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Useless discussions???

Aiden Star

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No offence to anyone, but this entire forum seems useless to me.


This is a Lucas Forum.....


....has anyone officially said anything? Will there be a Kotor 3???


Its like discussing if "maybe" something will happen.


No offence but it seems silly....isnt this an official Lucas Arts Forum?


I hope I havent offended anyone as I too have contributed to the forum with ideas....it just feels like its going on deaf ears.

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well, most people tend to agree that given the popularity of the first two Kotor games, a third installment in the series is inevitable. your point is definately a good point, but this is a fan forum: we feel it neccessary to discuss all things related to Kotor, and that includes the possibility of Kotor III. ;)

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Well this forum has been up for only 8 days, I think its a little too soon to be expecting an announcement. What are you hoping for, that GL will sign on and say "Hey good ideas everyone we'll get on it right away!"


For the time being, all the speculation is fun and just maybe we will hear an announcment in about a year.

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ok while you do have a valid point, your too new to the forum to know that there was mention of kotor3 being in production before the release of kotor2 however the info we got on it wasnt direct and we are still waiting for an official confirmation, but most fans as has already been stated here see a third installment as inevitable

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Ive been really excited about KOTOR3 since i heard of it on the web i thing KOTOR1 was kindve bland and KOTOR2 kindve got to complicated for me so ireally hope KOTOR3 will be perfect for me.




If youu dont like my pet wookie i"ll order him to rip your arms off. :twogun:

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I personally see nothing wrong with this forum, but if you find it pointless, post in a different forum, no one is forcing you to post here.
I am not having a whinge, Its not like im offended by someones remark and am stating this is utterly appauling. What im stating and if you also read correctly before acting defensively, is that while I contributed to the forum with ideas and have enjoyed other peoples feedback, it also feels somewhat useless to speculate about anything - let alone call an entire forum Kotor III! I was most let down when I saw this forum up and wondered "wow official news is out" only to find out it was a forum about speculation. :)
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speculation you say, elementry my dear Aiden Star, as we have already stated in the thread before kotor 2 was even out for sale we received information that kotor 3 was already in the works so even though this forum isnt official news that the game is out what this forum is doing is help us to build up the hype and the expectations of the new game that we hope will be ready before xmas, but many of us fans wont mind at all if we have to wait longer because no one wants a rushed game especially after kotor 2

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What I said wasn't meant to be defensive, I should've found a way to word that differently.
Ok. :) Maybe I mis-interpreted your comment or maybe I wasnt clear.


I really hope that they DO make a Kotor 3. I really do......


....sadly im easily dissapointed and Id hate to come back to old threads in 2-3 years and wonder what could have been.



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I don't think there's a chance of that being the case.


IMO, the KOTOR series is too much of a money maker for there *not* to be a third installment. I think it's just a case of when it will be made rather than if it will be made.


and if you need anything to confirm this theory, just check out the jedi knight series of games


or for that matter how many of games have been made with the star wars logo on it

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Errrrr I didnt post that. *will smack little nephew next time I see him.*




You're what, the fourth or fifth person I've seen who has a relative that does that. :rolleyes:


I think there will be a KOTOR III. LA could do it to satisfy the fans (extremely unlikely) or for the most likely reason: They stand to make a VERY hefty profit. LA won't pass up an oppurtunity to make money, even if it means releasing a game before it's complete, the greedy little fools.

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I can straighten this out.


This isn't an Official Lucas Arts Forum. It's confusing because this is such a good forum we have a link on the official site. But nope not official. I can understand if you thought it was official you getting excited about seeing a Forum called KOTOR3. I would too.


Until announcements with details and specs all we have is speculation and hopes for KOTOR3. It's fun. :D

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I think there will be a KOTOR III. LA could do it to satisfy the fans (extremely unlikely) or for the most likely reason: They stand to make a VERY hefty profit. LA won't pass up an oppurtunity to make money, even if it means releasing a game before it's complete, the greedy little fools.


The thing that confuses me is that they could have realized both had they not rushed TSL. How many more sales would they have made if the reviews for TSL labelled it a masterpiece instead of garnering a reputation as a rushed release? How many more fans would be praising the game endlessly (free advertising and goodwill for Lucasarts) if they didn't rush the game and alienate a good portion of the fans?


I think part of the reason for the restructuring at Lucasarts is because of this whole rushed release fiasco. They won't admit it, but the top brass of Lucasarts probably realized that whoever was responsible for the rushed release screwed up big time and thus the reason for many layoffs and for a new guy taking over as the head of the Lucasarts brand. Because basically they sacrificed overall sales and goodwill for some early Christmas sales, which IMO, they would have recouped anyways over the long haul if the game was more complete, and they wouldn't have gotten the backlash they did.

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