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Stupid Sith ships!!!


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I'm at a part where I always get killed. I've just escaped Taris,

and now these stupid Sith warships are coming after me. Is

there a way to skip this part? I can't seem to use "warp" to

get to Dantooine. What's the correct cheat code so the Ebon

Hawk doesn't blow up? I'm sick of dying over and over on this part.




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Have you put some kind of mod on because i've never died against those ships i didn't think u could

On X-Box it's easy as spit. When I first did it on PC, it took some getting used to. So I died a couple times. It was an important lesson. I learned to save the game before departure.

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Is there a way to increase the fire-rate of the Ebon Hawk's Cannons?


If their is a way, then you wouldn't be able to tell in game unless the animations are edited as well. It's far easier to just make the Sith ships weaker, or the Ebon Hawk's guns stronger.


I'm at a part where I always get killed. I've just escaped Taris,

and now these stupid Sith warships are coming after me. Is

there a way to skip this part? I can't seem to use "warp" to

get to Dantooine. What's the correct cheat code so the Ebon

Hawk doesn't blow up? I'm sick of dying over and over on this part.





Their is a mod that removes the turret game, though I would never use it. You can find it at http://webpages.charter.net/ytl/KotOR.html[*]. You'll have to create a profile to access the mods. It's in Gameplay Based Mods and is called Turret Game Removal, and it's by Kitty Kitty.



* original, link to post reestablished instead of stolen mod link

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