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Thread/Post 1 : XBox Controls

Bon Solar

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I was just wondering what everyone thinks about using an xbox controller to play Kotor, do you think it suits the game or would you prefer to use the keyboard on a copmputer where there is a wider range of buttons.


I've never played the PC version but the xbox controller with


8 Buttons

2 Triggers

1 D-Pad

2 Joysticks


Seems good for me.

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well the joysticks are called analogs fisrt but yeah i agree the exbocks kontroler iz the best in terms of simplicity and results for simplicity however i believe that like in most cases th pc is far better if you get used to it and a far more powerful tool in terms of quickness and many other factors

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I like both. For the graphic quality and the flexibility I prefer the PC and for comfort, nothing beats the couch in the living room (xbox ) but for the controller, the hard part is the transition from PC to xbox and vice versa: once I get used to one, it takes me a little time to get used to the other one for the same game.

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well the joysticks are called analogs fisrt but yeah i agree the exbocks kontroler iz the best in terms of simplicity and results for simplicity however i believe that like in most cases th pc is far better if you get used to it and a far more powerful tool in terms of quickness and many other factors


They are called analog joysticks. Joysticks or Analog for short :S



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  • 8 months later...

hi again canderous here there is a few tricks with useing an xbox controler one is dont look at it thats the easy way to get killed in the game i surgest practice on some easy games frist like some shooting arcade games it may take alot of practice to not look at the contol at all but once you have it memorized it comes very fast combat gets faster but i surgest start out easy frist till you know the game then once familer with it i might surgest a game to get used to serious sam play a few rounds of that and get blowen up a few times the controls are simular in the two games and also a driveing game might help you out if you ever played the nintendo 64 or super nintendo the controls are very simular to that but insted of c and d buttons its white and black but it takes a lot of practice i can finish the game on xbox but cannot on pc guess too used to the x box contols

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