is one ??

There are supposed to be some in there, but I couldn't find them. Then again I wasn't looking for them.
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Originally posted by Sabretooth

There's a question I have, BTW. What was that huge, liquidlike ball where all the crowd was cheering? A :deathstar prototype?


They did not portray this very well in the movie. Palpatine, and Anakin were at a Mon Calamari "Opera". For those who know the Mon Calamari, they are aquatic creatures (hense the large spheres of water) The attention was focused on the dialouge between Anakin and Palpatine, because it was a crucial element of the story. The only reason I even know this is, is because I read the book first, otherwise, I would not have known what that was all about either.

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Some people are saying Anakin's turn was too fast. Even though it took place over the course of months. And he was still conflicted after having taken on the name of Vader.


Yoda: Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice.

Luke: Vader... Is the dark side stronger?

Yoda: No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.


When he saw Mace pointing a lightsaber at the only person that had taken him in and listend to him, befriended him, he had to make a choice between saving that person and the jedi order. Anakin's character had been established in the last 2 films as someone that wants to protect those he cares for. He chooses to protect Palpatine, because Palpatine is a friend who is giving Anakin hope for saving Padme and because he's a friend.


I'm going to quote Ayatolla Krispies from MF on the issue of Anakins turn.


There's something very important that I think people are missing, because it comes from TPM and may not be immediately apparent. In Watto's shop, upon discovering his status, Padme asks "you're a slave?" Immediately indignant, Anakin replies "I'm a person and my name is Anakin." But he willingly enslaves himself to Palpatine -- and even gives up his name. As a Sith, he's given up his humanity. It was over right then and there.


There's a lot of truth to that.


When Padme died. Anakin was lost, Vader's only drive now was hunger for power and vengeance. The hate in him for obi-wan and the jedi that "made" him kill Padme (and from his knowledge, his child), he had to exact his vengeance.

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If you read the Terry Brooks Novel of TPM, you will know that Anakin was unstable with his emotions since the day he was born. Even he never knew his own destiny. The fall to the dark side made perfect sense. It gave him power, and he felt he would eventually be able to control anything and everything that ever hurt him.

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Exactly. And when he was sitting in the council chamber before going to the chancellors office. That time he was looking out and thinking of Padme, he was weighing the options. Thinking out every scenario, asking "What would I do for Padme, to save her and our child?". His answer was "anything." and we saw the tear.


His decision is one made with a conflicted heart. And once he made that decision that he must keep Palpatine alive, he had already started. After killing Mace there was no turning back.

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I knew what to expect from the movie and after seeing it last night ROTS delivered quite nicely. A rollercoaster of computer action, slashing and dashing, mediocre acting,...


I even remember a moment I was thinking "what a nice movie (graphics, sounds,...) but not really that appealing to me". Another epI/II? You have to know I was into Star Wars since I first saw A new hope.


But all of a sudden that changed when Anakin became Darth Vader by slaying Windu. I say that was for me the time when the movie really started. Perfectly portrait scenes of dying jedi, confrontations with real feelings,... Hell the dialogues and acting even started to get better.


So afterall I had a good feeling about seeing it. It´s definatly a hell of lot better as epI and II, so to call it a good klimax of the prequels.

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Originally posted by toms

The droids memories/ob1 not remembering them for another.


Obi-wan really had very little interaction with C-3PO OR R2-D2 if you think about it. He had more with R2-D2, but even then it was still very little.


Not to mention the fact that droids are more or less like appliances. Do you remember the toaster and microwave your friend got rid of 20 years ago?



I think it's great that R2 isn't getting his memory wiped, so he knows EVERYTHING during the OT, and so he knows just how important it all is, and how important luke and obi-wan are :D

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No, I'm just wondering why Anakin would try to do something as stupid as jump over Obi-Wan's head, why not to the side or something?


Originally posted by Darth Groovy

They did not portray this very well in the movie. Palpatine, and Anakin were at a Mon Calamari "Opera". For those who know the Mon Calamari, they are aquatic creatures (hense the large spheres of water) The attention was focused on the dialouge between Anakin and Palpatine, because it was a crucial element of the story. The only reason I even know this is, is because I read the book first, otherwise, I would not have known what that was all about either.


So THATS what everyone meant by the ball. I thought you guys were talking about the end, where they showed the big black orb death star.

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Originally posted by ZBomber

No, I'm just wondering why Anakin would try to do something as stupid as jump over Obi-Wan's head, why not to the side or something?


Because Anakin was confident in his new powers, he felt he could leap over obi-wan, and then HE would be at an advantage, fighting down on Obi-wan, driving him towards the lava.

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Originally posted by ZBomber

No, I'm just wondering why Anakin would try to do something as stupid as jump over Obi-Wan's head, why not to the side or something?

He'd still be vulnerable. Obi-Wan has the high ground, he has full vision of the area. No matter where Anakin went (unless retreat) Obi-Wan was capable of getting him.


But like ET said, Anakin was also confident in his new powers.

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

and has anyone seen the 1138, if there is one ??


Originally, they were going to show Palpatine issuing Order 66 to every Clone Commander shown in the Jedi Purge, and Commander Bacara (with Ki-Adi-Mundi) would be referred to by his number, 1138, rather than his name. But it was cut to just Cody and a couple other commanders.

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about the Syfo Dias issue...


I read that he was actually the first one before dooku to be confronted by sidious to become his apprentice and to order the armies of the republic... when he refused siduos cut off both his arms then split him down the middle and then force tornadoed him... when dooku became his apprentice he was the one that ordered the armies under the name of syfo dias but did not know they were for the republic... it was a whole plot by palpantine since day one.

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Originally posted by Nalukai

about the Syfo Dias issue...

It is explained in full in Labyrinth of Evil.


Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Yes Asajj hasnt actually died in EU either yet, but her anger at the jedi has somehwat subsided perhaps... hopefully she may pop up in the CW CG animation series and Vader can finish her off

Her fate is revealed in the Star Wars: Obsession #5.
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