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anyone studying from 8th to 10th grade or anyone else who knows about science projects, could you give me the project or a link to one(a good one).

im in the 8th grade and if you want to know what standard of projects i want, lets just say i can explain both nuclear fission and fusion, explain how nuclear energy is produced, and how to use E=MC2 and explain what it means(my science teacher says that im the best student in the whole of the 8th grade.)


please help soon, i need the project ready before 10 sept. i searched the internet on google and A9, no use. if anyone can give me any in the next 3 or 4 days id really appreciate it.If i dont get it done before 10, then :fire3::xp::fire2:

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I don't quite understand what you mean do you need a project to do with Fusion, physics in general or is it wide openin general science.


If it is the last one i have a great Micro-biology project, that is related to evoulutionary science. I did this when i was 17 (2 years ago) snd i'm british so i don't know what the 8th grade means hence i don't know if this is to mature for you (by this i mean your teacher may not want you doing micro-biology). If you are interested i'll go into more detail.

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anyone studying from 8th to 10th grade or anyone else who knows about science projects, could you give me the project or a link to one(a good one).


Sounds to me like you are willing to plagiarize! Take some advice from a teacher...we know when it happens! If you are the best student in all of the 8th grade, then use that brain to make your own science project. I got 1st place in the 8th grade science fair in 1984 for a project dealing with the idea that computers would take the job of teachers. Of course, about the most powerful home computer at the time was the Radio Shack TRS-80 (which was in my display). Just use a little ingenuity and you'll do fine.

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i'm british so i don't know what the 8th grade means hence i don't know if this is to mature for you (by this i mean your teacher may not want you doing micro-biology). If you are interested i'll go into more detail.


8th grade is what is used by americans to mean either the first year of high school or last year of middle school. The canadian equivalent is grade 8. I think that micro-biology is a little advanced for grade 8s, if his school system is ike mine.

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anyone studying from 8th to 10th grade or anyone else who knows about science projects, could you give me the project or a link to one(a good one).

im in the 8th grade and if you want to know what standard of projects i want, lets just say i can explain both nuclear fission and fusion, explain how nuclear energy is produced, and how to use E=MC2 and explain what it means(my science teacher says that im the best student in the whole of the 8th grade.)


please help soon, i need the project ready before 10 sept. i searched the internet on google and A9, no use. if anyone can give me any in the next 3 or 4 days id really appreciate it.If i dont get it done before 10, then :fire3::xp::fire2:


two words cold fusion

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Yes, I'm sure that an 8th grade science project on cold fusion is bound to succeed. Never mind that nobody can produce cold fusion, I'm sure a report about our inability to create it would be enthralling. :dozey:


He's in 8th grade, that means he's barely a teenager. Think of things that are reasonable for a teenager to do.

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but he already knows the differance between necular fusion and necular fisson why not a report on the most efficent form of energy


btw cold fusion only happens in nature and last less than a second but could power a whole city block for a week

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why not build a generator then or something in that area all my projects are a bit hard for an 8th grader to do man 8th grade was years ago


how about testing the acidity of different household products that shouldn't be to hard


oh and a bit of advice don't act all high and mighty because you know the difference between fusion and fision. and expecially not because you know what e=mc^2 means it just isn't fair



I knew those thing back in 5th or 6th grade so plz don't go being a cocky and stuff. I never did most people though I was stupid but I tend to prove them wrong


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Get 2 rats or mice, put them in seperate cages, and feed one nothing but human food and the other normal rodent food for a couple of weeks and note the differences between them as the days pass... in your project journal, or whatever.


Get a piece of poster board and glue some pictures of the rodents in question and a couple of graphs to it showing some pertinent information about the rats or mice and write a couple of pages on what you conclude about your expiriment, coupled with your journal. You are all set! ;)


8th grade science project done! :D


Too much work huh?


There is always the paper mache volcano! :xp:

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just tell them how to make a nuke. it'll go over well. :xp:


yeah, right, and the USAF and the RAF will label me "kid terrorist"



seriously, have you tried running a search on Google??


yup. i tried all the variations i could think of "8th grade science projects" actually google sux when it comes to things like this.


oh and a bit of advice don't act all high and mighty


I wasnt acting high and mighty, the last time i went to a book store to look for science project books, the guy asked me what standard of books i needed, took me 15 minutes to make him understand and to top it off he said he didnt have ANY science project books in stock!


two words cold fusion

dunno what that is(see, i dont know everything.)


how about testing the acidity of different household products that shouldn't be to hard

working model, bro


Sounds to me like you are willing to plagiarize! Take some advice from a teacher...

im on vacation, dind you see my sig before i changed it? i dunno where my teacher lives or his ph. no.


we know when it happens! If you are the best student in all of the 8th grade, then use that brain to make your own science project.


easy for you to say, youre in the US(or maybe Britain idunno)im settled in Bahrain.(yup i knew youd ask whats a 'bahrain')last time i wanted to make a project, i had to visit almost every shop in country rumored to be selling magnets. the magnets i needed were bar magnets at atleast 5cm in length and 2 in breadth. the biggist size i saw was this big:








Get 2 rats or mice, put them in seperate cages, and feed one nothing but human food and the other normal rodent food for a couple of weeks and note the differences between them as the days pass... in your project journal, or whatever.

:barf: i HATE biology

and anyway its suppoed to be a physics working model.

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What I meant was: Take some advice from a teacher (me! I'm a teacher) because we (as in me and my fellow teachers) know when a student has plagiarized a paper or other form of research. It is a kind of radar that we develop (and Google helps a lot too ;) ) Just do your own. Plagiarism is a crime!

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Hence the paper mache Volcano suggestion!


kinda kiddish


Euhh, physics.


Why exactly are you working on this project over summer vacation? Wouldn't it be better to do it during the school year?




i have a competition coming up and since i couldnt find any good projects or any material for good projects i thought id ask you guys instead. i kinda expected a link to a nice Bahraini-material-do-able project ya know?


What I meant was: Take some advice from a teacher (me! I'm a teacher)


yes sir, can you give me some advice sir? :D

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