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ok i am aware from the title most of you will groan and say not another what lightsaber will you use thread


this is not that kind of thread


my question is this in k1 you got your lightsabre on dantooine as part of your training, in k2 you spent the majority of the game building your lightsabre from scratch


in k3 how do you want your lightsabre


me personally i like the personalisation of building your own lightsabre but i really dont want it taking as long as it did in k2

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I want my lightsaber right from the start. No more lost your memory or banned from the order stuff. They were good in the first too games, but if they use something like that again, it will definately ruin it. Assuming we start as a new PC, I would want to start as a padawan in the reformed jedi order, so I would already have my lightsaber.

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I want my lightsaber right from the start. No more lost your memory or banned from the order stuff. They were good in the first too games, but if they use something like that again, it will definately ruin it. Assuming we start as a new PC, I would want to start as a padawan in the reformed jedi order, so I would already have my lightsaber.


That's technically not true. One of the things a Padawan is supposed to do as part of their training is to build their own lightsaber, so potentially you could be a padawan who hasn't reached that stage yet.

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That's technically not true. One of the things a Padawan is supposed to do as part of their training is to build their own lightsaber, so potentially you could be a padawan who hasn't reached that stage yet.

Well what I meant was a Padawan who was far enough along to have had a lightsaber already. If you were a Padawan who didn't even have a lightsaber yet, you obviously wouldn't be powerful enough to go out on all the missions they send you on.

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Definitely begin the game with a saber or get it really soon after. I want to be able to choose a hilt from a variety and not just end up with the stock chrome tube that the developers so fondly restrict you to (at least until someone takes the initiative to create a mod).

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I'd like to get one from the start as well... but maybe, just to add a little excitement, add a percentage chance of your saber getting destroyed (getting cut in half, etc.)


Then your PC must either find replacement parts, another saber throughout the game, or have another skill added to the game "Lightsaber Repair" (or just incorporate it in the current "Repair" skill)... Trick is, if your saber gets destroyed.. so does it's crystals and upgrades :eek:


Then it could explain the reason why my PC seems to have oodles of sabers by the end of the game ;) Would also give us a reason to start hording those extra crystals/components rather than pawning them off as if it were nothing :rolleyes:

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I'd like to get one from the start as well... but maybe, just to add a little excitement, add a percentage chance of your saber getting destroyed (getting cut in half, etc.)


Then your PC must either find replacement parts, another saber throughout the game, or have another skill added to the game "Lightsaber Repair" (or just incorporate it in the current "Repair" skill)... Trick is, if your saber gets destroyed.. so does it's crystals and upgrades :eek:


Then it could explain the reason why my PC seems to have oodles of sabers by the end of the game ;) Would also give us a reason to start hording those extra crystals/components rather than pawning them off as if it were nothing :rolleyes:


This is the best idea I have heard in a while! Add to it the chance that you don't set your crystal properly when you construct it and it doesn't work (or explodes in your hand at the workbench) and you'll have a winner!

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Then your PC must either find replacement parts, another saber throughout the game, or have another skill added to the game "Lightsaber Repair" (or just incorporate it in the current "Repair" skill)... Trick is, if your saber gets destroyed.. so does it's crystals and upgrades :eek:


If this would be implemented, I'd want them to add a skill for "Lightsaber Construction & Repair". The higher the skill, the better the bonuses your lightsaber can receive, the better chance your lightsaber can be salvaged if it breaks in a duel.


Think about it: you build this masterpiece of a lightsaber with the most rare crystal you ever find making it the most dangerous and damaging weapon ever. But then you break it in a lightsaber duel, or trying to break into a locked door. So now if you want any hope of salvaging that rare powerful crystal, you need a high "Lightsaber Construction & Repair" skill to repair it. Otherwise, bye bye 10-65 damage crystal.

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It would atleast make more skills handy to have. As it is now (although TSL did improve upon it), you don't miss out *too* much if your skills aren't very high. Especially considering how much people love making lightsabers and making them more powerful, this skill would be extremely handy.


In the D20 system, I even believe there is a craft skill that deals with lightsabers. I wonder why this was never implemented in either KOTOR game.

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well i do agree that having the lightsabre from the star would be great i somehow highly doubt it will happen


my reasoning behind this theory is the fact that many of us wanted a lightsabre from the start in k2 but it never happened, and i suspect that if k3 does happen and i believe it will they will try to come up with a new way in wich we dont get the lightsabre straight away, but with any luck they will learn fom k2's mistake and let us have it earlier, the big question is how ???? imho

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What Chainz said and:


Crystals should have compatibility and stuff so that you can't make "The Ultimate Lightsaber!!!11!!11" Lightsabers should consist of parts, so you can't just get a crystal and make a new one. You need a hilt, some crystals and a workbench. Lightsaber crystals should make physical changes as well, such as thickness of the blade, length of the blade and the colour should be dynamic. Add two blue crystals and one green and you get a light cyan. Add yellow, red and orange crystals and you get fiery effect. Add blue, orange and violet and you get... I'll let you decide. ;)


There should be more varied moves that invlove the Force such as katas and wall-walks, backflips and the like. Graphics whould match with the gameplay. If your enemy took a lethal critical hit, a head-slice or a chest-stab would look great. There should be more intensity in duels, with varied lightsabers, fighting styles and such.


As Obi-Wan has stated, the lighsaber is a Jedi's life, not a mere weapon. It would be better if the game put emphasis on this point.

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I agree, I would also like to have something like you could change the length or not, but the thing I don't agree with is the crystal mixing, I think that you should just stick to one crystal, it just makes it easier, and doesn't need to be to complex.

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First of all, physical changes to the blade are not what i want.

For example, i like a normal blue saber but i put a leet crystal in it and it turns a phat green.Get it? I dont like my blade in all different shapes and sizes, when i find a new crystal that i like and i put it in my saber i dont want it to change anything.


I want the saber to be something of honour, not something you can find on dead people. Something that is custom made for you.

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Believe it or not, I preferred the sense of adventure looking for parts for your lightsaber. It gave the game more depth in my opinion. If you started out with a lightsaber in k2 there would be no challenge. Thats what makes games fun :)


Which is also why I hate cheating because it takes away the difficulty of it all...;)

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Since, Atton, Handmaiden, Visra and the rest (depending on how the game ended for you) are the new Jedi Masters. Perhaps the game should be set ten or so years after the conculsion of KOTORII to give the Republic a rest from all the major blunders its been getting into. Mandolorian wars, Jedi Civil wars, The Exile going around tinkering with things, Pink shirt fridays.


This way the PC may already be well and truly into their Jedi training, and in the process of constructing a lightsabre.

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